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Posts posted by Mooby

  1. The only time I find it immersion breaking is when I see a female Commando running around in a Reveller's outfit with an Assault Cannon, especially with the new long hair style on a Human; which sounds too specific to be a regular occurrence but it happens quite often :/. Still, no more immersion breaking then Vector who's been counting the same 5 boxes in my cargo hold for months, or non-Force users with dark side corruption.
  2. The problems at launch and why it didn't hold subscribers is pretty much the same problems today. It really does infuriate me. It's the same as Warhammer Online - the game just had so much potential but it just never reached it. SWTOR isn't as bad but its potential is so high and it's not even close to what how great it could be. It's like they made a masterpiece and just never got around to finishing it - and still haven't.


    Other than it being Star Wars, the games stories and voice acting was what sold the game for quite a lot of people. Once you got over that and hit the level cap the problems started to become very apparent. Open world PvP was terrible due to a bad engine (still is bad!) and poor design implementation. Pretty sure everyone at launch will remember your expensive PC being brought to its knees at Ilum.


    No space other than some on rails mini game was tragic. I think loads were disappointed by this and I get the feeling that everyone expected and wanted a Star Wars version of EVE and instead they got a "I made this over lunch time as I was bored" home-brew flash game.


    Moving swiftly on to the games engine. It failed at launch and it still fails now. PC's that should eat this game alive just get murdered because the engine is just not optimised or capable of handling certain things that well. Shadows and Bloom destroyed FPS and machines that will easily run better looking and technically superior MMOs.


    There were other problems at launch - such as horrific queues which took too long to get resolved, and bugs that were there in beta and still there in launch (some are still in the game now, like that extremely annoying bug where the ability doesn't fire but the GCD does).


    I think EA / Bioware lost a lot of people due to the above reasons. I both love and hate this game. Provided there is content for me to play I will sub to this game, but I'm just really disappointed that it's not what it should be and I don't know if it ever will be.


    On the flip-side I think they have good things since launch. Kaon Under Siege is still one of the best "dungeons" I've played in any MMO and I think the Cartel Market is a brilliant example of how a cash shop should be done (except the Collections which is a bit "meh").

  3. Would have been nice to be able to turn this off. I get some people like it as they've already done the content 328975280935 times and would rather just breeze through it all and get 50 - 55 ASAP. Others however would just like to stick with our normal rate. Shelved my JK until after the weekend as I've already had to skip a planet because of it. I guess I could have done it anyway but what's the point when even the heroic's aren't even a challenge.
  4. Just happened to me at level 47. Finished Voss and noticed my holo terminal had a quest marker, clicked it and got the Makeb introduction quest which had an array of class quest spoilers (Inquisitor). I'm just glad this is my second Inquisitor, otherwise I'd have been so annoyed. This definitely needs changed to give some indication that there are huge spoilers.


    Edit: I'm receiving Planetary Commendations as normal though.

  5. Works fine this time, thanks! Everything looks fine that I could see, tried everything I could find. The only thing was option 3 (View relevant stats and percentages) which did nothing. 5 and 6 say "Not yet implemented" but 3 didn't so not sure if it's just not implemented as 5 and 6 are or whether it's bugged and isn't producing results.


    Thought about using VB.NET to make the program and a full Windows style GUI? Just thought I'd ask before you carried on any further, as you should be able to use that to do everything this C++ one does.

  6. Sigh, that Surge nerf really does screw me over. Going to have to start replacing 56 Enhancements with 51/52 versions to drop Surge down. The major problem is that the only place I can dump it is back into Alacrity and it'll make me hit about 350 Alacrity in the process. The spreadsheet says that'll make Surge and Alacrity worth about the same if I went ahead with it, so I guess I'll just do that.


    Current stats:


    1832 Aim

    282 Crit

    307 Surge

    213 Alac

    320 Power


    The easiest/best way to get Surge down for me is replacing +19 Crit/Power, +48 Surge 56 Enhancements with +19 Power, +42 Alac 51/52 Enhancements. So I worked out -38 Crit, -135 Surge, +130 Alac, +28 Power. According to the spreadsheet it's a HPS increase. I literally cannot dump the points elsewhere though as Crit is already high enough, Surge will be great at 170 ish, and since Power is a secondary stat it's not possible to get Power/Power Enhancements.


    Looks like I'll just have to love Alacrity whether I like it or not :p especially when every piece of Rakata has it.

  7. Yeah this has been mentioned numerous times over the past couple of months (this isn't a dig at you, but more a dig at Bioware still not having fixed this). There are other hardcoded binds too.


    You can rebind \ to "Chat Reply" and it works, therefore if you press it you only have to quickly hit enter to close the chat reply, which is better than having to mess around with UI windows which have close confirmation boxes. Another method is using something like SharpKeys to reverse keys on the keyboard, but it's not ideal as it'll reverse the key for general Windows usage too not just the game.

  8. From an Operation perspective.


    1) Supercharged Gas: Do you use it every time it is up and there is healing to do, or do you save it and use it as a cool down for burst healing?
    I keep it until I need it in an Operation, as Supercharge will still passively add 3% healing to you when you have 30 stacks. So yeah, unless I need the increased healing and benefits SCG brings, I'll not use it and will keep 30 stacks for the buff.


    2) Kolto Missile: Do you like that it is a manually targeted spell or would you prefer that it was centered on your target?
    I like that it's manually targetted and hope it stays that way, but the skill in general is completely awful. It's not a smart heal so it will sometimes ignore people that need healing and just overheal someone else already at full health, it takes 1.5 seconds until I fires then you have travel time involved so you have to aim where people are going to be rather than where they currently are or it'll not heal them, it has 3 targets maximum compared to infinite targets of a Sorc's Revivification (and so forth).
  9. Appreciate the hard work RuQu, thanks a lot. Going to go over the numbers properly tomorrow and run my stats through the spreadsheet again as my brain cope with math well past 10pm :p


    It's going to be extremely difficult to hit 140-150 Alacrity in Columi/Rakata gear due to so much of it carrys Alacrity as a base Enhancement, unless we start replacing 56 - 58 Mods and Enhancements with 50 - 51 variants, which will probably be worse.


    By the way, how would this affect a Bounty Hunter with the slight difference in mechanics? That's might not be the easiest answer, and this isn't the Bounty Hunter forum, but I tend to use this guide as the go-to one so thought I'd throw it out there.


    Just some food for thought, but thanks again for the work you put in.

  10. I honestly do not mind paying every time i change a spec... It's the damn arranging of the skills on my bars in such a way its intuïtive and easy for me to walk around with.


    Just let me set up multiple setups @ the skills trainer so i could pick up a new set of pre-arranged bars and a new spec in a few seconds


    Great idea in my opinion. If they want to keep respec costs in as a money sink including switching between specs, then this is the best way to go about it.

  11. So after going over all the Alacrity posts I could find (most of which were yours RuQu - so thanks!) for the past week, I've came to the understanding that Alacrity isn't actually bad (but nor is it great), but it's extremely hard to represent in an spreadsheet due to how... "weird" I guess, it works - such as not affecting the global cooldown beyond cast time abilities or affecting Ammo regeneration.


    I came to this mostly because of this spreadsheet, as from what I can understand the HPS rotation is built on an intense Ammo constricted rotation where adding any Alacrity is detremintal for the most part because it would cause Ammo to drop faster and you're having to fill in more Hammershots to stop this, which would yield a HPS loss as HS is replacing other abilities.


    Is this correct or am I still way off?


    Also, I guess adding another rotation that isn't as Ammo intensive would be counter productive as you're not really finding the maximum HPS with it even though a slacker rotation would be more like a real situation?. Using the Ammo intensive rotation that you use in your spreadsheet isn't really a bad thing, it just seems incredibly hard to represent Alacrity properly because of how weird it works.

  12. I'd like:


    * Kolto Shell being agro free healing

    * Kolto Shell stacks being refreshed by Rapid Shots

    * Rapid Shots noise replaced with something more soothing

    * Rapid Shots healing for 150% - 175% bonus healing

    * Alacrity reducing the GCD on instants

    * Kolto Missile being a smart heal and brought into line with Revivification

    * Kolto Missile heals instantly, not waiting 1.5 seconds for the animation

    * AoE version of Cure, 15s cooldown or so

    * Group based utility, something defensive like the 25% AoE shield that Ops get

    * Combat resurrection

    * Chaff Flare not starting the GCD


    And just for giggles:


    * Flame Thrower being "Kolto Thrower", AoE heal, whilst CSC is active :p

  13. If this change goes ahead, which will most likely be the case, there is very little point in keeping Biochem anymore. From a raiders perspective I'd need 6 stims per week (3 nights per week raiding, 2 stims per raid). I could level an alt to 15 to get my ship and 2 companions, then just pick up Bioanalysis on that alt and get someone else to craft the stims. Then I'd just pick some new crafts on my main.


    You could argue that the reusable will stay save you money over the long period but because of how many stims the average person needs for raiding per week it's not a huge cost, especially when you can rake in 200k+ from dailies per day. You could also point out that Biochem has implants that you can make, but since you can get Rakata implants from dailies for 120 each which are on par / slightly better than level 50 mastercraft Implants and you won't have to suffer the ballache that is reverse engineering to get the one you want I'd find it a moot point.


    So yeah, if this change goes ahead, Bioware will have just took the easy route and nerfed the only useful end-game craft and making it join the ranks of the mundane which is every other tradeskill, when they should have buffed other trades to be on par with Biochem.


    My 2 cents.

  14. Sorcs have more utility, easier to manage resource pool and much better AoE healing. It doesn't mean that Mercs are worthless though, far from it. In the end Bioware will balance it, such as I'm totally expecting Revivification (Sorc AoE heal) to get nerfed.


    Play whichever you prefer :)

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