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Posts posted by Srqt

  1. The guys complaints are legit IMHO. This is not a case of "BW can't win".


    Yes people complained about the last event not being announced, so BW felt they should make an announcement this time. That is great. What is not so great is that the announcement made it seem as though the event had started. They very easily could have made an announcement that said the event was coming soon without giving the impression that it had begun. That is how BW could have "done it right"

  2. *sigh* the person I was replying to was answering someone specific who said they were going to miss this by going to a "the biggest gaming con in the country" and they were referring to Gen Con (as evidenced by their own post above...)


    Now Gamescon is far bigger but they were in fact referring to GenCon.


    (also GenCon is not the biggest in the US right now... both PAXs have had larger attendance numbers.)

    Never been to prime but I go to PAX east every year and it always seems smaller (don't know the numbers just going by perception so I could be wrong)

  3. Your post makes no sense whatsoever.


    I saw a video got excited to play new content and was disappointed when I logged in and it was not available.


    Gen Con which is the biggest gaming convention in the US will be starting on wednesday I (and many other gaming fans) will be attending. Because of this fact, I will not be able to play most of this event and am upset about it. I am not sure what about that does not make sense.

  4. I don't think im anything special but I am usually in the top 3 damage in a WZ with my Mara try to play objectivley and don't say much other than calling incs and a GG to my team. If these people spent more time playing and less time talking they would be able to contribute much more. That is how I see it at least.
  5. You forgot step one :


    go out and spend more money on a keyboard and mouse than your entire computer costs.


    It's an important step.


    Where did you find a computer that runs this game for less than $225?


    Seriously though I play with a naga epic and a nostromo and I love it. My setup is very similar to yours also. Nice guide.

  6. Belgoth's is with you here!...


    How is Darth Malek population wise? Belgoth's still has about 80-100 Pubs online(total, not fleet) usually.


    Pretty similar, we have like 30 on fleet max and never more than 2-3 groups pvping. Queues take forever and it is always the same 2 teams against each other. I hardly play anymore because of it. I am really excited to start playing the game with activity like it was at launch.

  7. Whatever gets you through the night. I'd think the best way to get open world PvP between level 50s would be, you know, to attack level 50 characters in a zone where level 50 characters hang out.


    But yeah, I guess attacking some out of the way place that has no regular level 50 presence is more logical.


    I don't actively do it honestly. but I have many a time come to help on a planet where I was hunting datacrons or more recently in the World event where lowbies have asked for help and coming down to help has been some of the most fun I have had playing.


    NAtural PvP to defend something even if it is as simple as a lowbie in your faction is when the best PvP can happen.

  8. Why? Cuz you're bad at fighting players your level? low self esteem, and a need to lash out in some kind of revenge...thing?

    This douche baggery is why I don't pvP, let alone roll pvP server.

    Try team work, and honorable kills. You might like it.


    I lol everytime I See t his "you gank lowbies because you are bad" argument. The way it should work is;


    1) 50 starts killing lowbies in low level area.

    2) lowbies call out to 50's of their own faction who come and help

    3)original 50 calls his buddies for backup

    4) actuall OWPvP happens.


    This activity should actually help bolster communities and forge friendships.

  9. The whole reason for the free 30 days is to compensate people who have gone through the content and patiently waited for 1.2, especially since rated WZs (the main reason many people resubbed when the 1.2 date was announced) got scrapped last second.


    If you only have limited play time and have not met the requirements then you have not been waiting around and have nothing to be compensated for.

  10. Didn't see anything about a merge in that article


    just this


    in response to player demand that the focus has shifted to what BioWare call “quality of life features” – convenience updates like the Legacy update’s Guild Bank system. The next priority, according to Erickson, is a “robust” group finder.


    Oh and this


    BioWare claim that subscriber numbers haven’t dropped


    BioWare claim that subscriber numbers haven’t dropped, but concurrent users at peak times have. This, Erickson says, is the reason why players are noticing a lot of ‘light’ server populations – and also why mergers are on the cards, but not a priority.


    right there

  11. This is my problem with it.

    series of events


    1.2 is released , a month late with a main feature cut with 6 hours notice (ranked wz and 8 man queue)

    1 day later : Free 30 days for people with lvl 50 char


    so I assumed, like many of my friends, that was there compensation for those of us that have been loyal from the beginning we saw it as a "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this"


    but that's not what happen instead it's a

    oh most loyal customers , we want you pay for and extra month, and then get one free. aka we want you to pay while we try to fix it. Just so happens that this free month will happen when GW2 comes out, so most pvpers won't be here for it, they will be trying GW2.


    I also never received an email about this, and had to raise 2 tickets about the issue was told to just keep waiting, the emails are going out in waves. in realitiy it was because emails are marked aadvertising and I had opted out of advertising from bioware


    Except that the "we stuffed up, give us 30 days to show you we can fix this" is exactly what happened. If you had an active sub on the 12th you will get 30 days of playtime on the 24th regardless of whether you have paid for a new month or not.


    You may have to go 3-4 days without playing if you dont want to pay for that month but thats a choice you make.

  12. I think bioware should have made it clear that the extra 30 days was to be added after this billing cycle. This is very misleding and clearly a grab for money


    It also wouldn't be accurate to say that it would be added after the billing cycle. What about people who get billed on the 1st? They get the 30 credit before they have to pay.


    They gave a date that it would be credited and that is t he most clear and consice way to do it.

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