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Posts posted by ballaballa

  1. Our group managed to get him down, with me (healer) and the tank still alive at the end. We wiped alot of times and tried different tactics on this boss to finally get him down with 2 man standing injured.


    And then the funny part. As you've probably heard all over the forums - when you wipe at certain bosses a certain thing usually happens.


    The boss-loot chest was BUGGED (couldnt be looted).



  2. I know you are working on this guys and we, the players, are very eager to get ingame and start playing. I wouldnt mind a ~1 hour queue for a few more weeks at primetime untill the queues are all "good" and down to less ~30ish minutes or so perhaps - but these 2-4 hours queues are just silly.


    Seeing alot of new servers pop up that are still "Light" is sad to see when there are some popular ones getting "Full" with a huge estimated time amount even early in the morning and now at more or less primetime its just crazy.


    I have faith in you and this will get worked out, eventually. Keep the increased-cap limits coming, we need em a little more. That or some other solution that is in progress, is what we want.


    // Player from the popular and über server: Tomb of Freedon Nadd (the EU server with probably the highest queues)

  3. Just happened to me a few hours ago (still in queue cause of it) when playing my internet connection went down for like 10ish minutes. I logged back on in hope that I was still able to get in instantly - but no. Ended up on spot 1745 and a huge /sigh on my part.


    This is a serious issue that needs to be overlooked asap. Atleast a 10-15-min period after getting disconnected (not when quitting the game manually on purpose with the ingame quit function).

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