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Posts posted by Morde_

  1. but **** premades are supposed to dominate lol its better than constantly having 4 noobs ruining it for you


    This is some next-level Sun Tzu military strategy right here. "If you can't beat 'em, get more of your friends to come help you."

  2. Posted this the other day as well:


    So having 3 friends isn't enough to beat those nasty pugs on the other side? You need 7 to steamroll a bunch of people who are probably queuing alone? That sounds fun.


    Or you want your 8 man premade to fight another 8 man premade? We had that and even fewer people played that than arenas.

  3. You seriously can't list Arenas as "most difficult content". If it were the 8 man wzs I would have agreed, but arenas means nothing in my opinion. You need to have the best classes/spec to do well, where as in 8 man wzs you can still make a difference no matter what.


    If you honestly think 8v8 ranked warzones take more skill than 4v4 arenas then you're just completely incorrect.

  4. hahahahahhaha ok so what does OP mean? does it not mean that they are better than every other healing class by far? lol makes no sense to say that ops are not OP just the other 2 only healing classes are under powered.. tomato tomato


    It's not quite tomato tomato.


    Operative healers are sufficiently strong enough to keep the team alive in 4v4 ranked for a reasonable amount of time when placed against equally skilled DPS on the opposing team.


    Mercs and Sorcs struggle to do this.

  5. With 2.6 I'm thinking my concealment scoundrel. Sorutsu with dps mods is nice for Guardian. Still having trouble with the class. Please Insights on 2.6 class only, so I can concentrated on the key binds.


    Scrapper scoundrel/concealment operative is a gutsy move to practice keybinding on. Good luck.

  6. So having 3 friends isn't enough to beat those nasty pugs on the other side? You need 7 to steamroll a bunch of people who are probably queuing alone? That sounds fun.


    Or you want your 8 man premade to fight another 8 man premade? We had that and even fewer people played that than arenas.


    fact is many players dont like the 4v4s in general and others dont like the unbalanced way that the ques throw teams together with 3 heals on one team and none on another


    This does not happen in solo ranked.

  7. fact is many players dont like the 4v4s in general and others dont like the unbalanced way that the ques throw teams together with 3 heals on one team and none on another, id say get rid of the 4v4s, and on a side note allow us to que 8 people for 8man wzs


    You never have a healing imbalance in solo q ranked arenas.


    If you had known this, your argument would carry more weight.


    Edit: Unless you're talking about group ranked where you queue 0 healers vs. 3 healer teams. To which I can only say

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