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Posts posted by Sarak

  1. I want to add my 2 cents here. I ran around for hours on Tython trying to figure out what it was I missed.


    I killed everything I could find, ran into every room, redid every heroic just thinking that maybe somehow those things were hidden away like that, and today I decided to search the internet to find out what I missed and I see this thread.


    Bioware, you need to understand, it is NOT acceptable to ignore key features of a game that need to be fixed in order to introduce more content.


    Part of the reason so many left is because so much of the game is still broken.


    Please FIX it ASAP.

  2. There was an old game called Alternate Reality: The City back in the 80's you should try OP. If you died, you had to start over. You couldn't even back up your character disk without cheating. It was all random encounters out of the blue (you never could see anything coming, it just appeared in front of you) and they could be anything from a beggar to a dragon. Yeah dragons wandering around in the middle of a town.

    Now, add to all this that you had to constantly eat and drink or you would die, that sometimes you ate looted food and got poisoned, all the while barely sc****** together enough money to get a room in an inn and make it into the next day.


    The closest comparison I could make would probably be Nethack, and by the way that's another game that's probably right where you want to be if you like starting over, some people have spent 20 years playing that game and not fully mastered it.

  3. You don't see anything wrong with the fastest way to farm credits being soloing a mid-level flashpoint? You don't see anything wrong with the fact that Imps have an easy access, no challenge way to farm credits that Republic didn't have access to? (Taral V farming is extremely inefficient)


    You have in your sig toons on both sides of the civil war. Did you not know you can mail credits/items to your alts in the other factions? That's how I was supporting my rebels.

  4. I have to agree with OP, put it back the way it was, please. If rebels don't have an equivalent then give them one. This is no different than people running Scarlet Monastery in World of Warcraft for fast money. Sometimes you simply can't find a group so you can't progress reliably with level 50 FPs (at least on my server it's impossible). Let us have our speeders in Flashpoints not just so we can farm credits when we get bored to buy better gear, but because some people prefer to do speed runs for social points and affection gain as well. If you look at the prices gold farmers are spamming your mailbox with, things haven't changed since speeders were taken out of there, prices are the same. It doesn't matter to bots that FPs take longer to complete. It does matter to the real player who's only trying to advance their toons.
  5. Vector is actually a pretty interesting story arc, you'll see later on when he does something unexpected.

    What makes him interesting to me is my female agent isn't just talking to some guy but to an entire race of beings (including other humans and aliens that agreed to be 'joined' with the hive mind) that span the galaxy and perhaps even further than that.

    Weird but interesting concept.

  6. This is going to BREAK ops, you will not be able to one vs one anybody with this nerf, sages especially, I mean come on, one hidden strike combo won't even pop their shield as it is now. And the whole business about constantly having to use acid blade because it falls off every 20 seconds is just plain bad. That ability needs to stay on like a regular buff does, for an hour. This patch is going to ruin Ops for anyone who plays concealment spec.
  7. Here's my 2 cents. It's giant corporations snatching up smaller companies and trying to streamline their budgets instead of focusing on creativity. Same stuff happened to my company, got bought out, then they hired 4 managers to do one guys job and then fired the old one and like half the people under him. It's corporate incompetence and the focus on the bottom line for stockholders, after stockholders are in the picture, the customer is only the second group of people whose opinion matters.
  8. I sort of pity you having a wife that didn't understand better than that, but let me tell you about a former co-worker of mine, his wife was so addicted to another MMO, I'll call it CoW just for laughs, that she spent all her time on there instead of with him, it got to the point where if they were going to be physically intimate, she would be playing the game bent over while he, you know. Yeah it can get that bad. She left him for the best tank on her server and moved into some guys parents basement. All that while he was working a job to make $500 a day and then had to deal with liver cancer, and she left him just like that for another game player, it happens. Incidentally my friend got treated and is in remission, he got his job for $500 a day, and she calls asking if she can come home, and he promptly tells her to stay the heck away.
  9. This is a petition of sorts, my main has Armstech at 400, and I want to see Scatterguns and Vibroknives fixed so they can be reverse engineered and we can get better recipes. In fact no class of crafting should have a green recipe they can't improve upon, I'm asking Bioware to make this a priority and fix it so we don't waste our time REing for nothing, you wouldn't even know in some cases without reading the forums. FIX IT BIOWARE! please /sign if you agree.
  10. Shorten the length of our 'vanish' ability cooldown, and make it drop all the dots. I spend more time running around waiting on dots to drop off than I do actually doing damage. WoW figured this out, now it's time for SW:TOR to implement it.

    We simply don't do enough damage without hidden strike when you have jedis hitting you multiple times for 4500 within a second and all you can get is less than half that without hidden strike up and only hitting once every 1.5 seconds or so. totally unfair.

    Furthermore you need to nerf those rock throwing, shielded, heal myself while I do damage type jedis to high heaven :). They are one of the main reasons PvP has a huge class imbalance at the moment.

  11. I'm going to counter this with my own argument. BUFF HEALERS.


    wth I mean, some classes get 3 or 4 stuns/interrupts and healers like Operatives only get 1 move to counter that? After that we're screwed. They need to either give us more stunbreakers, or nerf the people that have multiple stuns to balance the playing field out.

  12. Don't worry, Bioware will fix it.


    The next patch they'll figure it makes sense to have ALL drops be RNG, so any random level 50 mob could drop Rakata, Columni or 50 PvP BM gear, just no guarantee it'll be something you can use. It'll probly still be bound to you though.


    Then when people start throwing fits about that, every mob in the game will drop tokens and comms instead of loot, makes sense.

  13. The bounty hunter class questline results in a purple pistol (legendary) with the standard 4 slots. Its been awhile since a guildmate of mine linked it after he got it. I didn't see it with the mods stripped out of it so I will assume it has the standard +48 tech/force whatever is standard on custom pistols.


    It is not purple, and it is not blue. That pistol is a different shade of blue they were calling royal blue, and it's the color bioware was going to use for legendary weapons.

    As for it still being legendary, no I don't think it is.

  14. I suggest the OP makes a BH/Commando for themself, then go tracer spamming in level 50 warzones, and see how tough you think they are. Survivability for Mercs is outright laughable, stuck in place channeling a 3 second move over and over is not only not fun, but you die ALOT trying to do it. Seriously one of the most underpowered classes in the game, hands down.
  15. This is the problem with expertise: It effectively closes half of the game off to everyone (regarding PvE/PvP).

    What that means is, if you had any intention of experiencing both aspects of the game to the fullest, then your time to get there just got DOUBLED.

    This leaves you with 5 choices: (by my count)


    1)double your time investment in the game to get all the best gear for both PvE and PvP


    2)deal with the fact that you have a real life to live outside SW:TOR and you simply don't have the time to invest in both, so pick one side and stick with getting good at that.


    3)split your time between PvE and PvP, but never actually reach end-game, just kinda suck at both


    4)Convince the devs that this system isn't good for the player base, and that we are smart enough to see it's designed as a time sink to make more money for Bioware and EA.


    5)Realize that SW:TOR is just another WoW clone, after so many of us quit WoW because we outright hated it, hoped that SW:TOR would not be a rehash of the same endless grind, and yet here it is, WoW rehashed, and then QUIT.



    I'm starting to see option #5 as a more viable option than #4 since this issue is largely ignored by the dev team.



    Just my 2 cents


  16. I dislike an additional stat for the sake of separating gear from PvE and PvP.


    I would prefer all the gear was the same. That means you can raid with pvp gear if you want to or you can pvp with raid gear if you want to. You can get your gear from doing both, but it means you don't HAVE to grind both to do both.


    I always much preferred pvp when there were no special stats forcing me to grind pvp, so that i could in fact pvp when i felt like it with out being destroyed.


    Imo, separating the gear forces you to grind, both game options, thats wrong imo.


    ^^ THIS


    anyone who has ever played an MMO that didn't have crap stats like 'Resilience' or 'Expertise' knows this. I know from experience it would work, and work well. You folks whining that we need expertise for diversity have obviously never played a game like that and can't PvP well enough to get by without your gear advantage.

  17. tracer missiles do way too little damage and there is a serious issue with how much damage sages are putting out, way, way too much. I could go on and on about how jedis can constantly be on the run and hitting for 5k while bounty hunters are stuck in place with every high damage move they can use as mercs and only do 1.2k with a missile they have to channel. PvP is SERIOUSLY flawed.




  18. Swg crafting was the best crafting system in any mmo ... Yes, complex and it took time .. Thats what an mmo is all about .. Swtor crafting, any nub can handle, very very dumbed down ..



    ^^^ THIS



    SWG crafting may have seemed complex and time consuming, but there was no gee I need to make 100 of these to get one good recipe at random. You got the mats, you made the item based on what quality mats you had with a random chance for critical failure or slightly better than normal item. Yes, it took time to get the materials, but the truly good and dedicated crafters got it all paid back in spades when all was said and done, that is, you could play the game and do nothing else but craft and have a good time with it.

  19. This is why I never wanted to see expertise on any gear. It's basically the same thing as resilience in WoW, only with the added bonus that you do extra damage to other players as well. Kinda makes the game an endless grind. If you want to talk about having incentive for improving yourself, you should have played old school UO.


    The incentive for improving yourself there was you stopped dying and losing everything you were carrying including your gear to the player that killed you, otherwise there were no cookie cutter templates.


    Every player in that game had the exact same opportunities for character customization and gear as anyone else.


    When you became better at PvP, it was because you became more skilled, not because you had more or better gear (and in fact many players chose the most basic player made gear sets to minimize loss if they did actually die)


    You learned to play. Expertise is just a way of dumbing down PvP so you never have to really get better, you just get a free win because you farmed kills mindlessly in Ilum.

  20. I agree.


    I don't want a loading screen to an airlock to a loading screen to an orbital station to a loading screen to a planet.


    I just want a loading screen to a planet.


    What's worse is the loading screen to your ship, then talking on the holocom and being told to come talk to me on this planet, go through all that loading from ship to hangar, then elevator to main deck, then cross planet travel to talk to a guy, that tells you in person he just wants you to go to another planet.



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