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Posts posted by Black-Cell

  1. Well, I finished transferring about 6 toons to Harbinger. I hate doing this but there's just little choice. The times I'm usually on I get stuck waiting 30 minutes for a stupid arena game, or get thrown in a game with 5, or 6 players. It's rarely fun anymore, especially with no 8v8 rwz.


    I've been playing on Harbinger and the pvp games pop pretty regularly throughout the day and night, but of course the quality of the games is just ridiculously sad. But, it is what it is. Hopefully BW will do more mergers or bring back 8v8 rwz, or I dunno.... MAKE MORE MAPS!? For now, I'll take my chances on Harb where I don't have to wait more than 5 minutes for a game.


    Good luck everyone, hopefully I'll see some of you guys over there.


    -Amor/Moosenuckle,/Mr'Brown/Silver'Fox/SexyB/Garfield/Serpica/Chuck'Norris/Jupiterr/Zan'dria/Thunder'Thighss /Meowingtonss.... and I think I'm missing one or two names lol

  2. I've transferred about 6 toons to Harb (3 pubs, 3 imps) . It's really a double edged sword when transferring there. The que pops are pretty frequent on Harb. The most I've waited for a game is 2-3 minutes or so.


    The quality of pvp on Harb, as you can expect, is absolutely atrocious., particularly on pub side. I've seen everything from bomb plans with 5 players "guarding" the door, to tanks yelling at me for pointing out then have 0 protection stats or calling me a noob for wanting protection while I carry the huttball. I've only been playing there for about 2 weeks and I have countless stories like this.


    I won't transfer all my toons there, but I'm faced with either waiting 30 minutes and hopefully get a full game on Bastion, or get many games with the hope of not being bunched with little kids who have no experience doing 8v8 ranked matches. The struggle is real man lol

  3. Why is the original huttball such a rare occurrence? I'm getting sick and tired of endless Hypergate and arena matches. It's bad enough I hate hypergate matches ><
  4. I've been away from the game for a while and came back a few days ago. I noticed a dude and guild name called Heal to full. I thought nothing of it until I saw some ppl in general chat yapping about it, and also some a bunch of topics of various threads on swtor forums. I saw some reference about something BW said, but i can't quite figure out *** you all are talking about lol. Can someone link me to whatever BW said? Or clue me in as to what this 'heal to full' means? o.0
  5. anyone else having this issue again? I literaly had 6 voidstar matches in a row. I even restarted the game, switched characters, etc and still got nothing but voidstar today . not that I dont like voidstar, just want some variety
  6. I am, sorta. Even though most of my toons are on Bastion (swiftsure refugee), my original-original-original toon was on harbinger (sorc) and i transferred him to bastion a few weeks ago. I'm on periodically, my imp is Jupiterr and my pub names are sexyb, moosenukkle, amorr, silver'fox. I have more but those are the most I play on :)
  7. Share your ideas, no matter how basic and under-developed. Hopefully those dev's will see this and take this into consideration. Doubtful I know, but you never know...


    My ideas:

    1) Use different objectives on existing maps. I'm talking about a capture the flag (huttball) on a NC, or CW map type of thing.

    2) Random environmental events to interfere with gameplay. I'm referring to something like weather that would speed up or slow down players for a brief moment, or maybe some type of creature would spawn to attack either faction for 5 seconds in the middle of a battle. (I got this idea from Mortal Kombat on PS3 where you can play that randomized game where ice drops on you and freezes you for 2-3 seconds lol)

    3) Random buffs: maybe crates can drop from somewhere (like ships in Civil War, or from audience in Huttball). These crates can have a health, damage, or speed buff that would exist for a short duration if nobody grabs it.

    4) "Zombie Mode": 8 players vs. increasing number of enemies. Objective: last as long as possible; Reward: hell if I know, maybe special armor shells, titles, etc?


    Anyway, just basic ideas. I know they're not that creative but I just thought I'd share. What do you guys think?

  8. I only read some of the responses here but one of them hit it right on the head. Pugs are absolutely dumb on this server. I've been in huttballs where both teams didn't even bother grabbing the ball for a solid 3-4 minutes. I've been in a Civil War where both teams were fighting off nodes and nobody tried capping. People go afk constantly. Few care for objectives. One might say to do RWZ if pugs are so ******.... yea good luck with that. Why would anyone come to a pve server for pvp?
  9. I never use alacrity on my scoundrel (or any toon for that matter) regardless of what role I'm playing.


    For your scoundrel, stick to augments with main stat. Depending on how you min/max your gear, you might consider 2 Crit augments. Personally, I stack power/surge in all my gear. my main/off hand have crit. So my crit chance is lower than most. so I use 2 crit augments to help compensate.

  10. I know there's a lot of posts about this already but *** with the repeating Wz's??? I've had hypergates and voidstar ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL day and most times back-to-back! le sigh
  11. I don't know about 55-PVP, but from what I gathered your citation holds true. I have better stats on my toons going naked instead of my EWH min/maxed gear. I was able to burn down a level 52 Jug tank on my 48 sentinel.


    I noticed that for 50 and above, its better to go naked. For below 50, removing your gear takes away from the main stat. Not sure why or how, or maybe Im doing something wrong? Just an observation lol :) hope this helps!

  12. I tried finding some posts about this, but couldn't find the exact topic.


    It's pretty simple. I know the pvp community is sick and tired getting pugged with people who enter a Wz with below Level 50 gear (at least on my server!). This includes players wearing purple-level item modifications (even though it's for Level 30's-40's). The recruit gear is FREE. I know there's a restriction for F2P people (I think?) about opening crates or something like that. Why is this a problem? Well when you have someone with 12000 HP, that poses a problem for the whole team. These warzones are about teamwork, and having 1 player choosing not to wear recruit gear does not help the team.


    Anyway, my suggestion is just SIMPLY impose a requirement of 900 Expertise (or whatever the full Recruit Gear puts you at) before 30 seconds remaining to begin the WZ (to give time for another player to join and load the game). This should give the player ample time to equip their character with PVP gear.


    If they are F2P, I don't know, make it free or something for them? Or offer a different option besides the Unlock in case they can't afford it. Something, I don't know. Maybe someone else can offer a better idea about F2P?


    To the Dev's: please don't get the wrong idea. I enjoy seeing more players populate Warzones. I just think it's unfair to those who grind the grind to get better at playing, and earning better gear vs. those who don't care and/or don't know what is happening and screws with the team dynamic. Quick scenario: I played a Warzone where I defeated 3 players defending a node on Civil War. I defeated 2 in a blink of an eye because I noticed their HP was ~12k, leaving the 3rd to defend alone with no more help. I captured node, ended up winning game. Had those 2 players been in recruit gear or better, the outcome of the game may have been different!


    To the PVP community: I'm sure you all can relate to this at some level. Please offer any constructive feedback. i realize I'm not the best writer, so any help from you guys would be appreciated.



  13. Yummier, an operative from the guild Pyrexia. He likes to gank pubs at the black hole area. Especially by the heroic entrance. Him and i have trashed talked, fought, and caused OPVP wars there. Good times, good fun.


    His pub toon is yummi. When we see each other we /slap /spit /hug at each other.


    haha thats my buddy on pub side! i always get on him for ganking like that over and over but what can you do? lol he's been off for a while for RL stuff, not sure if he unsubbed though.

  14. Nice answers :)


    For me it's Ice... that sniper guy in that mvp guild. It's like no matter what toon I'm on he always catches me when all of defensive CD"s are up, there's no healer around, etc. I blink, and I'm dead I think I force-pushed him into the fire on huttball once on my guardian a while ago, but outside of that I stay away from him lol


    I'd also like to add that dude Winz, Mara. I haven't seen him in months. Is he still around?

  15. This is not meant to be a trash-talking thread, but rather a friendly one.


    When you enter a warzone and find yourself 1v1 another player and you just cringe because you know if they get the drop on you you're toast... or you've had many battles with this player that always goes down to the last second, and the victory can go either way... When you see this player coming after you, or when you're approaching and notice him/her and you think "Oh man time to bring my A-game against this person!" Someone that's a "worthy adversary"


    Maybe it's not a person, but a class/spec that you recognize as giving you a very hard time to accomplish your objective.


    Who is your nemesis?


    Please be courteous and respectful. This is a friendly post.

  16. A Hunger Games/Battle Royale arena! :p


    As a DPS, I love your idea.

    As a healer, I hate it.


    There are two major issues with your idea:

    a. No objectives.

    Every other warzone up til now has some kind of objective, whether that's to score in Huttball or to capture and hold nodes. I don't think they want to go down the "deathmatch" way, especially since classes are not balanced well enough. Which brings me to my next point:


    b. Class imbalances and roles

    So let me give you an example. As a healer (esp. a sorc/sage healer) your role is to heal your allies. To be put in a situation where you have no allies to heal and you're essentially just fighting for your own survival means that you either have to go DPS (which would be kinda OK if dual spec was available, although it would still mean people would be forced to DPS when they like healing) or accept the fact that you will never win against a semi-decent dps. But even if we put that aside, there is also the issue of being able to survive long enough to not be considered a 100% free kill for everyone. Without pylons or obstacles to LoS your enemies, a tank to guard you and dps to burn down the people attacking you a Sorcerer/Sage - and esp. a healer - has absolutely no chance of surviving.


    All in all, I really like your idea and I'm sure a lot of people would agree - judging from the fact that a lot of people in warzones don't pay any attention to objectives and just kill things until the end of the match - but two things would be needed for a warzone like that to be implemented:

    a. Allowing players to choose the warzone they would like to queue for

    b. Leveling the playfield, so that DPS will not be able to faceroll every other player.


    I get what you're saying about healing, but Sorcs/Sages have a DPS tree too. It takes about 10-15 seconds to respec your skill tree.


    I especially agree with the ppl don't pay attention to objectives. There definitely needs to be a free for all mode and the OP's idea sounds fantastic. I'm all about objectives and team work but sometimes I just want to run around and blast ppl with my rifle, or stab them with my saber lol :)

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