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Posts posted by Skyforge

  1. Improved Disintegration - Disintegrating any item that contains stats in the Command Stash will now result in gaining Unassembled Components instead of Command Experience (CXP). All other items still disintegrate into CXP. We’ve made this change to allow for a more robust way of earning the Unassembled Components to upgrade equipment. This brings increased value to each Command Crate earned through gameplay.


    Enhancements and mods you get from command crates disintegrates into CXP. Since it has stats you'd think it would disintegrate into UC. Working as intended?

  2. I have played all class stories except the Consular story. If I choose a Consular as my free lv 60 character to start KotFE, will it unlock Legendary Status? Or will I still have to level a Consular from scratch? I'm pretty sure it will be the second option but would like confirmation on this :)
  3. Is the special treasure to be found in one specific location of the search area? Or can you keep looking in the same location as long as you're getting green indicator after the search?

    I really want to know this because it sucks when you've been looking for over 2 hours and then someone else pops up, does 4 scans and gets the item...

  4. I can't seem to get this material either. I always do Bountiful and Rich missions but it's always the blue one I get (over 250 right now) but never the purple material :(
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