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Posts posted by ShaneDavies

  1. I resubscribed yesterday after 7 years hoping that it's been long enough I'm sure things have gotten better by now holy **** was I shocked that the game had literally been taken over by RP players and LARPers....


    I am and always will be a hardcore PVP player and I've always loved Star wars the Old Republic PVP if there are any guilds out there that consistently run on a daily basis organized war zones please for the love of God please post here or private message me whatever I am praying to God that I am not going to unsubscribe my account for the last time and walk away from a game that had unlimited potential when it first released I even played beta yeah they were bugs but this game had infinite potential but no it's filled with people who truly try to be everything that they cannot be in life I know this sounds a little toxic but that's how passionate I am about Star wars and this game Star wars the Old Republic right now is like Disney's version of Star wars the Old Republic the only thing that's missing is Mickey mouse running around with a lightsaber honestly though if there's any guilds that run organized war zones on a regular basis and maybe even the occasional operation I'm your Man I'm even willing to transfer servers hit me up pretty please I beg you....


    Sadly pvp is largely overlooked by the development in this game. Since they introduced instances owpvp has disappeared apart from the green event which they do about once a year. I used to love this game but now I log on maybe once per month as I literally have nothing to do.

  2. Especially since there's a *large* percentage like me, actively hostile to the idea that there will be someone (er, another player) out there seeking to whack me for taking a walk while i'm out there questing.



    Personally I used to enjoy questing when there was the added bonus of getting killed. It made it more enjoyable, that at anytime someone wether it was a high level or 2 lower levels can come up and kill you. Plus I liked that you could attack or get attacked by sith or jedi. In my eyes that's what star wars is about jedi v sith.

  3. I think there are a small percentage of people who want to do owpvp but lack the popularity on pvp instances.

    I think even pvpers who are leveling choose to level on pve instances as its so easy to switch back and forth and they can not be bothered on a pve instance. That being said if there was some sort of an incentive for people to actually level on a pvp instance like they do on wow it would maybe popularise the pvp instance a bit and make them a little less of a graveyard lol.

  4. A 1v1 warzone would just be a duel (that you can currently do anywhere at any time), although adding a queue option for it would at least mean you do not have to both be in the same place at the same time to start the fight - you can be called from wherever you are into a dueling arena.

    2v2 (or 3v3, or any other combination as long as the numbers are equal, but the bigger numbers would almost never pop the queue) would potentially be good, and implementing this would probably be a good opportunity for BW to push premade groups into their own separate queue as part of a wider PvP rework.


    Thanks for the reply mate 👍

  5. I personally loved the game when owpvp was a thing

    I loved the added excitement of potentially getting ganked at any moment.

    The people who moan about this are the pve players that lose in a duel or get ganked they are walking around killing mindless npcs and the thought of an actual player who don't stand still and let them kill them then kills them must shatter their soul lol. I blame the pve players for moaning.

    Take away pvp/PvP instances please.

  6. I was trolling.


    The game got too big, and people didn't have time to loiter and PvP on planets. OWPvP became a gank fest for bullies. That's why PvP servers became ghost towns when xfers were 90 cartel coins a toon. People work jobs, they don't play 24/7 like these kids who want to bully and gank people for giggles.


    I am HAPPY PvP became a choice. You goto the PvP instance and it's a ghost town. The people, the community has spoken and we are happy with these decisions the Devs made.


    To the person who made this thread, I say, if you don't like the game as is, then find another game for your needs.


    I have found a new game and I'm happy with it lol.i hope swtor dies a slow death and then you pve nubs can sit around killing stationary targets feeling macho but are actually your ****.

  7. I'm not the one "suggesting" that BW give me more gank fodder.



    You should probably go enjoy your ganking in WoW while you still can.


    It will be very interesting to see how deserted those PVP shards are after WoW implements their version of a PVP/PVE toggle.


    All I've asked for is more incentive to do owpvp quit ************ and whining.

  8. Anyone interested in PVP or WPVP can switch to the PVP instances, especially since it is so easy to just "switch instances".


    If people are just avoiding the PVP instances, doesn't that tell you that they are not interested in WPVP (or the gankfest that WPVP so often is)?


    This whole "add incentives to PVP" seems to be nothing more than a cry of "I can't gank anyone anymore. BW, you OWE it to me to provide me gank fodder, using whatever means you have to use."


    And this looks like to me " oh no bioware please dont give incentives for owpvp I cried and cried until my little lungs gave out and stamped my feet those nasty PvP players will kill me again".

  9. From what I've heard, the PvP servers were the first to die, so people didn't want to be on those servers, actually.


    The PvP incentives as I understand it are actually better than what one was getting for PvE, in that you could get rewards simply for showing up, win or lose. People will turn down companions (Pierce, etc) instead of doing PvP. If people aren't biting for that perhaps it's just time to accept this isn't something a large population in the game enjoys outside of what's already offered.

    I have accepted it that's why I have stopped playing the game and playing wow atm it's way more fun but they are doing the sane to that game soon so I'll wait to see how that turns out.

    But one thing is certain I won't be coming back to swtor as it is now.

  10. A PvP instance is open world PvP. They took nothing away from you. People did not want to be on the PvP servers and they don't want to be in the instances.


    So what you're really asking for with "open world" is forced PvP where you get to gank people who don't want to participate, isn't it?

    no what I'm asking for is more incentive for players to go on the PvP instances.

    If players didn't want to PvP then why did they join up on a PvP server? There is no one on the PvP instances because it's so easy to just switch instances. They should just change the game to a pve rpg because that's all the devs care about come on 1 new PvP war zone in like 2 years? Shows they care little about PvP as a whole.

  11. They didn't take away open world PvP. There's still an entire PvP instance you can run around in. The only difference now is that people aren't forced to participate in that instance or in PvP if they don't want to. If players aren't interested in engaging in that kind of play, they obviously don't find it fun. It is what it is.

    The PvP servers were flourishing before they brought in the pvp instances so yes they did take it away.

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