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Posts posted by Slyfe

  1. First, I have no problem with this as is now, but some may.


    For example, right now we know, come 1.2 we need battlemaster gear + rated warzone comms to acquire war hero gear. What part of the battlemaster gear is checked in order to trade in? Will people who swapped mods and enhancements out be ok?


    Now the future, will we need to trade in war hero gear to get the next set of gear? What will be checked to trade this gear in? A fully intact piece? just the armoring in the piece? It can't be an empty shell as people can craft empty shells. All pvpers will be swapping all their war hero into crit crafted orange gear.


    If anybody actually knows or any of this was stated please let me know, as my searches haven't exactly been forthcoming. I guess right now, just keep everything just incase, so you can swap it all back?


    Just something to think about.



  2. I vehemently disagree with this. The problem is that 2 skills HAVE an "only me" item.


    None of them should. Crew skills are tradeskills. They should be all about trade. Forcing people to actually take the tradeskills to compete defeats the point of tradeskills, which is to... you know... trade.


    If you don't want to do tradeskills, it shouldn't negatively affect your non-tradeskill ability. Just means you're poorer for having to buy stuff from those that do.


    Forcing people to take tradeskills by giving them "only me" abilities inevitably reduces the benefit of said tradeskills. It's easier to profit off a tradeskill if you're competing against 1/60 of the player base trying to sell to 59/60th than if you're competing against 1/6th of the player base trying to sell to 5/6ths.


    Having a tradeskill shouldn't be mandatory to compete. They should be something optionally engaged in by some subset of the general population to the benefit of all.


    Would you disagree with fluff then?


    For example. artificer could get to craft a bind on pickup (requires 400 artificer to equip) orange lightsaber that looks really cool and only available to the crafter?


    Something like that doesn't give the person any type of advantage, but fluff happens to go along way with a lot of MMO players. Quick fix, but it would probably appease people until they actually found a way of balancing the professions.

  3. Operative dps -




    Great Burst Damage (Patch will hurt this)


    Great solo ability

    Lots of stuns




    Cannot close gaps

    Low survivability

    Non-existent sustained dps (Patch will hurt this)

    Almost no utility

    Doesn't work well with groups

    All stuns take a much large portion of the resolve bar compared to other similar stuns (Patch will hurt this)

    Energy regen is wonky


    Gets knocked off bridges when trying to pick on healers, not sure if thats a pro or a con though :p

  4. Agreed. Furthermore, stop with sweeping changes until players are allowed to copy their characters to the PTS ...


    ... and don't announce changes 4 days before you're going to implement it, "it was on the PTS" isn't an excuse in that scenario.


    I'm cringing for when my class is up to bat.

  5. I hate to disappoint you all,


    but Sorc shield will not be nerfed - for a simple reason, its team ability designed to be spammable on whole team. So its not "sorc" that benefits from the shield, healing sorc keeps the shield on all team mates at all times.


    Its cruicial PvE ability so it wont be nerfed 100%. At best, it would be made not default, but talented in healing tree (in same talent that reduces its cooldown and mana cost), so that pure DPS sorcs woudnt have it or would have to sacrafice something for it.


    Pretty sure acid blade/flechette round was a crucial pve ability for dps...


    I like your idea of making it talented though, 3rd tier please.

  6. Your marauder isnt overpowered. Your expertise is.


    There a SO many craptastic marauders that the few players that really shine at the class are overlooked, if you're an extremely skillful player, marauder/sentinel is the class for you, you'll never be nerfed.


    on topic...


    OP/scoundrel way over nerfed. The opener was the problem. Hitting their already lacking sustained DPS is going too far. I'm fine with them being nerfed as I do like to solo queue from time to time, but queueing in numbers with competent players, they are far too easy to neutralize as it stands.


    Guard. Taunt. Ranged Pull. Snare. Stun. Knockback. Knockdown. DoT. Ground based aoe to cover restealth.


    Thats just what my class can do to help a friend who gets jumped. What can yours do to help "gasp" somebody else?


    I realize, WAH he killed me 1v1, and its happened to me too. But when's the last time you used one of the above listed things on an operative who just jumped the random pug stranger beside you?


    When I pop out of stealth on my shadow TANK (lol) on somebody, rarely will the guy beside him even turn to help... and this isn't the problem its the ops.


    Over nerfed.


    P.S. I hope you're next sorcs ;)

  7. Everything is working as intended and very balanced aside from consumeables.


    Now stop posting these because there are a hundred of them it's become beyond silly.


    there's hundreds of them because its the only class that can kill sorcs, and they don't like it :p

  8. Do you announce you're a healer beforehand?


    At the beginning of every match I ask if anybody's heals, if I ever get a response I put guard on him and follow him around taunting everybody. It usually leads to a win if he's competent, and most healers are. However......


    More often than not, nobody will reply that they're heals, so I'll put guard on a random sage and find that they're just throwing rocks and little rocks at people and I'm just eating extra damage without any sustain.

  9. Without going into Epic (Purple quality) items, all you need to do is look for a Customizable (Orange Quality) item that has an appearance you're attracted to.


    The Customizable items start dropping around level 10 right up to level 50, with the lower level versions looking more simple, and the higher level versions looking a lot more fancy.


    The beauty of these items is they're just a shell, its the modifications you put inside them that gives it armor value, and statistics.


    So basically, all you have to do is find a lower level version of the looks you want, and continue to update their stats to keep yourself going.



  10. I could do with swapping 2 points in Misdirection for Celerity to be honest, I use the interrupt very very often.


    As for the rest, in that tree I find it use it all.


    I dont know if the Assassin has a pet like Theran, but he has a CC, this doesn't matter too much except that it works on elites while you're fighting them. If you notice it and aren't spamming and break the CC, you can circle around the back for a nice shadow strike which is buffed by Circling shadows as well, and find weakness.


    This works in PvP as that healer you've been beating on will run, and caster Jedi do have to stand still to cast their long spells.


    Its not a build for everybody and the talents points aren't in stone or anything. I just personally find the play style very satisfying.


    Edit: OH, and on the subject of the AoE.. with the shadow's respite buff, you can really spam Whirling Blow, so the loss of the AoE (either or...) isn't so bad.

  11. I'll get straight to it.




    As of right now, its quite tanky, coming out of stealth everything is completely spammable, and you only have three major priorities.


    #1. Is Kinetic Ward Up? if yes go to #2, if no, cast Kinetic Ward.

    #2. Is Particle Acceleration Up? If yes cast project. If no, go to #3.

    #3. Spam Double Strike.



    Stance: Combat

    Offhand: Shield Generator

    Warning: Some tanky gear, and having Theran out is a good idea.

    Recommended Stats




    Shield Absorption



    Do not stack Critical Strike Rating (project auto crits with particle acceleration), and force synergy is enough to activate circling shadows to ease the cost of the projects.



    The build is very "tanky-dps", while not quite the best at either, the amount of damage output for being this tanky is amazing.


    The weaknesses of this build though are that you probably shouldn't try DPS in an instance with the build as you're in combat stance and your project generates huge aggro issues. I'm pretty sure with decent enough gear you will be able to tank with this build, but can't say for certain at this point.


    On the PvP side of things you're a #$%^ disturber. You're quite tanky, your auto critting projects deal a lot of damage and are almost always up, and you have a massive amount of utility (guard, taunt, etc) and enough tankyness to use a lot of it if the situation becomes bad.


    Starting at level 28 this is possible, its all doable beforehand but I think infiltration would be better early on.




    That will give you a good start to auto critting, high chance of double rocks to the face goodness. From there you'll notice energy issues, so I would suggest rushing to one with the force with your next few talent points to help with this.



    Personally, I've used this build to effortlessly solo every elite mob I've encountered. I've also killed quite a lot of Champion mobs, (there's only 1 I couldn't kill because Theran wouldn't stop casting Holiday), and had an extremely easy time leveling through any circumstances. I highly recommend giving it a try, ESPECIALLY if you're not liking the class as it stands.



  12. I have found my first pair of orange pants (ie. fully moddable) at Alderran. They are on sale for the Alderran tokens (about 12 or 14 can't remember) and, unless I find a better pair, I will stick with them until end game.


    Finally! No more dress :)


    12 tokens good sir... and for those interested there's two pairs, one is kind of blackish, and one is white. Same vendor has matching customizable boots for either set of pants for only 10 tokens.


    I haven't really found a good looking top to go with it for tokens, I think the specialty goods vendor in Nar Shadaa has an orange top for 14k credits that could possible go well with it.


    Jesus this game has turned me into a girl WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF... sec turning my show helm off..... :p



  13. You just need kinetic ward. Then I'll assume that the 31 kinetic tree will offer a little more mitigation as the cost of balances utility. I haven't respec'd but I'll assume based on what people have said that it's pretty cheap, so I personally plan on trying things out. I suggest you do the same.


    I speculate that 31 in kinetic will be standard when just starting out at 50, and once a lot more gear is acquired more will move to the utility of the heavier balance.


    The damage while leveling kinetic isn't too bad, particle acceleration + upheaval is pretty satisfying. Before 20 probably woulda been better to go infiltration.



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