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Posts posted by Atralis

  1. I don't like them. This has been a problem for as long as warzones/battleground/whatever you call it have existed in MMOs. There are people that just sit around doing nothing.


    In some cases they are actual bots that run in like suicidal lemmings the whole match. In some cases they are guys that are "defending" and then when the attack finally comes you see them sitting there afk staring forward blankly while everyone dies around because they are watching a show and eating lunch and talking on the phone while playing the Warzone. Whatever it is they are engaged with about 5% of the concentration and it shows in the scoreboard at the end.

  2. This seems to happen at random but the screen goes black except I see the cursor and can move it around, I hear the music and sound effects and when I alt tab (windows 10) I can even see the game running in the little tabbed picture that comes up with full graphics but I when I maximise the window the only thing I see is a black screen with a cursor on it.


    Is this a known bug? Is there a workaround beyond hitting Alt-F4 to close the game?

  3. I was in the initial wave of people to get to 50 when the game was released and then I pvped my fair share in Warzones back then on a Commando and a Sentinel (got Champions gear back then). I came back the game this summer and I just hit 55 today on my Sentinel, picked up three pieces of warzone gear (I had saved up) and now..... my god.


    You do no damage and die within seconds of a single person looking at you. It is the most off-putting, least fun experience I've had in this or any other MMO.


    When I ran warzones around launch time to get my champions set the grind was incredibly fun. Now it feels like it would be able as fun as swimming laps in a pool filled with crap. How did things get to this point?


    I'll also note that you feel like a burden to your team. Especially in the arena style warzones. That is a terrible feeling.

  4. Hear me out.


    1. Everyone agrees that a companion that can't heal or tank is worse than one that can.-


    For many classes a healer companion is just so superior that people never use any other companion while leveling up after they get their healer. It just makes too big of a difference.


    2. This is to the detriment story and to personal choice in the game-


    Instead of picking what they believe to be the most interesting companion they will pick what is objectively the best companion for leveling up.


    3. This change would not make the game easier-


    Healing companions already exist. Tanking companions already exist. And they are already what the vast majority of people use while they are leveling up. Giving other companions some greater utility would just make the game better. It would give people greater freedom to pick the companion they like rather than the companion that is, under the existing system, clearly a superior companion for their class.

  5. Just guessing here but I would bet the reason they didn't use the one with the ring is that it would look a bit ridiculous on a character that is actually running around. Think about it. The ring wouldn't actually behave like a metal ring it would behave like cloth, just like that part of every other set of robes behaves. It would look like a painted on ring pattern on the robe rather than it actually being a ring.
  6. Trooper- Yuun:

    You just get him so late and its a bit hard to form a connection to him because...... well hes a bug.


    Jedi Knight-

    R2D2: I just really though Kira was awesome even though she was clearly worse in practical terms as a companion for my sentinel so I overlooked R2 after the very early game.


    Sergeant Rusk: You get him so late and the JK just has much cooler options than Rusk.

  7. On the side note, how did you even post here if you haven't subscribed yet?

    Don't tell me that non subscribers are allowed to post on these forums all of a sudden....


    Lets just say I got an email in my inbox saying "We appreciate your support of Star Wars™: The Old Republic™. As a thank you for your loyalty to The Old Republic™, we have granted you 500." and my reaction was "oh ........ ****"

  8. I'm going to give this game another go since I've got a couple weeks left in my winter break and I've got a few questions.


    1. Is there a looking for group system yet?-

    I couldn't stand sitting in the station waiting for group back in the old days. I just didn't do many flashpoints as a result.


    2. Is the server transfer system down for a while or did I just pick the exact wrong time of day?-

    I've noticed that its down right now and I'm going to need to transfer my guys (my server was low pop months and months ago I can't even imagine what its like now.)


    3. Whats a good server to transfer to or start a new character on?-

    I want this game to feel like an mmo. By the time I stopped playing my server felt barren. Empty planets. No groups. My guild had evaporated. Just me alone wandering through the story mode. It basically felt like a single player game with excess grinding.

  9. Go to the trade network on the fleet and get yourself some new items to make sure you can be all you can be as a new 50.


    I know what you are thinking: "I'd rather just wear this level 42 stuff and get carried by my team for the next few weeks until I get my pvp set"


    But let me lay out a convincing case for why you shouldn't do that.


    1. Money after 50 becomes plentiful and pointless-

    You end up with lots and lots of money without nothing of consequence to spend it on. So you shouldn't feel bad about spending your credits getting some gear or some mods off the trade network.


    2. The trade network is actually kind of cool!-

    You hit your armor type and then you select it to look for blue stuff. Then you select it to look for 49-50. And whammo theres all the armor that your class can wear! Cool right? For your weapon you can do the same thing but look for your weapon type.


    3. "But I have an orange weapon, I want to keep that one"

    No worries. You hit "item modication" and then you look for barrels if you have a gun and "hilts" if you have a lightsaber.


    4. "But how do I put the modication stuff into my weapon. I'm so confused"-

    Hit the button in the lower left of your keyboard that says "Ctrl" and then hit the right mouse button on your item you want to upgrade. Now you can actually just right click on the piece you want in the new weapon to put it in. Then you confirm thats what you want and its done! Super easy!



    5. "But won't I just get to pvp gear to replace this stuff anyways? Whats the big deal?"-

    Think about how much more fun its going to be doing the dozens and dozens of warzones you need to do to get that pvp gear if have a few thousand more HP and your damage is way better. Trust me its really really cool.

  10. I'm getting tired of this.


    Ways that I've had it happen.


    1. Just disconnects instantly after the leap seems to put me threw the map.


    2. I end up in the ceiling or something on huttball and eventually I get kicked out by the server.


    3. Not sure if it was caused by force leap or something else, but I spawned dead in our spawn site except I wasn't dead. I was just laid out looking dead. I could still force camo and use any other skill on myself that didn't require force but I was laying there unable to move. /stuck didn't fix it. And of course I ended up getting kicked.

  11. Ilum has never been anything but an embarassment for this game.


    As is stands it only exists for groups to trade kills to get their dailys done. Every attempt I've ever seen for Republic to get groups together to actually fight and play it as its meant to be played has been smooshed by Imp zergs.


    The zone is not ready for prime time and should be shelved until they figure out a way for it to exist in a game with massive population imbalances on most servers.

  12. I have a commando at 50 and a sent at 50 and I'll freely aknowledge that Commandos are OP.


    It isn't just the grav shot, but that is a big part of it. Grav grav demo high impact bolt full auto grav grav (full auto whenever it pops with the buff that resets the cooldown to give you extra damage). I gun people down and move on to the next one.


    Its easy mode. Don't ever fool yourself into thinking otherwize. You can just sit there like a turret using 3 or 4 abilties doing an absurdly high amount of damage. Compare that to what a Jedi Sentinel has to do to have compareable damage.


    If more people focused you then you would have more issues. But theres two things that will keep that from happening.


    1. Bads- People usually hit the first thing they see, which will be a jedi. They aren't going to come after you in most cases until there isn't a melee to atack.


    2. Healers- Even if you are the top damage in the game you are not the highest value target for the enemy team. If tracer spam is OP then healing in this game is doubly so because a free casting healer can easily heal through damage dealt by a tracer spamming BH. They are always going to go after those sages before they come after me, and sages can take hits like tanks so I can gun people down without a care in the world.


    I'm not defending tracer/grav round spam. Of course its OP and stupid, but I'm going to keep using it until it gets nerfed.

  13. I have never really felt like I couldn't win a straight up shooitng contest on my Commando....


    Serioulsy though grav round spam two or three times to stack up the debuff, high impact bolt and demo round, Full Auto.


    Sometimes I'll even charge them while I am using my instant casts and smash them in the face with my melee attack (which is specced for knockback) to knock them from behind their little wall.

  14. I've got a 50 of both. After playing a lot on my Sentinel my Commando feels like easy mode for so many reasons.


    The Sentinel has higher survivability and can interupt casting like a mad man but the Commando's damage output puts the Sentinel to shame.

  15. I've taken to the habit of walking up to a lot of dudes at first because I know they will toss me back about a mile when I start attacking them.


    Then I charge them to get back in range.


    I will definetly say that Knockbacks that also root are just *********** stupid. The root component should be removed from pvp. You already tossed me half way across the map is it really necessary for me to be bolted to the ground for several seconds when I land?


    Huttball is a nightmare for melee- Especially for sentinels. Every class except for sentinels and marauders has an ability that will toss our asses right off those narrow platforms.

  16. " So you are complaining that you cannot take on 2 healers and kill them. I want to make sure I am getting the point of your example."


    My complaint is that if I am on a healer doing my job the best I can hope for in most situations is to just keep him occupied. If I'm not on a healer and he is free casting then he is going to heal for a completely insane amount.


    The rage comes with the fact that I can't be two places at once. If there are two healers and I'm only able to prevent on of them from free casting then there is still a guy out there healing for ludicrously high amounts.


    The counter argument is ridiculous. "It should take at least an organized pair of two people to take down a single healer. It should take a well organized group of at least 4 people to take down two healers". Think about how ridiculous that sounds when you are making the argument that your class ISN'T overpowered?


    Two healers just mindlessly acting independently healing their team and running away when they get attacked should be a threat so powerful that it requires a team of 4 dudes on vent to mitigate them.

  17. On my Sentinel I jump on healers and stay on them and in most cases it works out. I remove them from the fight and if they are bad or geared the same or worse than I am then it works out.


    The problem is teams of healers. If you have two well geared Inquisitors on the other team they do have god mode. Both of them can take hits like tanks, the "anti-heal" skill crippling throw only reduces healing by 20%. It is rage inducing to interupt all a guy's heals. To chase him all over the place and unload everything you have on him WHILE you try and keep the healing reduction buff up and barely see his life bars move an inch because 80% of his buddies heals are more than enough to keep up with your damage.


    It reminds me of the bad old days of BC Druids. Healers that take hits like tanks keeping their team up while shrugging off your hits like you aren't even there.


    The issue I have with healers at this point is that there is no "rock paper scissors" element. Its "If someone doesn't stick on me like glue attacking me and interupting me constantly I am godly overpowered, if someone does stick on me and attack me then I am merely evenly matched with them".


    That is overpowered. Either your healing needs to be reduced when you aren't getting focused, or you should drop quicker when you are focused. You shouldn't be able to say "if I'm not constantly interupted I can heal through 3 or 4 people's damage, if I am constantly interupted i can heal through 1-2 people's damage).


    One or the other, not both. They need a nerf.

  18. As a Sentinel 1-49 Healers gave me no issues but at 50 they did. Its to be expected because you are so undergeared as a new 50.


    The only time they really make me rage is when they travel in packs. With more than one dedicated healer it can really be impossible to kill any single healer.


    I always do my job as a Sent. I jump on aaler and stick on him interupting everything I can and if its 1v1 I can take him down given time (pre 50 they dropped quick now they are as bad as tanks. Huge HP pools and too much of my damage is "absorbed" and if I get peeled off by anything (in the furballs you have to worry about tons of CC's including group knockbacks that also root) they can heal massive amounts back with a single cast after they get breathing room.


    It sucks.

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