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Posts posted by comeonucrazyguy

  1. If someone uses that stupid "special snowflake" line again.....

    We get it, you're jealous - just don't try and hide it behind a "funny comment".


    As for appearing on cartel market - will never happen. Because if it does, the amount of people who will simply unsub during the "no new content" stages of the game will make quite a dent in things. By offering exclusive items they keep some people on a sub who would otherwise not bother.

    The "staying subbed for the HK mission at the end of the current story" really doesn't count. I don't know one person who ever wanted the ability to "play as HK" and I think the percentage of people who are truly excited about it is pretty minimal.

    The monthly awards at the moment have thus far been pretty "meh" but have been exclusive. They too won't be appearing for sale.


    If people would unsub because they place a very uninspired companion on the CM than those people were going to unsub anyways. I find it laughable that people are so uptight about Nico smh

  2. How can people even remotely justify this game is or is near "maintenance mode" when they are still adding new content, subs are up, and the Star Wars brand is revitalized? Just because they may not be adding the content YOU want doesn't mean the game is near dying. Personally, I think indications are strong this game is going to be around for a long time.
  3. Thirded. 2million+ creds from sales gone


    Edit: Completely restarted and the mail now appeared in the mailbox. It was still unread, however no unread notification appeared in top bar. Got my creds which is good, mail system seems a bit wonky.

  4. Hi there MadCast! I enjoyed reading up on your guild and checking out your site!


    I'm a returning player (been back about a week) looking for a cool group of dudes and dudettes to game with. I enjoy all aspects of the game, and once my gear is in a good place I'd definitely love to do some raiding (so far I only have my Marauder up to 65 and equipped with all the basic PVP/PVE gear, but more will be there soon!).


    That being said, my primary focus is PVP. How active is your group on the PVP front? Are there specific nights during the week that you generally group for PVP, or is there usually a group going each night? I'm not so concerned with ranked vs unranked; I'm happy in either arena.


    Thanks in advance for answering my questions!

  5. Hi all,


    After a long hiatus I am back and ready to game! I have been back about a week getting acclimated (LOTS of inventory to manage!), leveling my main (Marauder) to 65 and getting all his basic PVP and PVE gear. I also have a 55 PT tank and DPS assassin, and several more that are within striking distance of 65.


    I'm looking for a group with a lot of members on during the evenings central time who places a heavy emphasis on PVP. Ranked, unranked, doesn't matter much to me as long as it's a good group that communicates and works together. I would enjoy participating in raids and other guild events as well, but a solid PVP group is a must for me.


    You can hit me up in-game (Ki'Korro) or reply here and I'll find you.


    Thanks in advance!

  6. Greetings Imps,


    Constant Rage is currently recruiting new members of all levels and classes.


    We are a seasoned group or mature players who get along well with our guildmates and others. We have toons at all levels so it's easy to find a group for PVP and FP's.


    We have weekly ops runs for both SM and HM Ops, and are constantly running 50/55 HM FP's to gear up our recruits.


    We also have a strong and growing PVP presence, with several of the best PVPers on the server.


    Check us out http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=466879&TabID=4028864


    If you want more information go ahead and message me on swtor.com or contact Contemno or Ki'Korro in game.


    Rage on!

  7. Things I didn't know that I learned from this thread:

    1) I am bad, as I constantly forget to "summon my pocket healer" when I queue up. At what level did I get this skill, because I sure forgot to train it. :rolleyes:


    2) I have way too many hotkeys. It seems all I need is Force charge, Force Crush, and Smash. I will log in and promptly delete the rest! Obviously I missed the patch notes that eliminated the cd's on those three.

    And because I obviously don't need Ravage, Force Choke, Vicious Throw, Disruption, Intimidating Roar, Force Scream, Cloak of Pain, Saber Ward, Assault, Vicious Slash, Retaliation, Frenzy, Berserk, Dual Saber Throw, Deadly Throw, Obfuscate, Undying Rage, Crippling Slash, or Obliterate. (Or any others I am sure I forgot.) Those other 20 skills there are just a waste of space, of course! I mean, any self-respecting mara wouldn't be caught dead using all the rest of those, right? RIGHT?


    3) All those sorcs and snipers (etc) that kill me, must be doing so by tickling me to death with feathers. Nerf feathers I say. :p


    4) Rage is still a 1-trick pony, but bads have a really hard time figuring out that trick it seems. I should go back to pvp-ing on my mara I guess.


    I considered turning off the sarcasm, but I think I'll still need it. :D


    OMG! We have more than 3 abilities? I had no idea!


    ...I love this debate.

  8. personal preference dude. I make fairly decent cash flow off of selling 28 purple armor mods. biochem is nice in that you'll always have stims/medpacks on the cheap.


    You can always use extra coms to outfit your companions.

  9. Clearly you dont play with the sentinals/guardians or the like that I do, usually hitting 1 million every game, ive even see a couple hitting 13k crits.


    Im deeply sorry you feel its fine, but it's not.


    Am i the only person complaining about it? slam, smash whatever the hell its called.


    Pfft, you're complaining about a 10.5k crit? I can do way worse than that!

  10. Lowbie pvp is more fun because you dont face premades.

    When u reach lv 55 the fun goes away, why ?


    - Premades in normal warzones (i cant understant this, seriously)

    - Big differences about gear, what makes pvp very unbalanced for those fresh lv 55..:o


    I see a lot of ppl complaining about that everyday and never seen feedback from BW about this until today.


    Do you understand what bolster is for? It's so that big difference in gear really isn't that big. With the exception of one remaining bug, working as intended.


    And in regards to premades...a single premade is at most 4 of the 8 people on the opposite team. In your eyes should people not be allowed to queue with their friends/guildmates? Because, shocking I know, the social aspect is the reason a lot of people play MMO's over SimCity or some other garbage. Premades are not going to go away, find a guild or group of players to queue with and enjoy.

  11. Problem with 55 pvp is TTK is at two extremes. If you lack healers/tanks then everyone just blows up instantly, but if do have healers/tanks, no one dies. There is no balance in the TTK.


    And if BW 'balanced' this out by forcing groups to have even just 1 tank/healer combo people would be on here complaining about how long the queue times are. There's no good answer, it is what it is.

  12. I love rage murders, because they soak all the damage and CCs. They grab most of the enemies attention giving my sorc healer and my dps pyro tech enough space to heal or dps. They are not great finishers and are easily countered, but the distort the enemy and do not allow enemies to pile up in one spot for massive aoe heals. They soften couple of targets at once. Quite frankly, since the slight nerf in 2.0 they are exactly were they need to be.


    Also if smash got nerfed severely, TTK in well competitive games will raise significantly, making zergs semi endless.


    My pyro tech has retired from PvP since the expansion to avoid embarrassment :eek:


    Exactly! They are the distraction to allow the rest of the team to set up and kill.

  13. I see lots of hate, I enjoy the endless battles that exist between the OP proponents and those (like me) who disagree. For no other reason than to provide a different and somewhat less emotional take on things (before the whining begins), here is why I personally stick with rage.


    I know everyone's always looking for the 'best' spec but, as evidenced by every thread in existence on the topic, 'best' is entirely subjective. I played anni from launch up until about 3 months ago, loved it. Switched to Carnage for the next two months, loved it. Have been playing rage for the last 4-6 weeks, LOVE it. Obviously my gear has changed a lot since then, but in general this is what I've found (I'm sure there are others who have different experiences):


    Anni-Greatly increased survivability, heals are ok, lacked a strong finishing move and I felt I relied too much on hoping DOTs would finish off kills. Still great for PVE, use it often, but for PVP I never felt as strong as I thought I should be.


    Carnage-Excellent single target finisher, great for taking down healers. Increased Pred FTW. Good crits, overall good power, but I always felt that the offset between decreased survivability and increased damage was a push or close to it.


    Rage-My favorite to date for this reason alone: a good rage spec'd mara is FEARED. You will be marked, you will be cussed at, your 'skill' is questioned, your manhood is insulted...because everyone hates playing AGAINST you (funny how the haters seem to vanish when you're on their team). You can jump into a group of squishies and take out a third of each of their healths in a single blow, which is nice (and satisfying). However, more important than the damage is the result that follows: The group scatters, forcing them to heal themselves, while the rest of your team does their thing (hopefully finishing off the squishies). As a Rage marauder you are the disruptor, the epitome of a double bladed thorn in the side, the distraction that brings tanks running back to protect their healers. This to me is the essence of what the marauder is meant to be, why I will continue playing and enjoying my spec despite all the hate, and why I truly hope they do not change this spec in such a way that it loses it's effectiveness.


    I know a lot of people get anal about the DPS numbers (my top DPS output as a Marauder is roughly 900k, I've seen sorcs do 50% more than that with no one complaining), and I know there are lots of people who do care about what their numbers are. However, while I may more often than not top the charts, my goal is not to have the highest numbers but to be the biggest pain in the other team's ***** to allow YOU to do your thing as well as to do what I can to lead the team to victory. Maybe I'm in the minority, but my goal is always to do what I think is best to help the team win. That should be yours as well.


    Rage on.

  14. generally when im top damage, its because im the ONLY person focusing the healers, and they never die cuz everyone else is just attacking the people getting healed


    Happens to me constantly as well. Before people complain about high dps/low kills maybe they should investigate why this is. I am regularly the only or one of two players attacking the healers which gives everyone else more ability to kill other things (even if they should be focusing on healers as well)

  15. I would sooner cut off my dog's tail, ship it to Canada, have it embalmed in Canadian paper, soak it in orange juice and eat it.


    Okay, that was a little too far. But in short: no. This would make PVE way to easy. It would be like making you level50 at the start of your class story.


    I don't, in anyway, agree with the poster's assessment that PVE needs bolster...but is this not EXACTLY what bolster did in PVP? Make it easy for people who don't PVP to compete? Seems like there's a bit of hypocrisy floating around here as it was primarily the hard core PVEers complaining about PVP...

  16. I should add that this should have been sorted on the PTS, but no they let the broken system hit live. PTS is for bug sorting in a feedback system, and not the live servers. BW have screwed up big time on this. They should remove the bolster system altogether and give away free recruit gear like before which should be on par with WH gear then we can see a clear progression in pvp.


    PTS was to make sure the game did not cause PC's to explode or any other 'serious' issues. They couldn't have cared less about things like 'balance' or 'play ability'. As long as the game 'worked' they were happy.

  17. Don't fix it, get rid of it.


    But no! If we did that than all those poor poor people will have to go through the gear progression and that's just not fair! I should be able to roll in all greens and beat you because I am the master of my class! I don't need no stinking armor, give me a saber and a loin cloth and I should be able to own the most experienced well geared player, because I want to. Bolster FTW!

  18. I struggle with these posts. I just picked up the game again two and a half months ago, and within that time (and I am NOT a hardcore, online all the time player) I had half my elite war hero gear and was extremely competitive. Did I get stomped initially? Sometimes. But I ground it out and was up there with the best of them.


    All I can deduce from the OP is 'I'm lazy, want everything handed to me, and think this game is just too hard :(". Go play Mario Bros dude.

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