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Posts posted by Bigbozo

  1. This is the response I received from customer support today (3 days later...)


    "Thank you for contacting us regarding your Cartel Coins.


    We have become aware that players have expressed concern about the number of Cartel Coins listed on their individual Cartel Coin Ledger page.


    We would like to clarify the following information for you:


    * Cartel Coins are not awarded for the 30 days free game time included with the purchase of the game

    * Cartel Coins are not awarded for the 30 days free game time awarded as part of the loyalty program earlier this year

    * Cartel Coins are not awarded for any compensation time granted to your account for any other reason


    For more information on Cartel Coins and the Free-to-Play option, please see this news article on our website: http://www.swtor.com/info/news/news-article/20121016 or visit our dedicated help center section: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6449


    If you believe that you have still received the incorrect amount of Cartel Coins since the launch of Free to Play, then please submit a new ticket and an agent will investigate your issue as soon as possible.


    Please note that our Customer Service team cannot provide any additional information on Cartel Coins rewards. We recommend that you keep an eye on http://www.swtor.com/free/features for any future announcements.


    Should you require further assistance with any other issues, please do not hesitate to contact us again.


    Galactic Support is our specialty..."


    So they duped people into resubscribing before the launch of F2P so subscribers could get the super-secret EXCLUSIVE one-time Cartel Coin grant...that was really only intended to give people half of what they deserved and paid for. Yup.


    As I understand it, you got so many points for all the time you were subed pre-launch. The 500 coins per 30 days, is the post launch amount. So if you subed on the day after launch you would get nothing till 30 days had pasted. what you got for subing before launch is the pre launch amount, wich was 200 coins per 30 days, if I rember right. So no one was duped.

  2. I would think he would have tried this before running out of air, but I also think you may have solved his problem.


    Sometimes we completely overlook the simplest things. I was stuck until I looked on the guide and saw that something I thought was part of a wall was a blast door.


    It was my third try before I saw I had to click the console one more time to get the fuse to light up. Some of us are just slow :)

  3. How many games does EA publish? The Sims has a huge following, so do all the sports games EA pumps out every year. This was an EA investor call, not a Bioware one. Yes, SWTOR is not going to the the only thing they care about. As an small time investor myself, I can assure you I did not buy EA stock just because of SWTOR.


    EA need to focus on makeing money, the more they make, the more the can put to Bioware, the more Bioware can make SWTOR better.


    And being on the top 10 list of a huge company like EA isn't something to shake a stick at, especially with this being their fisr MMO.

  4. "Ohhh, master, it brightens my photoreceptors to see you've returned to the ship - it reminds me I haven't been deactivated!"


    Now you want to deactivate the droids // T7 = sad.


    Sounds to me more like he's talking about the astromech droids that randomly beep out a tune when you walk by, rather than the ship droid. I've always found that kinda cute myself.

  5. Buy the new ASUS G series, awesome incarnate


    I have a Asus G74s, and it runs SWTOR on max settings with no problems. Got it off Amazon for about $1700, but I hear you can get it for less.


    I've spent top $ for laptops (have a 5k custom rig:() for a few years (I travel a lot) and Asus just puts out the best bang for you buck.

  6. No.


    Now, biochem + bioanalysis + diplomacy is the normal combination


    Biochem + bioanalysis + slicing might be viable option, but would need to buy rare materials from gtn.


    Biochem + Diplomacy + Slicing is much worse choice.


    Yea, slicing can be very nice, but if you take Biochem, you'll want bioanalysis as a second and slicing, or (more likely) Diplomancy as your third.

  7. Yep, and it's probably much cheaper to ship to the UK and EU from China than it is to the US as well. China can just chuck them on a ship and send them down the busiest shipping lane in the world to south England for dirt cheap. But they probably have to fly them to the US :/


    It's nothing but a rip-off tbh.


    Um, ever look at a globe?


    For a ship to sail from China to Europe, they have to go across the Pacific Ocean to South America to the Panama Canal, then sail across the Atalantic Ocean to Europe. Sure they could sail around the horn of Africa, but it's much safer the other way.


    To sail for China to the US, just go across the Pacific to LA, and be done. And yes, they would sail to the US rather than fly.


    @OP, the only reason for the higher cost I can think of would be shipping (the $4 we pay is only for S&H), but I wouldn't think it would be that much.

  8. Yeah it makes no sense. They tend to not have the aliens as romanceable with a few exceptions. It's kind of stupid. Heck, I should be able to romance droids if I want. ;)


    The male Sith Warr, can romance Vette. The male Sith Inq can only romance Ashara. The female trooper gets Aric (reverse those genders, and I'd play only troopers.) Male Smug gets Akaavi. The male Imp Agent gets Scorpio (not true, but wouldn't it be cool?)


    So why can't the op have some quality with Scourge? Though I shutter to think what he's into given his name.:eek:

  9. I was playing with a friend (Jedi sage) and he was at the point where his class mission took him to lord Vivicar's (sp?) ship(end of chapter 1). The ship is tied to the class mission and can olny be accesed when the character is on the mission. I (as a Jedi Guardian) tred to fly there to help him (he is on the ship when I try) and get "Error, you tried to fly to an invalid destination." message.


    I tried my calss ship misson (also end of chapter 1) and he got the same error when he tried to come.


    Now I've leveled three characters to 50 with this guy, so I know we have done this befor. Is this some sort of bug, or now can we not help each other with class missions?

  10. Sounds like a neat idea. Though it might be hard to do on hi-pop servers that have more than one huttball game going on. And hard on low-pop servers that have no huttball games goin on.
  11. cant tell if that was serious? alternate universe? really?

    you arent real perceptive are you?

    imp balmorra taks balmorra, later on in the same universe, the republic comes in and takes it back

    republic taris is well on the way to rebuilding taris and cleaning it up imp in the same timeline later on and in the same universe destroys everything that the republic does


    Actualy, he right. Look at Alderaan. Imps put house Thule on the throne. I forget who the Pubs put on the throne (I think it was Organa) but it sure wasn't Thule.


    Having played both sides, to me anyway, it realy does feel like the Imps, and Pubs are each in their own universe.

  12. sick of hearing about "Star Wars Day" now, hope it never gets any sort of acknowledgement :mad:


    This. Some pothead thinks saying "May the 4th be with you!" is cool, and somehow today becomes "Star Wars day"?


    Realy, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  13. Sith Warrior - Force Choke.


    Jedi Knight - Force Sweep (much more useless, I think, in comparison to Force Choke / Force Crush.)


    Sith Inquisitor - Force Lightning, I think? Not sure which one it is, since I don't have one, but I'd assume it's the equivalent to Telekinetic Throw for Consulars (the channeled skill.)


    Jedi Consular - Project (Chuck a rock at them. Just one rock.)



    Edit: I was under the impression that any class could use it after unlocking the prerequisite class - meaning a Jedi Knight can use Orbital Bombardment if they maxed out an Agent. That'd be useful for Republic guys.


    Sith Inq's give you a AoE Force Lightning that's very nice.


    And yes a Jedi Knigh can use Orbital Bombardment, provided the player has leveled and IA to 50.

  14. Here's the documentation from the patch notes....


    Galactic Trade Network

    The Search button is now correctly disabled for categories that do not have a subcategory when there are no search results.



    This is most possibly the lamest fooking poor excuse for documentation for a game functionality change that I have ever seen. I would totally give this a 9 out of 10 :wea_03: on the "I don't care about my job, this game, or the players" scale.


    Yea, I'm not even sure what that patch note meens.


    Edit: explained above me.

  15. Maybe you should read it again.




    They check, double check, triple check, quadruple check and quintuple check these things before posting them, too. No doubt about it, they intend free transfers off of low pops onto higher ones.


    "Higher pop servers" does not allways equal "High pop servers". If I'm on a light pop server, then a standerd pop is a "higher pop server".

  16. I assume the idea is that there are different strengths to the field. That is, keeping air is not the only function of such a field. I would have to assume that you would want the field to be able to keep a ship out if you didn't want it landing or to keep space debris from crashing into your landing bay. You would also want only authorized exits, intentional or not, from the landing bay (your guy bouncing off the field would be an example of an unauthorized exit). Thus, I would also have to assume that the field is normally strong enough to keep things you want in, in. To allow things in or out, there would likely be some way to reduce the strength of the entire field to the point it keeps air in but allows a ship to pass through. It could also be that the field can be weakened in specific areas, just enough to allow the ship in question to pass without weakening the entire field.


    Alternatively, I could imagine a field being projected around a ship (either by the ship itself or by external projectors). When the two fields touch, I could imagine the effect be like two bubbles merging, allowing the ship to pass through without ever breaking the integrity of the field and without the strength changing.


    Well, your first theory is a much expanded one of what I posted (two field strengths).


    I do like your alternative. Though unlike your first, this would not prevent the unauthorized exit (theft) of a spaceship. But it does give me a third idea, the ship's transponder could send a signal to alter the field strength.

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