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Posts posted by AAntan

  1. Sadly, we see at least some players argue against this, on grounds of "easy mode", "dumbing down the game", "entitlement kids", etc.


    And you see this mostly because players that did solo + tactical FPs only on their entire gameplay suddenly decide to jump into ops and see they have to add just a few more things into mind (yes, just a few), start calling for "nerfs", "get rid of X" or "make it solo because I only do solo".


    I'm fine with the idea of Solo - Tactical - SM - HM FPs, but I don't like the idea of nerfing ops or make them solo content just because some players decided to skip the FPs and wanted to raid right of the bat or want to put their hands on the only content PvE players have. Ops and HM FPs are the only content PvE players have (no, dailies and Tac FPs aren't content for PvE crowd), taking away that from them would basically kill PvE on this game.


    Take this expac as example... people crying about how "hard" some new bosses are, but they were actually made assuming players did previous content and are experienced on PvE, not for those that decided to jump over anything that isn't level 60 content (which also involves no idea about your class and no previous knowledge on how basics ops are) and expect to win on day 1.


    The only way I "could" approve the idea of solo Ops is if they make it like "The Enemy Within" for solo players which is:

    • One boss only

    • Some story (if you want full story go do the real operation.)

    • No loot for killing, just a reward for a weekly mission (which should not exceed op gear at all).

    • Weekly lockout (just like a regular op.)

    • Increase difficulty (don't punish players but don't make it cakewalk).

  2. OP: "I'd like jet charge because its fun"

    PvPers: "Yes, but then it would break PT/VG DPS, and we'd get nerfed. So no thanks"

    Uneducated Simpleton: "Oh but how will I get in range to do things!"

    Top level raiders: "You have 10+ meter range on all your good attacks. Try starting there.

    Absolute Scrubs: "But VG DPS Sucks!"

    Me: :rolleyes:


    This pretty much nailed it. Thanks for the laughs :)

  3. Mobility never was a problem in PvE and contrary to the popular belief, has no direct impact on dps (and all the whiners were never able to proof otherwise). With the current buff to mobility, PT should be within 10 meter of target within 1 GCD. If you are not you are doing it wrong. The problem aint the class. It is the user.


    Don't bother, every single person that asked for Storm either had no clue how balance works (they use the "It's fun" argument) or have no idea on how to perform with the class (thinking a leap will ramp up high the bad numbers they put out). This one is no different.

  4. I never said story content should be bound to group content (something that was bad on Ilum, got pointed out on Oricon and became worse with FA Series). What I don't like is the fact that stuff like EV, KP, EC, etc. (that have nothing to do with the main story line or your class quest) are now target of players to become solo content because some FPs suddenly became solo content.


    Most ops and FPs on this game (with exceptions that I mentioned above) are made with the intention, even the npcs say it, of gather forces to help your side get a small advantage (one that you never see on the main story), and it's that small hook that doesn't really "force" group play but actually tries to introduce you to the main idea of MMO games... showing you that, as much as you dislike it, you are not an army by your own... and like any other human on RL, you will need help eventually to achieve something.

  5. And this is sad because?


    If it brings more enjoyment to the game to a larger group of players then I would feel this would be a good thing. And in my opinion, enjoyment of the game should be a larger goal than gating a fraction of the content. Leaving the enjoyment to a much smaller target audience.


    It's hard to say that you are bringing more enjoyment to a larger audience since forums only show a vocal minority all the time... I don't know if solo players are more/less abundant than group players, nowadays you can still see 4,5 ops groups looking for 1 more player, groups for quests like heroics and FPs where none of those players come here to post anything.


    The problem is, if this game is turning into solo mode/group mode thingy to later be just a solo mode game... Why call it MMO? Why charge sub for a SP game? Why not stop it and make a way better SP game to actually deliver instead of a weird hybrid?

  6. Now the market is changing YET AGAIN. I can choose to resist, or simply choose to adapt. I choose the latter. If I want to play MMOs, this is the reality. Otherwise I can walk away at any time.


    Sadly, on this game, there's a thin line between adapting to changes and let the game genre change completely. And this expac is the best example... it's between SP and MMO, but falling more into SP category by making players forget about the aspect of gather forces to achieve a common goal.


    Now it's like... Anyone want to group? And you get replies like "lol why group when you can solo it?"

  7. MMOs are changing. For the better or worse is a matter of opinion, but I imagine it is the best direction for commercial success.


    In that case you should stop calling it an MMO and start calling it SP.


    Did you notice how people complain about how quick this expansion burned out? It's because is so easy that you can clear it in 5 hours straight of gameplay with all the easy Solo FPs with GSI GodDroid and the huge amount of xp you get for clearing trash that doesn't really deliver any challange (only challange is an unintended bug with silver mobs).


    If this is the way MMO games are moving to, EA+Bioware should stop charging subscription then, because it's dumb to charge money for a "Soon to be a SP game"... Would you like to be charged $15/month to play Skyrim? I'm sure you won't. Not to mention the money we all threw when this game came out +3 years straight of sub + expacs + CM (some people). That's around +10 triple A games like CoD, Battlefield, ES, etc. (some include masssive SP and MP for all kinds of players and you pay once for full game and once for every expac).


    I can understand that a lot of people wanted a KotOR 3 (So did I), but I didn't expect this game to be KotOR 3 because the series were made based on SP... this is a MMO and should be treated as such. Just because EA+Bioware made grinding nice by adding story, it doesn't mean it was the main focus of this game... it was just a way to make great use of Bioware's talent on story telling to make grind less boring and endgame a bit more intriging. Bottom line, just because a game has stories doesn't/shouldn't turn into SP.


    If all endgame content such as raids are turned into "solo mode"... what would be next? Make stuff that made NiM raiders work incredibly hard (mounts, titles, etc.) easily accesible to people that can't even group with friends because reasons? Start dumbing down stuff even more because it's "hard to adapt"? AI for PvP and GSF? Single instances for every single player because they don't want to share their sandbox?


    Think about it.

  8. Well if this mobility is sooooo great plz tell me how many Vanguard DPS u see in ops as I play this game since Beta and I have not seen to many ( this is my main melee DPS) all u see in the melee role is Sentinels and guardian DPS . I am saying that the Vanguard DPS is greatly improved in 3.0 however.....is not yet GREAT.

    Lol @ this. Do you know that the only 2 guilds that finished HM Temple of Sacrifice on 3.0 used 8 Bounty Hunters/Troopers, where 4 of them where Powertechs/Vanguards (because of the huge mobility form HtL)?


    Edit: I'm sorry but if someone doesn't pick you as a dps maybe it's you and not the class. I'm doing 3.0 content and been doing NiM content on my PT DPS since NiM is out.

  9. I don't think these new ops are hard at all... on the other hand they are challenging if we compare them to the faceroll the old SM ops used to be (this includes EC SM which got nerfed twice).


    What I see nowdays is most players jump into the new ops, expect everything to be ignored and just end it up in 1 day. That's not gonna happen, not now and not in the next month... just like happened with DF and DP when they came out (people still ignore the 1st droid on Brontes btw, even when they outlevel the ops).


    This is something that happened to me a week ago... I joined an 8m ToS pug and they asked me: "Have you done this before?" I said yes, cleared the whole instance, something that got them surprised because they couldn't get pass Walkers... So I told them to chill that I could help out and promised we would take down at least Walkers (didn't talk about Underlurker until we got there). Taking time to explain with detail the "do and do not" after several pulls (around 5) the Walkers died and they we celebrating like no tomorrow.


    Next step, the Underlurker... When we got there I got serious and told them the sad truth... "If you think Walkers was hard, this is worse), but even after that they were willing to give it a few shots and see how far we could make it. Again all the things explained with details and we proceeded to pull. The starting pulls were a mess, mostly because people was confused with the "cross mechanic" (which is fine, you won't get it until you see it a few times), but on the 4th pull we started getting green crosses. Now, we couldn't finish the boss because we got enrage (boss was around 30%) but it shows that even the most casual players can do something as simple as standing on the cross if they are willing to.


    There are a few things to point out:

    • Mechanic wise these fights are doable, they just need a bit of concentration and willpower (something that the avg pug lost on 2.0)

    • Fights are not hard, but tweaks for SM are a good idea (small tweaks, not nerfing to the ground)

    • Most pugs are spoiled... I mean fast runs with huge rewards (comms and mats)? The hell is that? If you want rewards, you should earn them not ask for them (which became quite common since 3.0 comm gear is trash, as it should).

    • SM ops aren't the gateway to PvE content, that's why we have SM/HM FPs (less intensive, yet enough to make you focus), so don't ask for nerfs for ops.


    Now if you think that these ops are incredibly hard because you can't avoid mechanics and roll your face on the keyboard with no concentration, expecting everything to be handed out... I don't know, go play with mud or something, that way you can get all the mud you want ,handed out by someone throwing a water bucket on dirt with no effort at all... also doesn't cost you $15 month, which is a plus. :p

  10. I'm no ace, but I'll go after any gunship I can

    Pretty much this, no matter if people put you on the aces list or nah, just go kill gunships if they are annoying you, don't let them free.


    (Then there's the crop of Xi'ao wannabes- they're just fun to blow up as a consequence of their hubris. ;) )

    Sir, we have names, but if you can't remember all of us... we go for either Xi'ao's Cronies or Imperial Elitist ********, not Xi'ao wannabes (We love the 2nd one) :p


    Edit: Btw did anyone find out this person? I'm curious now

  11. .... So thats always fun being on the receiving end... :rolleyes:

    I mean Devs... Really ??... 8.5 secs... I could go make a cup of tea in that time... Watch a bit of TV... Feed the cat... Have a sandwich... And come back in time to watch them finish capping that node I was guarding

    Not to mention the roots when you come out of the 8.5 sec stunlock...


    Erm, 8.5s of stuns isn't news... I mean it's not like Assassins can Spike - Low Slash - Electrocute since game release... oh wait.

  12. I thought weshra was your name...


    All I need is a "kill ______"


    Weshra is on Imp side, I've seen that name even got crossed a few times...


    Now to the op, you should chill a bit... we already had a flame war because some Pub pilots called out Imps on our server, dont start a 2nd one. If you can't deal with gunships, give me a call, you know who I am.

  13. In SM though I just run pyro and stand in the circle. 7k DPS FTW

    Yep, I did around 7k doing that same thing, Pyro is really nice but people don't give it a go since AP is now FotM (which makes me hate AP because I used that spec since game release, dealing with all the bad crap it had :/)


    AP is nice on PvE, like it was stated before, dummy wise other classes win, but raid wide, you can have the upper hand since the huge mobility and insane burst (even guarded you can pull, trust me) makes target switch (something that happens often on these ops) a breeze

  14. Is AP parsing 4200+ like many other specs?

    I want to play my Powertech but is it still viable for the new ops, lots of adds and burst required.


    It can parse that if you are full 192's on both specs (Pyro beating AP by 200 dps in the testing I did on PTS), I didnt use augments tho so probably you can get an avg of 4.3k

  15. I like. So do a lot of other people here.


    The bean counters don't like, cause making new GSF levels and engine capabilities is expensive, and apparently we don't buy enough shinies on the cartel market.


    Clearly you don't understand that GSF isn't a Space Sim, it's a minigame on a MMO... therefore most of the money they gather on this game either goes to ground content or CM (because CM always get money for more redesigned crap).


    Not to mention that the time it would take to develop scripts and such like the ones on X-Wing series would take away a lot of time that could be put on ground content.


    And this is coming from someone that plays GSF a lot.

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