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Posts posted by YamianGodlike

  1. Hail and well met.


    With the bombers and gunships out, I would like to expand my fleet a bit. I am sitting on almost 6k fleet req so I can either get Rampart and Quarrel or or Comet Breaker or Warcarrier (I don't like the look of this one though). So the question is, obviously, what should I get?


    Are Comet Breaker and Warcarrier worth the extra 2500 freq? Are the Cartel ships worth the coins? If anyone could share some experience I would really appreciate it.

  2. Hello. I have returned after about a 1.5 year long break and after doing some PvP I realized I have lower HP than my teammates. I have between 23-24k while the others are sitting on way more, usually about 28-29k. Even other sages have more HP than me. I know the stats are "normalized", but still... This feels unfair.


    Can someone please explain to me why? Is there something I can do about it?

  3. Thanks for your help, my exact problem was I was not aware of the options.


    I'm currently collecting the datacrons and It's kinda fun (and sometimes frustrating because I missed that damn pipe for 30th time... and I got dc'd from that baloon on Tatooine). And it improves my toon as well :).


    I also maximized my light side points while doing some skipped quests.


    Speeking of speeders, is there a way to get

    a) a car-like speeder (something i can sit in)

    b) lizard-like (sorry, I don't know the exact name) mount, similar to Obi-Wan's in Revenge of the Sith - I'd love to have that one.

  4. XtremJedi: You say I gain 52 from NS and 9 during GCD for total of 61. But even without NS I would have gained the 9 anyway, so the gain from NS is still 52 minus lower force regen for the next 10s. Same for Rejuvenation - by casting I just lost 28 force, force regen over time will happen regardless of casting. Unless I'm missing something.


    NS, NS, Rejuv, Deliver looks viable (at least for PvE, I can't imagine having spare 7s in PvP, not to mention the HP loss). I'm a bit afraid of that 50% lowered force regen though.

  5. No.


    Why? Because force management is now a dire issue, you can NOT afford to throw projects, FiB and weaken mind anywhere. You need to save what force you have because you're not gonna get it back.

    Nah... You will die before you will have the chance to run out of force.
  6. How did you ever get the impression that we would be able to melee? Didn't you inspect the AC at first before you chose it in game? Didn't you do any research on the playstyle or changes made to the class?


    Honestly, the Devs killed any thoughts of Sage melee in beta MONTHS ago. Not sure how anyone still has this impression.


    From ingame Codex - Game Rules - Jedi Sage: Balance, deploying the power of the Force to enhance lighsaber techniques and debilitate foes in combat.


    This kinda makes the impression.

  7. so you want to dps with ranged and melee equally well, as well as heal just as good... with 1 spec/class. yea... no.
    I dont want uber melee+ranged+heal in one spec, that's just wrong. In one class it's possible (WoW druid), but I dont want that either.


    On the subject of lightsaber use in sages... The class is primarily based off of Yoda, is it Not? If my memory serves correct, Yoda only used his lightsaber once in the entire Star Wars Movie Series (Battle with Count Dooku, Genosis)... It only makes sense that the lightsaber isn't used much in the Sage class...
    Yes, Yoda didn't use his lighsaber often, but he is considered to be one of the best with it - as you said, he was able to fight Dooku and later Palpatine, which means he is no pushover.


    I'd like to have some use for my lighsaber, even if it was one or two last option skills (like if an enemy gets close or a finisher).

    Right now I feel like if I had a pitchfork instead of a lightsaber it would be the same.

  8. How do I setup my crew to do something while I'm not playing?

    Are there any limits to that?

    What will happen if I run out of inventory space/money/materials?

    Is it possible to set one member to gather materials and another one to craft from them?

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