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Posts posted by Langleybaby

  1. Yes! We altaholics definitely need more character slots! Either that, or we need to be able to change our character's races after the Legacy patch launches. The reason for this is that if Legacy was included in the game launch, altaholics like myself would have been able to take advantage of the benefits like unlocking new races. Because Legacy was not included in the launch, people with multiple characters must create more characters in order to take advantage of the newly unlocked races. Changing races after the fact would fix all this because it would allow us to have access to the races we unlocked after the fact, although people who like leveling alts don't normally shy away from rolling another character.


    In addition, one of the best aspects of this game is the ability to play through the same class and have a completely different story if you change the decisions you make. It only makes sense that being able to explore all those different options and explore the amazing storylines would require at most 16 slots. I think anywhere from 10-12 would be acceptable for me.


    Nonetheless, I want more character slots when Legacy launches.

  2. This might seem silly, but have you checked to make sure all of your companion's abilities are turned on? For some reason, when a companion starts to gain abilities through leveling, the new abilities remain turned off (its stupid I know). I'd go through and make sure there are green boxes on all of the companion abilities that you want him to cycle through to ensure that he uses them. No green box normally means its not enabled. Oh! and make sure he has a mode enabled too. Sometimes that's not on either.


    If you've done all of this, I'm sorry to appear condescending. I know I missed it for a few companions till I went through and made everything green.

  3. So when I played a BH, I flirted and slept with an Alderaan noble and got the title of Baroness, which was pretty frickin sweet. Is there anything cool like that available for the Smuggler? I understand that the BH's counterpart is a Trooper, but the BH story style seems to be more similar to the Smuggler storyline i.e. sleeping with Alderaanian nobility.


    Also, does sleeping with random people piss off Corso Riggs?


    Thanks in advance!

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