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Posts posted by Xaeberain

  1. I quit game, is not perfect, expected it to be different from all other MMO's since they all sucked for the 1st month, I wanted this game perfect from launch. You dont know me but I post here so I can check it every 5 mins to see how much attention i have gotten, becaue even tho I dont know you I want you to pay attention to me and I want you to not like game becaus I no like game.


    Sarcasm works better if you're coherent and can use proper sentence structure.

  2. Not within 1 month of Eq2 content launch you didn't.


    Calling you out on this one.


    Very true but then again EQ2 is the exact polar opposite of SWTOR.

    It's not all about slamming to the cap and raiding. There's plenty of collection quests, social quests, crafting and many other non-linear fluff content to keep a player interested for a long time.

    EQ2 isn't exactly for casual players, though. It's fairly complex and deep. I'd be willing to say it's the last true MMO made with old school MMO design. This would explain it's moderate population.

    SWTOR is just a "jump on play for an hour or so" type game. The story is interesting for the most part but it's not complex or time consuming in any way.

    There's no "fluff" to occupy people and make them want to play for more than a little while at a time which I would define as a hallmark for MMO games.

    It's just a very streamlined, linear experience that is perfect for a single-player game enthusiast who wants to try out a MMOlite style game.



    For me and other MMO gamers that isn't enough to keep us paying and playing but for the casual crowd it's ideal. To each their own.

  3. GI gave it a shining review as well. They don't generally do 1-10 number reviews on MMO's since they aren't a single experience and can change alot over time.


    But again reviews are nothing but a single persons thoughts on a game. Their enjoyment of a game is no more or less valid than anyone elses. It all comes down to individual experience.

    I don't like this game at all but some love it and others are on the fence. Citing one review by a gamer, even a game journalist/reviewer, is not a great way to decide if it's a game for you or not.

  4. And how are you determining the "population" such that you can claim it is "NOT the case"? Anecdotal evidence from a slow night on the server? Ridiculous. Did you go to each and every one of the planets, run a /who and count them all up? There's fluctuation on a daily basis. Monday night we had 30 or so people in Fleet on my server and last night it was around 70...oh, I guess that means server population more than doubled in 2 days!!! And I'm playing on a server that has ALWAYS been lower population than ones like Fatman because I chose it to avoid the queue issues at launch.


    Fact is, you have nothing to go on...nobody does...and silly websites that pretend to graph it all based on the light, heavy, standard labels, not empirical population data, have zero informtion with which to adjust their samples to standardize the the definitions of light, standard and heavy. Moreover, they started from the holiday season when server populations were predictably extremely high because everyone and their mom was trying to play it during holiday/vacation, so it's a self-fulfilling prophecy situation to claim "oh looky, it dropped!"


    People reach 50 and start leveling alts so you see a drop in Fleet population. Heck, people in my guild went and parked their toons at 50 and are now fooling around with multiple alts just to see what they like. Some people reach 50 and stop logging in every day, all day and start just logging in to raid. Content locusts finish everything with one toon and sometimes stop logging in at all until there's an expansion. Fact is, anecdotal evidence can only really tell you something generalized and global about players' USAGE, not actual population. And even THAT is making loose assumptions.


    The only thing we'll be able to rely on is when BW releases information about subscription numbers. If they go up, they go up. If they go down, they go down. To early too tell.


    I wish this guy would go play the game he loves so much and quit spouting his trademark "Doooooom dooooom" in every thread he perceives as negative.


    Back on topic, my server is the same way. Pop is low every day no matter if it's peak hours or not. Getting a group is nearly impossible so I just gave up and skipped 95% of the heroics and FP's rather than stand around and spam for a group for hours on end.

    This problem is a big reason I didn't resub for the second month along with a laundry list of other problems.

  5. In the end, forums or not, the game itself will be judged on it's own merits.


    To whoever said that any constructive criticism is being convoluted by all the whiners and haters...Bioware didn't listen to us while developing the game. Why would they start now no matter how "constructive the criticisms are?


    Bioware has a God Complex problem. Maybe it's because two doctors are running the company, I don't know. They believe that they know what's best and won't have anyone tell them otherwise, even the gamers who are buying and paying for their games, so forums or no forums they're going to do exactly what they want regardless of anything said here.

  6. Who actually enjoys this game, I know I do, despite that lack of a threat meter. Beyond that it seems that every other post is made to condemn this game, to hold great celebrations at canceling subscriptions, or complain that this is not SWG. Also, Why dose everybody seem to loath the idea or the notion of something as useful as a threat meter.


    I think I saw a guy last week who said he liked it.


    Oh no wait. He said he liked pudding. sorry my bad.

  7. Dude you are so off track it's funny. Did you watch beta game play, before you bought the game? Why did you even buy it? What level are you? I mean seriously, if it's so bad, you better not be over a level 10? If your a level 50, I can't read anything else you have to say on these forums. lol


    I am not level 50 but i have several characters in the 30 range. Why? Because I spent $75 on this crap and by god I'm gonna get my money's worth like it or not.

  8. Is this a good game?

    No , at best a standard one.


    Then why would we pay to play it?

    For the same reason we all bought this game to begin with , the SW logo on the box.


    I think many of us are getting beyond that selling point.

    SWTOR will do nothing but damage the Star Wars IP further with it's mediocrity. Don't expect to see another MMO using GL's liscense.

    Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice...you know how it goes.

  9. I will remain loyal and continue my subscription until I've done every single maxed thing I can do in this game. What ever happened to a thing called loyalty? How about we support BW until they can get off the ground? Many of you people have no loyalty but to yourself. BW put out a good product. Is it perfect? No, but it's very good and it's only going to get better. Do you think BW is going to let us all down? Do nothing? I don't think so, they have been dedicated to this game. Have you seen otherwise? It's clear WB has been passionate about this game.


    I can't believe people expect everything now. I think it's the spoiled little bratty society we have these days. What about investing in something good, and standing behind it. The game has been out for two months and because you leveled in a week somehow that's BW fault? Play another character, do PvP, gear your ship. I can't believe people have all their characters and gear leveled. lol Get a life man! Oh wait why don't you high levels actual start to help new players? Wow that would be an idea, help support the community? Oh now that's something that never crossed your mind, actually help someone rather than yourself. lol Jeesh...because you know bashing everything about this game will somehow help. lol :mad:


    Loyalty to a game company who threw out a half-baked game with horrible support and that told us the best thing to do after capping out was to reroll and do the same quests over and over because they forgot to put in a decent endgame?

    They also forgot to put in a decent start to mid-game.


    I'd like to say...my loyalty is to the company that doesn't spend 200million bucks on a single game and actually cares about it enough to give me somthing they're proud of.

    This game is all about money, not the game or the gamer. It will end badly.

  10. I hadn't played an MMO in about a year before I started playing this game. At first I was very excited to be playing a Star Wars MMO, and even more excited by the fully voiced questing experience; it added a lot to the game IMO. However, after having played for over a month, the environments make me miss WoW, and I didn't think that was possible.


    I hung out in Stormwind. There was a Cathedral. A spiraling Mage tower. A market district. Pubs, and vendors who had their own shops. A big bay area. A towering castle. An underground jail that doubled as an instance. Critters could be seen scurrying around. All these separate areas had NPC's walking around doing whatever it was that they do. All of the areas had a unique look. Star Wars has none of this. We have a big circle that is more like a shopping mall with zombies for NPC's than a thriving central hub for players.


    Bioware missed the mark in terms of making environments feel atmospheric and alive IMO. I found the fleet museum the other day and thought it was a really cool addition, but it would have been a lot nicer had there been NPC's walking around from exhibit to exhibit talking amongst themselves. Little things like that set MMO's apart in my eyes.


    In a year I won't remember flying to the fleet for the first time and being blown away by the enormity and grandeur of it. I still remember walking to Jeuno for the first time in FFXI and being awestruck by the towering city. I remember the gates of Ironforge. I remember the arches of Stormwind. I'll never remember the lifeless circle of the Imperial Fleet.


    Something is missing in the environments of this game. For a company all about immersion, depth, and story, they blew it in this department.


    Very striking visualization. I agree 100%.

    There are moments in epic games where you have no choice but to sit back and marvel at the gradeur of certain areas or set pieces etc.

    Star Wars (the movies) were all about those amazing moments where somthing just blew you away with it's monumental beauty.

    TOR is just mediocre when it comes to that. There's no moment of awestruck excitment at seeing a city or landscape or anything for that matter.

    Couple all that with a mediocre game and you have a poor representation of what Star Wars is suppose to be.

  11. That was extremely painful to read, but I did chew through it. Please, next time use paragraphs.


    If you had read the whole thread I did define what things I was looking for based on feedback from people. Also, I am not trying to hide anything in my original post. I asked a legitimate question of the community to get an understanding of how everyone feels.


    And if the thread is so worthless how come everyone that has viewed it has commented? I would say that's a successful post.




    Pay no attention to that Blotter guy. He will inevitably come in to any post he perceives as negative and try to blow his nonsensical BS at it in a pathetic attempt to be Bioware's #1 excuse boy.

  12. For all those who started on launch, you have 3 more days until your SWTOR subscription renews (2/18). Are you staying or unsubbing?


    Personally, I'm unsubbing because the performance issues have hardly even been addressed, endgame is lackluster, and gear is too easy to get. The game honestly feels like WoWlite, but buggier and laggier, and it's lost that Star Wars appeal with the clunky gameplay and the traditional tank/heals/dps trinity. Plus there's no combat parsing, guild bank/calender, or other tools to help out raiding guilds... not that they'd be very interested in doing tuned-up versions of the same boring bosses with the same recycled mechanics, anyway.


    But I can understand people staying until the March update (3/20, if my math is right) to see how the new content is. Anyone placing bets on Bioware deciding to release the March content some time after the next subscription renewal date for another $15? ;)


    Already unsubbed. I think after 2 months I've seen pretty much everything the game has to offer. Aside from a complete overhaul of the mechanics, graphics, gameplay, writing and changing the engine to somthing less horrible than the Hero Engine....ok basicly starting over from scratch I'm going to write this game off as a total loss.

    They got 75 bucks out of me. I think that will be quite sufficient.

  13. I will save you a trip and money, you can download HeroEngine for free from their website.




    I find it hilarious that anyone would spend $200,000,000 on a game and use a engine that the average guy can download for free. You only need to pay them if you publish and sell your product.


    Hadn't you heard, they spent the whole 2-300mill on liquor and ******s for the voice actors so they wouldn't quit after reading the cheesy half***** scripts.

  14. LOL i didnt realize. I figured when a gold post is at the bottom, it means the thread is closed. WOOPS! hahaha


    It is. ..."we're going to go ahead and close this thread...blah blah please try the suggestion box etc etc.. the usual.

  15. The whole point of this thread is just to put up wish lists for things that we wish were in game. These lists don't require others to criticize or complain about them. If the game is perfect for you then don't bother replying at all.

    Matter of fact if the game is perfect for you or you believe in Bioware's ability to deliver all your wishes within a reasonable timeframe why are you reading this thread at all?

  16. First I'm hearing of that. Have a system monitor running on my second display pretty much always, too - memory usage stays relatively static for me. That's pretty strange.


    It's been discussed many times in many threads in this forum. As a matter of fact one of those threads gave me the idea to run Memory Cleaner.The person who suggested it was having the same issues and was replying to others who also had that problem.

  17. Let's not forget the massive memory leak that has yet to be mentioned or fixed or even noticed by BW.

    I have to run memory cleaner just to keep the game from eating up my entire 8 gigs of ddr3. Even still it runs using roughly 85% of it. (before using memory cleaner it used 99%)


    I'm running a HD6770 Radeon and it chugs when more than a half dozen people are nearby leaving me at around 20-25 fps. Out in a zone relativly alone I run at around 55-60


    I don't know what's wrong with the programming but I'm fairly certain that a game with graphical quality like TOR shouldn't be tearing through resources like that.

  18. yeah soon as i saw that i stopped reading.


    moving on


    I love how people do this.

    They see someone played SWG and immediatly they decide that they're going to hate TOR and anything they say will be invalidated by that experience.


    The people who played SWG were Star Wars fans and MMO fans.

    Bioware made a Star Wars MMO. See where I'm going with this?


    The largest grouping of Star Wars MMO fans were playing or had once played SWG. Yes it was a horrible mess after the NGE and alienated many players but instead of Bioware taking a cue from what SOE did wrong making SWG they took all their cues from what Blizzard did right making WoW.

    If they wanted to alienate most of the SWG players they did a great job by ignoring what SWG did right and wrong. But I digress.


    This is still a Star Wars game, though, and many players here are or were SWG fans. To say that because a person played SWG in the past they have no say about the state of TOR is foolish.

  19. So BW is going to talk (gladhand) guild leaders who are a tiny % of the entire pop and have a powwow with them about the state of this horribly written, executed and implemented game.


    They do realise of course that the only guild leaders who will show up are the fanboy jackwagons that are going to be all starry eyed and bubbling at getting to meet the guys at Bioware Austin right? Right?.....


    This helps how?

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