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Posts posted by IGLATUUN

  1. apologize in advance if this is a reiterated question, as I have only read about half of the 36 pages in this thread.


    has it been confirmed that ALL GEAR PIECES are available via Corellia dailies? or is it like belsavis/ilum dailie comms here only implants/ear pieces are available (or some other variation of a few pieces)?


    next point: my understanding is you can get, what, 6 Corellia comms if you complete every daily, each week? How much does each tier 2 piece cost? What its going to take, a month of daily dailies? 6 monoths? to gear up?


    I just levelled an alt to 50 in 2 weeks, and one week later I am almost full columi. give me another two weeks ill be more than half rakata. Our guild is doing HM ops. my point being that even if tis been confirmed all dailies can be had in corellia (weapons too!?) then it would take more time to get geared in corellia than it would to level a character to 50, participate in a couple ops per week, to get fully geared.

  2. If it is crafted, and I can get an imp to craft and put it on GTN for me, would I be able to use this as a pub?


    I have yet to see any gear have imp/pub requirements; only dark/like. Again, this is all assuming its BoE not BoP.


    That, too, may change with BoE/BoP changing significantly for crafters, come 1.2.

  3. great idea and comments....


    One idea that I would love to see is like a futuristic gladiator ring, where driods replicate past boss fights.


    I.e. as a jedi knight I could enter the ring and choose a selection of the epic battles that Ive beaten (unlocked) thorough my progression. I would love to fight my class 'last boss' over and over!


    In addition, I would love the ability to 1v1 in this gladiator ring.

  4. 90 % of the problem lies in how poorly itemized this game is. there is no rare items it is only set gear . there is zero discovery and is entirely what one would call welfare epics. there is no indivuality the end of the line is rakata . the only reason to do 16 mans is more aquistion which is negated by bringing more people. currently the endgame needs more flexibility and items that drop on rare occasion which are better then set pieces.


    You probably all have heard by now, but this is coming out (rare and one of a kind and limited time items) in the next 90 days. Hoping they integrate this into ops.

  5. in fairness, expecting depth and arc at this point after launch is just a teensy bit unrealistic.


    sure, your allowed to cry that it's not here. That doesn't make it any more unexpected for a game a month into it's life cycle.



    You and i might understand that a game really starts at end game, that we'll all spend FAR MORE TIME at max level, than we do grinding up to being able to raid.


    But reviewers don't get that. stockholders sure as hell don't, even half the gaming sites don't.

    The focus is, and has to be, keeping that opening window open as long as possible, getting as many people in and attached and grinding toons, to establish a solidly profitable, secure base, before even considering major end game expansions for a mature (max level) playerbase.


    To have already gotten as much as we have is pretty damned encouraging in my opinion. You could always come back in a year when the games a little more mature.


    All that aside, wiping to bugged encounters really is f****** unacceptable, and completely destroys morale, and enjoyment of the game. The Raids we have are broken. Fix them FFS.




    ^^ THIS


    Thanks for the positivity. I tend to agree.


    A few other points that I would like to bring up (I played WoW from Vanilla...)


    1) Yes game development should learn from other companies mistakes. To make the assumption, however, that programmers improve over time is assanine. That would be similar to saying that programmers intelligence is collective, that an improvement at one company means a knowledge improvement at all companies. Just because Blizzard has significant experience at bug fixes, etc, now, after what, 6 years? I guarnatee too, that the TOR teams will be significantly more fluid with fixes in 12 months, not to mention 6 years.


    2) Point about about paying player base is right on. IMHO, now that BW has a significant player base (I dont know their corporate targets for subs, however) it would make sense to turn their focus on end game. Eventually more casual people will hit 50 and then that will be the paying player base. What is the ratio, do you think, of subs clearing ops versus subs grinding to 50? Think about it... while you might think so, you dont want BW to focus solely on end game. That would equal diminishing the significant majority of player base under 50, which would ultimately hurt the entire game/community. Less $$ = Less development.


    3) March sounds like a lot of improvement are coming. Let them get there before you QQ more.


    4) A huge point that many in the community lack to understand is player progression. How many toons have you levelled to max in WoW and various other games? Have you honestly not noticed that you improve at the efficiency of getting to max level (time wise)? To say that WoW had a steeper learning curve was correct but in an incorrect sense. We all went through that learning curve with the first toon in WoW, but since this game has a similar framework, that learning curve applies here. BW couldnt have assumed it would take 6 months to get people into ops...why would they have new flashpoints (Kaon) if they did? They know full well how quickly people will level. If SWTOR was released pre-WoW, I predict that the time it took people to level to 50 would have been nearly double, as we wouldnt have been educated to the extent that we are now. This wont be solved until developers go to different options of levelling. Ie. no levels, skill based, etc. SWG!




    Anyways /rantover

  6. While I am not 100% on this, I seem to remember something significantly similar when WoW introduced area control points on pvp servers?


    I know servers varied less than TOR, but on my server horde was vastly outnumbered by alliance. Things settled down after 72 hours and it because boring.

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