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Posts posted by gunnerforever

  1. A free month, guys. For a hardcore player, a free month is like 90 hours of entertainment. That's like, well, awesome. Everyone says $$$ is the only thing BW cares about, but this will lose them millions of dollars, and they're still doing this, because they're *********** awesome. I support BW from now on.


    no, flashpoints shouldnt be soloable at anything close to level.



    I think the legacy member would be in place of your companion. You can't solo an FP with a companion, period. I think the legacy comp idea is great. And the legacy member's abilities'd be tuned down, I'd assume.

  3. It's impossible to tell.


    A 'kill' does not mean that you contributed meaningfully to the death to an enemy player. It means that you hit them/healed the ally attacking them before they died.


    Kills are meaningless. Damage is not.



    You guys are stupid, 922k damage is awesome. I agree that in this case he wasn't being much of a team player probably, since his team lost, and he was probably beating on healed players, but still guys... 922k. That's *********** insane. And guys, kills don't matter. Spamming aoe and dots and letting others do the real stuff gets you kills. Being awesome gets you damage. (especially 922k damage)


    I'd love to see Razorfight duel Luciela. (look her up on youtube)

  4. Your suggestion will be realized in 1.2 when all modable gear will have all mods available. Your mention about cost is immaterial as it is not prohbitive to remod gear based on astetics.


    Ahh well that's good, but wouldn't totally fix the problem. Sometimes I get an unmoddable item that looks really cool, but I still can't wear it. And with this you could take them out of items that you cant wear, like a piece of heavy armor if you're a sorc. And also with my thing you could put multiple aesthetic mods in and cycle between them really easily.

  5. I recently had this idea that I think is really great. With the modding system, you change your gearpiece's stats, but wouldn't it be great if there were mods that changed the way they looked?

    I was thinking that every gearpiece could have another mod, called, an "aesthetics package," that determines it's look, that could then be taken out and put into another gearpiece, thus giving that gearpiece the look of the gear it was in before. For an example, if I you had this really cool looking piece of lowbie gear, but you had just obtained a piece of really good gear that you hated the look of, you could just put the lowbie piece's aesthetics package into the good piece.

    You could also put multiple aesthetics packages into an item, and cycle between them in accordance with your whims.

    I'd love to hear what you guys think of this, so please post with your replies :)

  6. Can anyone get me a ranking of the hardmode flashpoint difficulty levels? I'm trying to decide which ones to run regularly, and I really don't want to wipe. Today I wiped 5 times on BFI (our tank sucked but... still) before killing the second boss (and please, no "OMG U wipd on BFI? U so stoopid" posts) and I don't want anything like that to happen again, so I'd love to just spam the easiest ones. Thoughts?
  7. I have a question about this. I'm adolescent and don't have the low voice yet, is there some way I could use vent without letting on I'm young? I'm a really, really good player, I'm mature and I'm very well geared. I also top all the pvp leaderboards with at least 7 medals on my scoundrel, but I really don't want to get judged on my age. Like could a voice changer work?
  8. On my sawbones, i don't feel gimped, although that may change come endgame. I do find that I really have to curb my ability usage to keep my energy up. I also find that instant healing is a bit hard to come by, with triage being weak and EMP needing upper hand.


    My suggestions:

    Make defense screen/shield screen targetable on our allies.

    Decrease UWM/ Kolto Inject cast time to 1.5 sec

    Decrease Kolto Pack/ Kolto Infusion cast time to 1 sec

    Make us a HOT healer, and make SRMP/ Kolto Probe tick twice as often and last 5 seconds longer

    Make Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech act like Resurgence, with frontloaded maybe 500 healing and then the normal HOT, with a bit more healing on the HOT

    Give a damage mitigation of maybe 5% per stack of SRPM/ Kolto Probe on the target

  9. I would say the most confusing is Elara Dorn. Her primary stats are aim but she uses a blaster pistol and I can't find any pistols with aim on them, they are all cunning.


    You should be able to. Bounty hunters use pistols and aim. Try the GTN.

  10. A sniper who sits back in a good spot without getting any interrupts will KILL. One who doesn't will die. I don't really think there is a "weakest class" in pvp, this game is pretty well balanced.


    On my scoundrel, easy kills are:

    lowbie assassins


    dumb merc

    marauder (never encountered the fabled "skilled" ones)


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