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Posts posted by TheLittleTpot

  1. For me, he just came across as boring at first. But then,

    he had to come back in chapter 16 to steal my damn ship! I realize that might have been down to my choices. Maybe someone else would have skipped town and then showed up later to steal the Gravestone, like Kaliyo, if I had chosen to not let her blow up half a city. But dammit, that was MY ship!



    Only really good thing Koth brought was his entertaining crew. I love that blue-haired maniac girl.


    Also, for some reason, he reminds me too much of Sazh from Final Fantasy XIII. Maybe it's the coat.

  2. Okay, sorry, I don't feel like reading through I don't know HOW many pages to get the info I want so I'm just gonna ask. Is Vette same-sex romanceable in KotFE? I haven't played since firebrand and I noticed my femquisitor could flirt with Kaliyo so I was thinking of bring my femWarrior into the story, but I'd like to get clarification first, so I don't just give Lana the could shoulder for nothing :p
  3. Doesn't part of their brain go into those? To get rid of it all to fit in that helmet, not so sure about.


    What one could file it away under is that there is a bit of some other species in SI's lineage. A couple thousand years have gone by, that's enough time for Kallig (or one of his children) to have gotten with an alien and then that alien staying within that other half of their ancestory and by the time it got to the SI, the human part would be all but gone.


    Not sure about Togruta but for Twi'leks, I recall reading that they have no problem surviving or retaining full function of their brains after having their Lekku cut off, despite parts of their brain going up there. My guess is that the parts stored in their lekku are non-critical brain matter unique to Twi'lek anatomy, and that the most important parts are stored in their skull similarly to a human.


    And hey, even if the brain matter in their lekku IS important, well.... there are humans who have survived after having half a brain removed through surgery so...

  4. With players starting at level 60 and head into the expansion they got all the opportunity they need to both expand previous classes and future classes. Much can happen in the future :csw_redsaber::csw_bluesaber:


    This.... is a really good point. Now, they won't be as restricted as they were when the prospect of creating a new class would mean adding new areas to the old planets. Lots of extra work there. Now, it's basically just down to balancing, recording new dialogue and MAYBE creating new, class-specific companions.

  5. A companion buffet? Oh man, my Inquisitor is going to act like a high class lady-douche at a slave restaurant!


    "Yes, I'd like an Ashara with a side serving of Vette, please. Served with a tall glass of Blitz, obviously. For desert, I'll take a bowl of Nadia with some Talos sauce. Oh, and I'd also like a serving of Skadge and Quinn. Not for me, just so you can drop it on the floor."

  6. I, too, am a little interested in attempting to wade into the ocean that appears to be Star Wars literature. After years of watching movies, playing games, reading books and even the odd comic here and there, I find myself downright sated where the subject of compelling, male protagonists are concerned, and Star Wars seems a tad bit male-centric. Are there any good books at all that deal, primarily, with a female protagonist? Something touching on The Exile's story post or prior to the events of Kotor 2, perhaps?
  7. Not shortly after HK-51 was announced, it came to light that players would need (and this was reported in a magazine, then confirmed on site) a level 50 character and a character of "mid-level" of the opposite faction, on the same server. This allowed players to make decisions about their play, informed of how those decisions might impact their ability to acquire HK-51 when he was released. Little more than that was said until he dropped on the PTS, but given that that information is similar to what we need to know about SGRA's, it's... interesting.


    The information is similar to the fact that it affected people's decisions of the class/es they need to roll in order to see the content they wanted. HK-51 is available to all classes, that was made clear from the start. We don't know if SGRA's will be made available to all classes. HK-51 would be available, regardless of quests - we don't know if SGRA's will be available to those who have progressed past meeting their intended romance partner or if SGRA's will be applied retroactively. We knew HK-51 was a companion droid from the HK line - and this admittedly a stretch - we don't know which companions (if any) will be available for SGRA.


    Hopefully, they will give us similar details when they announce the patch that's going to include SGR's, or at the very least, shortly after. If this is the case though, my hope of them coming with Makeb is draining rapidly, as much of what that particular content-expansion includes has already been revealed. Then again, Makeb will likely be more of a pack than a patch so there is still at least some hope that it will come with SGR's. They have yet to reveal wether or not it will include a continuation of our personal storyline, after all.


    I shall have to keep my hopes at a reasonable level, so as not to have them crushed too terribly. Worst-best case scenario would be if all of the current romance-choices become available for SGR, but I find out that I missed the opportunity to raise the flag with Ashara right after recruiting her. I ignored Andronikus's [flirt] options during his recruitment mission and after my first conversation with him on my ship, they stopped appearing completely. I just had my first on-ship conversation with Ashara and now I'm too terrified to play my inquisitor any further for fear of being faced with the prospect of having to reroll in order to get the chance to properly corrupt her impressionable mind.

  8. While I feel that the toggle feature would make little sense from an immersion point of view (then again, there is too much already in this game that ruins immersion) and, quite frankly, the idea itself is a little insulting. Following that train of thought would lead to semi-political statements however, and so I will stop right here.


    That said, there are scenarios that would make a sexuality-setting both relevant and practical for all parties, but that touches more on the same-gender [flirt] issue. I will bring this up here though, as this is the thread that discusses the possibility of a toggle feature (among other things).


    In my own, humble opinion, the only way the aforementioned toggle feature would not be insulting would be if your choice of in-game sexuality (Hetero, bi or homosexual) affected certain story encounters. I recall being approached by a zabrak early on in the IA storyline. I play a female IA, and as such, I had the choice to seduce him to get out of a tight spot.


    There are many similar situations in the game. If the gender of the NPC who approaches you is determined by the gender of your character, it would make sense to also include sexuality in the equation. That way, straight characters would be approached by opposite gendered NPC's, gay characters would be approached by same-gendered NPC's and bi characters would receive a mix of the two.


    As it stands however, I have seen nothing that suggests that the gender of such NPC's aren't completely fixed. If I play a male IA, I would still be approached by that same, male zabrak (Feel free to correct me on this if I'm wrong). As such, the function of a toggle feature can easily be filled by simply choosing to [flirt] with companions and NPC's whose gender you're attracted to.


    This is a game where you can, at countless points, chose to mercilessly slaughter innocent people. If that feature cannot be toggled off for the sake of the children, then neither should romantic advances.

  9. You realize KOTOR II wasnt made by Bioware? well but to the point i though a bit of fresh air without the alieans and all. Its not they arent there wich they are.. wookies jawas sand ppl, ithorians hutts, zabraks etc etc. Also about the sith empire the aliens are mostly slaves, besides the sith and humans( and even humans are second class) so its pretty normal that the empire ppl generaly treaten then without respect. And the sith mingled with humans so tehre is plenty of humans with sith blood.

    All im saying all those stuff has reason to be so, you might not like it but they are there. Read a bit on the lore explain alot of stuff.

    also a note about humans, on SW universe, im pretty sure you got that backwards they are the most predominant species in the galaxy...



    Ah, yes, I somehow mixed up Bioware with Obsidian.


    And I'm not saying I don't see some of the reasons for the way things are, I'm simply saying that those reasons make no sense at all. Such as the idea of how humans are the predominant species. Now, that would make sense in a universe made up of four or five sentient species but, as I mentioned before, Star Wars has thousands of them! Even if you take into account how some species have more advanced space travel technology, said technology could easily be shared and exchanged across cultures, just like how we trade with other countries all over the world in THIS world.

  10. I'm going to have to go with the 2a option here, pretty much for the same reason as most people here have brought up, as well as considering the fact that the writers have been working on this since 2006. Since this is BioWare we're talking about, I can with fair certanity say that they must have a good chunk of unused same-sex dialogue options just lying around. And as far as I know, VA's (or actors in general) tend to have enough time on their hands to pick up simple jobs such as adding a little alternative dialogue, at least compared to regular day-to-day workers.


    Hell, most of the same sex dialogue could be done by switching "Her" with "him" and "guy" with "girl" and vice versa. Granted, there is plenty to explore with the psychology of same-sex romance that would take a bit longer to impliment but hey, how much of that did we see in, say, Dragon Age 2?

  11. I can name one thing that I genuinly liked about the prequels - The diversity in species, something I STRONGLY feel that bioware should have emulated, not just in SWTOR, but in KOTORII as well.


    Seriously, the Star Wars universe has literally thousands of different species but what is the overwhelming majority? Humans. Good, GOD I'm sick of seeing thirty humans for every alien among NPC's. Hell, there wasn't a single non-human on the Jedi council in KOTORII! Am I the only one who finds that incredibly immersion-breaking? I even recall reading in a Star Wars book a long time ago that actually very FEW humans are able to become Jedi, meaning that they aren't particularly force-sensitive compared to other species.


    Even if you factor in something silly such as humans breeding like cockroaches, the fact that there are so many different sentient species in the galaxy should'nt just easily counterbalance this, it should outright OVERWHELM the number of humans!


    And don't even get me started on how stupidly racist they made the empire in general. Yes, they're supposed to be the bad guys but not all bad guys are racist and in a setting that holds so many different creatures, you'd THINK that diversity would be a given. Hell, humans outnumber even the Sith Purebloods in the empire!

  12. Lol... fair enough.


    Personally though, I think we'd all benefit more if -for now at least- they focused on the the combat log, etc..


    To be quite frank though, with their budget, they really should have enough resources to multitask a little.


    Then again, I don't know the first thing about accounting or the economy so I suppose it's not my place to say.

  13. While I approve of making improvements and adding new features, none of the ones shown here interest me.


    I mean, come on! Throw me a bone here; will the legacy system eventually feature additional species choices? I'm holding out on making alts until I find out wether or not that will ever happen.


    Also, how's development of them same-sex romance companions going? ....are you even working on it?

  14. While it's nice to get some news regarding upcoming content, I still feel that the lack of info regarding the (supposed) upcoming same-sex romance companions is a bit worrying. Heck, just a LITTLE info would be nice!


    Will it come via patch or expansion, for instance?


    Will old companions be tweaked to allow for same-sex romances or will it be confined to new ones?


    Will they be shared between classes or will each individual class receive a "set" of their own?


    Do you have a timeframe on how long we should expect to wait?!

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