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Posts posted by WutsInAName

  1. None, well may WZ if you want to level up exclusively there.


    PVE one is useless since you already easily out level content / story, skipping most bonus junk. If you were just doing story and skipping rest your probably leveling via WZ.


    Space Combat, hah - People would actually do more than i dunno .. five. space mission ? Really?


    To the fellow above? How the heck do you level in FP? You made a new toon lately? even with GF those lower level FP hardly if ever get run (and i mean on populated server). No you could get 10 times the XP from mindless killing on any random planet in the same time it would take to form and do a FP. If you cannot see this you are blind or ignorant or both.

  2. And I will pass them onto someone who can hopefully actually get something happening to make it useful.




    Since re-activating for 1.3 (should be said I un suspended my game time remaining from Feb).


    My Gripe, I am in a mix of Columi and Rakata gear. meaning if I want to use adaptive or custom gear I take a big hit by losing set bonuses (For tank its a HUGE loss of 5% shield chance). Further I am unable to add augments to my gear (I could waste the money and time but for what? to replace when I finally get into Campaign mods and can mod/augment social/custom gear)


    So I am currently communicating with a "specialist customer support team designed to deal with these issue and as such have the tools to pass feedback on directly to development" bypassing the need to use suggestion forums as they are 100% useless and completely ignored.


    My suggestion that I will be pushing for is a vendor added that allows to trade set pieces for the exact same mod, enhancement and armor mod(w/ set bonus), very simple really.


    Give me your suggestions to this issue and I will ensure and fight for the best one to be added in game so everyone who is NOT in top tier gear can actually enjoy the content that was added for 1.3.

  3. Better start saving your credits too, as you just know BW will make getting AND using him one big arsed credit sink.


    Srsly, I would not be surprised if he shoots coin instead of blaster bolt. Would fit in with the rest of the 'added bonuses'.

  4. Well you found one. I love the crafting legacy perks and I will buy all levels of them on my characters once I get each of the 8 to 50.


    What do you do when you catch up to the rest of us and realize crafting is for the most part useless, uninspired, and plain ol just not worth the time.


    Just grab slicing and biochem, no need for any other.


    Augments are hot right now, but demand is crashing fast along with prices.

  5. I like them, your post is now invalid.


    Please post what specifically it is about them that you like?


    Also how do you feel about Adaptive gear? Using it? Liking it? Thought so.


    Ya i know your just being felicitous.



    NO ONE likes em, they are lame, per character and only meant as a credit sink,

  6. The reason your so satisfied with 1.3 if you have not tried any of 1.3 (save the group finder and yes shoulda been in at launch especially in its simplistic state)


    Wait until you try to use adaptive gear which is what they made big about 1.3.


    Good luck, b/c Adaptive gear is useless and a waste of time unless your in Black Hole or Campaign(/war hero) gear. The absolute best you have do for around 250 credits is re-mod a chest peice and aug it while keeping the set bonus from other 4 peices(head, gloves, legs, feet) and use the 'Unify Color' option.... this still leave you looking like a clown.


    Until your in the highest tier gear you would be gimping yourself(and losing set bonus) to put it on and spend millions re modding and augmenting it.


    1.3 over all was another massive fail. GF was only thing worthwhile and that could have been added on its own.


    The Legacy perks, everyone HATES! I have yet to see one person who likes them

  7. I LOVE joining pugs and listening o the story to, people usually whine but **** when i tell em they welcome to drop and find another tank.


    I queue instantly you, you do not. Therefore you can do what I say or hit the road.


    My queue, my rules. dont like em dont let door hit you on way out.


    Dont like that attitude, too bad. Until you roll a tank you have no opinion.

  8. Looking to do up a tank set to run some PVE.


    Wondering if buying up what I can in Columi and Tion and ripping out the mods to put into a set I have in bank is worthwhile....


    Or should I just say screw it and look like a clown and save the credits it would cost me? Is a 'adaptive gear' tank frowned upon unless they have a set bonus?

  9. Agreed. As a pvp player who casually does the pve content I think the tool is awesome for doing some of the raids I would have otherwise skipped.


    As a returning player, (who did more to ensure the game had LFG than most) this is my experience.


    Log into Krath, server dead.


    Log out, Xfer to Harbinger, Change name(ugh)


    Set Nostromo up, checked keybindings still mapped.


    Queued as Tank (Literally less than 5 mins after logging in first time in 4 months) and insta queue to HM FE.


    One shot the boss the instance.


    Then say to group 'Wanna hear a scret, just reactivated like 5 mins before queueing, didnt even know where my taunts were and forgot to put up guard the whole instance" .


    This was after someone commented, great job tank.


    I woulda loved to see looks on thier faces.



    2nd go,


    Log in as 50 PT Pyro, queue as DPS. Grouped inside of 5 mins. NM KUS. Tank face planted twice, stepped up by switching into Ion cell and Offtanking to finish both kills (one of em being the giant boss you kite to exploding canisters)



    All in all, pretty damn quick from when I left. An instance with each toon was unheard of on Krath in february

  10. but combined with the 10k in 1 hit,.



    You were NOT hit by 10k in one hit. SS or never happened.


    Most people do not have the aptitude to realize they are taking dmg from multiple sources. Next time check your log before spewing lies


    This is a case of L2P.

  11. Recently re-activated. When I quit I was doing HM FP Main tanking with the following skill setup:


    Macro 1(priority macro):

    Dark Ward(no GCD, 15? sec CD), Shock, Thrash


    Macro 2(Priority macro):

    Wither, Discharge, Lacerate


    For cooldowns I used:

    Deflect, Force Shroud, Rakata Absorb Adrenal, Rakata Medpack, Overcharge Saber,(and I think Im forgetting one),


    Basically My Rotation was: 1(Dark Ward + Shock), 2(Wither), 2(Discharge), 1(Shock), Force Lightning. Rinse and repeat & toss in Lacerate for 3+ mobs.


    Filler skills included: Spike, Force Lightning, Elecrocute and maybe a taunt.



    So that is where I WAS, now the question is where am I going...



    Any Advise to the above rotation / skill set up?

  12. i have been playing since early release and i have 6 50s, ive never sat around goin *** do I do at 50...


    Nice to see the FDF (Fanboi Defence Force) still has a presence. Also you obviously did stand around going 'what do I do now, or you would not have those 6, 50's, simple. 2 maybe 3.


    You might just be surprised how much those of us that did stand up and say 'heck no' made a difference, every specific thing/reason that drove most of us away was in fact what they made priority (except the legacy stuff, that was all Ohlen's doing I believe).


    And yes we did spare you the flame posts at that time and instead sat down and started writing letters and kept sending and sending them straight to the business units them selves, for the explicit reason that we had numbers and received no community involvement or support at the time from within the SWTOR team. (Was there not also a recent change in community management as well, coincidence. I think not).


    I would say my passion for SW & SWTOR far exceeds your own sir, we simply followed the only path we could see that would lead to improvement and here we are 4 months later.


    Did we succeed? Maybe


    Will SWTOR be better off? Heck yea, just look around.


    I am not a special snowflake, but it turns out enough snowflakes can make an avalanche.

  13. here i am...



    played mmo's without a LFG tool. I used to be typing stuff in chat i like to do , form groups the way i wanted them to be,...

    LFG tool is just a quickmatch option for lazy people! ofcourse it can be fun & good , no doubt ! but what is the problem with advertising the stuff on global chat???? too tired of typing? too tired of being social ???

    To me, its an option we can use if we are in the mood for it! but 80% of the time i will be spamming chat with what i want to group for ! If i use LFG tool, i will be doing dalies and set my LFG to a specific FP i like to be doing and i can wait... oh...boy...i can wait... !!! Why not?? im doing dailies and suddenly i see the join now button to do what i have selected !! Do i stare at the LFG tool and wait for people to join in for it? ofcourse not !! I keep on playing and when it pops up im "lucky" to join that group!

    It doesnt matter to me at all tbh ... .


    you whiners are just whiners who want instant gratification! I want BM gear!!!! I dont like the feeling im losing the first month in pvp due to low gear & skill ! I want to compete with the best of the best from day 1 !!! If i dont have time to acquire gear, then give me a fast way of getting it!! The list goes on with the current people that are playing MMORPG's tbh... The want it now ! I saved a lot for my BM gear in pvp ! I got sucked dry the first month in defeats ... but guess what, i found it SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO rewarding the minute i felt my skills & character were growing and i could kill other people! This genre really has no problem, its the people that have a problem, not the other way around !



    P.S dont start with : I got only 1 day to play per week and am not able to perform as good as the rest ... plz ... . If you work only 1 day per week you will also have less money then a person that works 5 days a week isnt it? or should they change this aswell then ??? 1 day work equals (=) 5 days work ??? Dont think so ! And dont start with : this is a game , its supposed to be fun... . It is fun , if you play a lot , you will have faster access to what you want then a person that plays 1 day a week, thats just how the world goes... in real life, and ingame !!!!


    no guildwars 2 or 3 or even 4 or WOW 5.1 will give you the fun you like, its YOUR behaviour that needs to be changed, not the games or its gameplay ! you will just get frustrated in the end, no matter what!


    End of story.


    Well sorry to say but unfortunately I did ask for it specifically.



    Apparently I was able to communicate more eloquently than you.


    I suggest Less rage and exclamation points next time.

  14. What? How?


    You ask nicely and state your case.




    Dear XXXX,


    Many thanks for your email concerning your account.


    I do apologize for any inconvenience or confusion this matter may have caused. I will do my very best to explain the actions that will have to be taken in order to "freeze" your active game time.


    Unfortunately we will be unable to "freeze" your game time, this time will continue to run out until it reaches zero. We will be able however to add game time to your account when you decide to return to the game.


    I have noted that 45 days are to be credited to your account when you decide to play once more.


    This action unfortunately does have a down side, I have had to lock your account reducing your access to SWTOR. In order to open your account once more, please call the phone number below and an agent will be happy to assist.


    Please call our Customer Service team toll-free on:


    1855 GO SWTOR (1855 467 9867) from the USA


    or 008000 BIOWARE (00800 0246 9273) from the United Kingdom, France or Germany.


    If you’re calling from a country other than the USA, UK, France or Germany, you may call us on 0044 203 564 2555, but please be advised that international call rates may apply.


    This phone call will allow you to open your account and also enable you to request your game time days to be returned.


    Please do not hesitate to contact us again if there is anything further we can help you with.


    Galactic Support is our specialty...





    Star Wars: The Old Republic Customer Service.




  15. Good to see someone letting the fanboys know that their 15 bucks per month really isn't the significant catalyst that has been leading to this game's improvement! :p


    Sadly in many businesses they do not make changes until they see it effecting the bottom line.


    If you like these new features, you should be grateful to those of us who stood fast in our beliefs of what was lacking and spoke with our wallets.



    or in other words...


    Arn't you thankful?

  16. So Back in February I intentionally locked my account in order to keep the time I had paid for since I was unable to use it due to 1) poor population balance 2) Lack of Target of target and 3) Lack of a half decent LFG option.


    I also literally encouraged hundreds of others to do the same, as well as communicated with both BW and EA business units the flawed reasoning of not having all of the above prepared and ready at launch. You can be sure, this will never be over looked again.


    As these have now all been addressed (it only took 4 months) I have re-activated my account to give it another go, as well as letting others know to do the same.


    I do hope this process was an eye opener at BW, and that leaning on the whole 'its new' excuse just does not cut the mustard.


    TL;DR Beware Galaxy, I AM (Strikes) BACK!

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