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Posts posted by IronJelly

  1. I am pretty sure this is intentional. you lose money on most of the crew-skill missions that don't crit.


    I make a lot of money slicing though, as it's supposed to, because of the random slicing boxes on the planets. if you actually do the story and quests and don't live on the fleet, you'll find slicing boxes everywhere, for free, with lots of credits in them. That's where the money is.


    tl:dr version - you don't play the game as intended, your argument is invalid.

  2. obviously the stories are different, and I don't think you'll get too many people who have played both, since the classes play the same, but are on opposite factions, and some people have faction loyalty, or just want to try a different class.


    I've gotten both to roughly 30 (in both cases to, and mostly through Nar Shadaa)


    Without being too spoily, the IA feels more... important... so far, like she's the only one who can and is doing the things she's doing. It's not that the smuggler isn't important, just that he's not already an established name in the field the way the IA is.


    I also don't care so much for Corso, but that's just a personal preference.

  3. Agreed.


    Patch notes need to be inclusive, or why bother providing them at all?


    Edit: and inclusive doesn't have to mean spoily. putting in the notes:


    "rearranged a few planets to better hide the eggs"


    would have been sufficient.

  4. Odd, I don't think that i've seen such threads ever get "removed"


    closed yes, but if you really had a problem to express, you would post anyways, and let people read it even if it's closed and they can't reply.


    So um... I call your bluff until you post otherwise, OP.

  5. The OP is wrong though.


    Bringing everyone up to a par would make the game become (over time) too easy.


    Nerfing is the correct way to balance a game, even if it isn't particularly fair or fun when it happens.


    Be happy this isn't the Champions Online dev-team's policy of over-compensate-a-change, then swing back the change. They had a reputation for nerfing slightly overpowered powers into the ground, before returning them to usefulness.

  6. I've yet to notice any such degredation, so if they must reset the servers, (which I'm unconvinced they need to do all that regularly) I'd suggest doing it during the OP's play time, and not mine.


    We can't all have fancy PCs like yours, and I definitely notice an improvement right after maintenance resets.


    Not to mention other benefits, such as any stuck mobs being reset.


    consider me /signed


    //and if you decide you want to troll me by suggesting you _don't_ have an awesome pc, post a dxdiag.

  7. I assume if they were to do it they wouldn't just wipe everyone's name. They would just give you a one time name 'respec' so you could use it or not at your discretion. I happen to like my legacy name but I wouldn't object to an optional one time legacy name change.




    Resetting everyone's would be chaos, and a mad grab for the good ones. Letting people, at their discretion, one time, change it to something available at the time they are resetting it might be ok.

  8. Ok, some feedback.


    1) I can't give you feedback via email, because the instructions file says to use the email address in the info menu in the game. This is a problem, because the game doesn't run.


    2) The game gives me an error that a dll file is missing. Depending on the language used, sometimes it relies on the system having access to certain assets that simply don't exist on every machine. This is why many programs have installer packages and/or larger shell programs doing the installation.


    I'll find myself a copy of that dll file and see what happens, but that's something you should be aware of. It can be hard to find different machines to test stuff on, and not everyone has access to virtual environment software, but it's something to consider.



    I found this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6580685/what-is-msvcp100d-dll, which might or might not be the issue. I don't use C++, so it is likely I wouldn't have a needed dll from it.


    Edit #2: Putting the dll into my system32 folder (which is where it would be expected in any windows environment), appears to have worked, but the error comes up expecting yet another dll that I don't have. I might have to actually install the C++ redistribution package, which, for sending out a program to numerous people, is largely an unacceptable issue.

  9. As a programmer and web developer for about 7 years now, i'm always interested in seeing people learning and getting to like this often misunderstood profession. and seeing work done by students and those learning is always interesting.


    I wish i didn't need to sign up for 4shared and their email spam to download it, but there isn't really any way to handle that for free. I suppose if it's small enough, i could put it on my server for you, but then the link would be at my site which would be weird for people you show it to.


    I'll still give it a look because, well, it's Star Wars. While i do that, can you tell me what language it's written in? What operating system you use? I'll assume I can run it on Windows, but if i can't, that's information worth having.

  10. Not that hard. I think people just don't like having to be aware of what is around them and the spot they are going to roll into.




    IA is one of the only classes in the game that requires skill to play and isn't easy mode. The OP probably also has problems with how healing Operatives play.

  11. Elimate the cover system? Eliminate a major part of what makes this class unique?


    If you don't like it, don't use it. Simple. I like it, I'll keep using it. You have options, such as just not using it, or rolling something else.


    And it jumps to a cover that can see whatever your current target is. If you press tab a few times first and make sure your target is the mob you expect, cover won't be facing the wrong way.

  12. Question is pretty much as in the title. If you're on an RP server, should that mean you're automatically up for Roleplaying conversations with people?


    I belong to a once-a-week group that is on an RP server, and a lot of people just come up to the females in the group and start talking to them like they know them.


    Nothing is directly wrong with this, but I'm wondering a few things, having never really been on an RP server in any MMO...


    1) Is that normal outside of a setting like a Cantina?


    2) Am I wrong in assuming it's always someone intending to ERP?


    3) Same as Question #2 when you consider that:

    a) The people always talk to the women in the group, and

    b) My bright red Jug doesn't wear pants. There's a pantsless sith standing right there, but the other players go right for the women.


    4) I do wonder how people who regularly RP determine who is up for it, and who just wants to go on with their quests.


    5) I keep encountering people openly ERPing in cantinas (in the /say channel). Is that something I should be reporting? Should I just encourage them to use whispers?


    Again, I'm not complaining, I would actually like to get into the mindset of RPers. I think I could enjoy Roleplaying in non ERP ways, but I could use the reassurance that it's not all ERP, along with some pointers on the etiquette.


    //oh, and the story for my jug not wearing pants is not ERP, he's just too stupid to figure out how to put them on and too self-concious to ask the teammates for help. His story is that he's not the brightest lightsaber in the drawer, and he wanted to be a Jedi, but accidentally signed up for the Empire (I KNOW that's not how it works). Now he's a happy-go-lucky Sith, but since he's still good at heart, he's taking light choices. The lack of pants thing makes him both challenging, and much easier to not take seriously in cutscenes.

  13. I like this idea.


    You'll get some whiners about how many Pureblood Jedi there are going to be and stuff, but well, there are going to be a few anyway, this won't change that.


    I think either it needs to be expensive, or it needs to be a one per character thing.


    I like how the Bethesda games handle it. After the tutorial in the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games, you get one final confirmation that you want your character's appearance and stats to be as you set up.


    They could do this when you choose an advanced class. One final chance to modify the appearance (and gender and species) of your character.


    Alternatively: Maybe they could have a Skin-Grafter (Empire) and Undercover Infiltration Expert (Republic), who lets you change your species. It doesn't matter if it's _worded_ that you're changing your appearance only so you can go undercover, provided the change is made.


    What I would do is make all species available at this tailor for a significant cost, but then cut a few zeroes off the end for species you have unlocked via legacy. In this way, I don't _have_ to have a 50 pureblood to make a character into one, but he _is_ going to need about 200,000,000 credits. Or, since i have Chiss unlocked, I can make him a Chiss for only 200,000 credits.

  14. Right now I would be happy to see all resources working on "Multi spec" issues, known bugs, LFG tools, staged warzones, usable, functional UIs etc rather than drawing up beautiful unpopulated cities because the subscribers have stopped... well.. subscribing because their game play is unsatisfactory.


    Let's learn to crawl before we run eh?



    It doesn't work that way.


    I level designer isn't going to be able to do anything for the UI. the UI Designers can't fix combat bugs. In any scenario, more people working on it doesn't equal faster or more productive work being done on it.


    Let's learn the industry before we judge, eh?

  15. Reality is that its not a few hundreds DPS/HPS/TPS that matter.


    People using that avenue to defend themself never had to spend 5 months straight perma wiping on Vash / TK because 20 people where stuck with 5 F&F (Friends/Family) because of the GM/Officers.


    Once their performance became so atrocious and they themself started to bail for new recruits we suddenly were in a position to clear it just in time before "Snow Storm" mega nerf to those 2 instances.


    There is no fun having to carry the burden of lazy employes (in life) or lazy players (in game).


    So lets ask the question again:


    So explain to me again why is it a good thing to keep the under-performing player in your raid?


    Because this isn't WoW.


    Because newly to 50 players will never get the gear they need to raid if they're not allowed to participate.


    Because Gearscore, or damage output, or any other metric isn't the only way to judge someone. It's not the only reason they might be underperforming either.


    In your example, your Friends/Family isn't the weaker player in my example above. They have much less incentive to be there, and because they can ride on whoever they know in the guild, they have much less incentive to actually know their class or try to improve an participate. On the other hand, in my example above, the weaker player wants to get better, and has incentive to ask questions and find out how to improve, and practice so that he eventually is not the underperforming player.


    You should be asking why it's not a good idea to keep a _consistently_ underperforming player in your raid.

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