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Posts posted by MacroPhotoFly

  1. I've just picked my specialism for Consular (Shadow) and I'd like some help on skill trees, please.

    When reading the discription of the skill, is that bonus conferred for every point you spend on the skill? Or is the bonus only conferred once you have maxed the number of points for that skill (i.e. description says "+1% damage 0/2 points" - do I I get +1% for every point Or do I have to spend two points on it to get the 1%?)


    Also any thoughts on which path(s) to take shadow? I already have a tank trooper, so just want this Shadow to be good for dps and sneak fun.

  2. Its hard at lvl 10 with your first Character to know "what you are like", so could someone please advise me based on what I like doing?

    • I like H2H fighting (rather than ranged)
    • I want to play PvE instances with groups (and want my character to be useful to groups, ie groups are often looking for that "type")
    • Want more of a challenge than a plain DPS (which is why I choose consular, as it seemed I had a choice at 10 between Tank, Healer, or thief/sneak attack/assain-type)


    Any thoughts on which way I should go under the Smuggler class?

  3. Its hard at lvl 10 with your first Character to know "what you are like", so could someone please advise me based on what I like doing?

    • I like H2H fighting (rather than ranged)
    • I want to play PvE instances with groups (and want my character to be useful to groups, ie groups are often looking for that "type")
    • Want more of a challenge than a plain DPS (which is why I choose consular, as it seemed I had a choice at 10 between Tank, Healer, or thief/sneak attack/assain-type)

  4. So I've got a Vanguard up and running to be my Tank but in the process of thinking which way to go I also got a Consular now at 10. I'm going to keep both running. I'll learn tanking with the vanguard, but now wondering what to do with the consular - should I go the sage route to give me an alternative Healer or go the Shadow route and have fun DPSing or seeing if my style of tanking runs better with him?


    So in summary, as my first alternative to a Vangaurd should I go Sage or Shadow?:csw_speeder:

  5. Melee with a rifle? I feel a bit fake ...and slugging someone with the stock of it also feels a tad unskilled?!? They should have allowed laser bayonets or something

    Well after 6 levels of the Vangaurd and of the Shadow I'm still undecided. I feel less clumsy with the Vanguard but the Shadow is more "involving". I also find I want the Vanguard to be a good Republican, but my Shadow to break all the rules....

  6. Sorry to bump but keen to find any one in Japan Or just anyone who can tell me if

    (i) Staying on Asia server with 320ms lag is going to be unplayable later on in the game when adventuring in groups?

    (ii) I move to Harbinger on West Coast US where my lag is 120ms but I'm not going to find anyone playing the game in my timezone (did all the Aussies leave)?

  7. Many thanks for all the advice so far! I have rolled both a Shadow and a Vanguard. Still trying to decide between for a few early levels.

    One thing I don't yet get, (and please bear in mind my only prior experience of tanks is in a sword wielding world) is how can the Vanguard tank "at distance"? What I mean is, how can the Vanguard hold the focus of mobs if a bunch of lightsaber- wielding partners engage face to face when the Vanguard is off at the back with a laser rifle?

  8. Hi I'm based in Japan due to work now and thought the new Asia servers (chose Dalborra) would be perfect to roll a new character on. However when I do, I find the ping is 270-350ms !?!? I've quickly tried Master D'Nala and its the same. Even my old Europe server (Flames of Crucible) is only 250ms and I know the connection back to Europe is terrible. I just tried The Harbinger (west coast US server) and I'm getting 120ms

    Any idea why my connection to the Asia servers is so bad?

    Is there anything I can do about it?

    I do love group play and want to to be active in a Guild with people in Asia time zone - is there anyone on the Harbinger still from asia (and not immediately porting back to the new Asia servers)?


    Many thanks

  9. I'm now with you Aetou (thank you for the post) and taking OmySpys points too, I've narrowed down my choice to Vanguards or Shadows for becoming a Tank.

    I just found this comparison. Anyone alse have views between the two?


    2) Vangaurd -

    Dmg mitigation: Medium

    Dps ability: Medium

    Risk of Enrage timer: Medium

    Mobility: Medium, the best gap closer against melee mobs

    Threat problems: When grouped with melee DPS

    Difficulty to play well: Easiest

    Difficulty to gear well: Easiest

    Best Healer to pair with: Seer, makes them almost invincible.

    Character flaws: Often lose threat on big mobs trying to pull a weak away from a DPS player who is about to kill it.

    SHINING MOMENT - when they pull an enemy to them, and the dps instantly burn it down.


    3) Shadow -

    Dmg mitigation: Worst

    Dps ability: Best

    Risk of Enrage timer: Lowest

    Mobility: Highest

    Threat problems: Few

    Difficulty to play well: Medium

    Difficulty to gear well: Hardest

    Best Healer to pair with: Scoundrel, because the ambush possibilities could be endless.

    Character flaws: They forget that no one else has a stealth, and then get mad when someone else pulls aggro.

    SHINING MOMENT- when they kite a whole pack of melee mobs.

  10. Chiffer, I have to agree with you in many ways. I still love my 2-handed sword-swinging Champion from LOTRO. For my first MMO it taught me a lot, and I loved how you could get right into every fight. I'm sure the Sentinel gives that same pure thrill (i) especially when solo'ing or (ii) if you are in a steady group that wants to instance with you regularly. As a bit more of a social player who relies on a random people in the same area to instance with, I found it helped if you had an extra skill the group needed - in some ways I guess I am now happy to have slightly less raw fun in battle in exchange for being in more group battles (because I'm wanted) ?!?


    Omy - TY again - that third post has got my mind thinking about what is more "me" from the storyline. If I went with the Vanguard, what is the summary character story type for them?

  11. Great advice - many thanks for both posts. The Vanguard does sound interesting, and I may go that way. Just flicking round a few websites of Guilds on Dalborra they seem to already be "full" on that character. I've decided I don't want to do Jedi Knight as its not me. Scoundrel, Sage, Shadow and Commando seem to be more "open" on the guild WS I've skimmed.

    Any thoughts on these vs Vanguard?

    Anyone on Dalborra with advice? (greatfully received)

  12. I casually play LOTRO. It was my first MMO and I have a pure DPS character (lvl55) which was good, but I found was not very valuable for group instances (i.e. groups always needed a tank or healer or wizard, never a basic DPS). I also feel I've been left behind by LOTRO as everyone who wants to do instances there needs an end-game level character, so time to move on!

    I really like playing in group so I would like to know which class I should be for being useful to join group instances. I've had a try as a Sith Inquisitor to lvl 9 which allowed me to know I will like SWTOR, but I'm about to move server to Daborra (as I'm in Asia) and I think i would prefer Republic this time (unless you persuade me that Dalborra is desperately in need of me on the dark side!)


    So in summary, which class would be good for,

    -Group play

    -on Dalborra (Asia server)

    -Not too squishy as this is only my second/third MMO character


    -A bit more interesting/challenging than a straight DPS ?


    Thanks for the help

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