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Posts posted by ThePedigree

    1. Start at 60 characters do not count. Only level 1 characters will be created as event characters.
    2. Correct, you only need to hit level 50. Class story is not required.
    3. You can use the legacy unlock for HK-51, you do not need to re-complete the mission if you did it before.



    Eric, can you guys give us a way to roll back our level to 1 (or count characters under a certain threshold)and flag us for the event on characters? It really sucks that I just made a new character and spent millions on an outfit and dyes a month ago during the last double xp event and took him to level 30. Now I have like zero desire to finish leveling him since I'll need to start at 1 with a bunch of new characters. I imagine I'm not he only one in this boat.

  1. Please explain to me why the devs HAVE to communicate at ALL? Any communication is great, but the lack doesn't make it awful. It just makes it lacking. Why are you vilifying the devs because of something they are in no way REQUIRED to do? Once you can understand that , then you can start to realize that criticizing them for not doing what they aren't required to do is being whiney.


    They should be communication with us because:

    1. For the Community team, it is their job. We are the community. Everyone who plays SWTOR is the community. Not just the people satisfied with the current Status Quo. Not just the people, like me, who aren't satisfied with it. All of us deserve to be communicated to, and better. Regardless of our feelings on the matter.


    2. For the Community team and the developers, it is an issue that they themselves have acknowledged repeatedly over the last few years and have said that they are trying to focus on doing it better. Many posts have been made about this. Blogs have been made. This isn't a secret. You can say that I or other people critical over the level of communication coming downstream are "entitled" or "whiners" but obviously BW disagrees with you if they themselves have acknowledged the issue.


    3. We are their customers. If they don't communicate to their customers, their customers lose interest. They might then take their business elsewhere. This happens. I have personally done this on a few occasions. I come back for Star Wars, but everytime I return...I am faced with the same recurring lack of communication problem. I'm certain I'm not the only one. It dissuades me from wanting to stay.


    4. Communicating about upcoming patches/expansions is the norm in both the MMO genre and the games genre. It drwas interest to the game. It helps build a dialogue about the game with the devs. It helps foster a healthy community.


    Have I sufficiently explained it to you now?

  2. Pedigree, We're not "acting" like you're a spoiled brat, You're doing that all on your own. The expansion is free. You can argue that it's not all day, but you either sub or not. If you don't like things, then leave. Complaining about the lack of info or the quality will only serve to make you look like an whiner.


    So daring to be critical about what BW does or doesn't say makes you a whiner? I'm not arguing anything about the cost of the expansion. Re-read my post. I expressly stated I was avoiding making that argument. You're jumping into the back end of someone else's arguement here, one that is a complete derailment of the point.


    And the point is this. Every time someone dares to voice criticism on these forums about not liking the lack of communication by the developers on ANY topic, you guys jump on them and call us "self-entitled", "whiners", etc. There isn't a counter argument to be made here, despite what you may label me. The communication between the Developers and this game's players is terrible. If it wasn't terrible, then why the hell would Eric himself, as well as his predecessor have directly commented on it? This isn't a new trend. It's an ongoing problem. So you guys can call me what you want to call me, but it doesn't change the situation one little bit.

  3. Pretty standard procedure for companies selling consumer products and services to withhold information about unreleased product/services/content until such time as they choose to do so.


    No, Andryah, it's not pretty standard procedure for Game Developers to without this much information about Gameplay Mechanics changes when coming into an expansion this close to release. Name an MMO on the market right now that has a major expansion in the works and you can find more information about the changes to those games than you are here. This isn't an opinion. It's a fact.


    And when they do release information ahead of time... it's to get you to pony up and buy something they want to sell you. But this expac is free to anyone subscribing... so there is really no need for them to do so in this case. IF they were selling us a $60 expac... there would be more pressure on them to entice us with information releases.


    I've also been here long enough to remember you and I'm not going to be drawn into a argument with you about what "Free for subscribers" means. So you can keep that bait you're throwing out there, because I'm not biting.



    That said.. they ARE in fact releasing some information... just not as much as you demand or feel you some how "deserve".

    Sure, you can act like I'm a spoiled brat stomping my feet because I dared to come on the forums and post criticism about the lack of transparency. How dare I! All the rest of you dissidents get in line so that Andrayah can dress you down for bad behavior. We're all getting demerits!

  4. Pedigree, what makes you think you or we "deserve" any information? We are not entitled to anything. Whatever they give us we can accept or not accept by continuing our Subs. Go outside, enjoy life, get a hobby outside of swtor and enjoy the content when it's released. This entitlement attitude is terrible.


    I for one am happy with the fact that we are getting a free expansion with great new content from what I have seen.


    We don't "deserve" information as paying customers? News to me. That's backwards logic, and it flies in the face of what is the status quo everywhere else but here. It's also bad for marketing not to release said information about changes/features to the game/expansion as a draw to lure customers back/in. But you're right, I'm just being self-entitled. I guess when friends and coworkers ask me what changes are coming in the expansion and why they should come back I can just say "Become The Outlander!" Then they can tell me what Old Blue is doing 1 year in advance over in the Big Game. Not that I would want to go back, but it's always nice to know what other companies are doing in the genre I like to play.

  5. Indeed.


    95% of those ignored questions have already been answered, or were worded poorly or asked in a convoluted way.


    Your two posts haven't asked any answerable questions.

    My two posts weren't meant to ask any questions here. My first post was to call a spade a spade. Bad communication is bad. My second was to respond to Talon. Did I start a new thread amongst the dozens that were already here, demanding my own personal response or attention like many do? No. I made a reply in the announcement thread saying that the approach their doing is sad. That's hardly a tirade by any means.


    Where are those loads of questions? You could also be outlining (system and gameplay) questions to ask instead of pursuing a tirade.

    I'm not pursuing a tirade. I'm calling them out for giving out the tiniest amount of info possible and doing so piecemeal., and they deserve to be called out.


    Go to the August Livestream Wrap-up


    Eric read through 510 posts before the week was over.


    Go to that thread and start navigating through "Next" Bioware post. You'll start to see a pattern of which questions get answered, by looking at the format they were asked in, how concise, how to the point they were. No room for miscommunication.

    After you cycle through all those Bioware responses you should have a rough idea of what's been answered and how to ask a question that will get a response.


    Sure. While I do that, why don't I re-read the questions that I asked there too, or that several others have asked that were perfectly clearly worded and blatantly ignored. Here it is, so poorly worded as you claim. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=8408060#post8408060


    The information people are looking for isn't about Story spoilers. It's about gameplay mechanic related changes.

  6. In your tirade, have you ever remotely considered that Eric isn't at fault here and that his hands are tied on what he can and can't release? Instead of saying that he should be ashamed maybe you should try to see things from his point of view. People like you, who think that Community managers have final authority on what to release, should understand that they have bosses and those bosses have absolute final say on what's to be released and when it's released. Eric is not to blame and he does not need to be ashamed of what is happening. Then again, you'll likely dismiss my response. You have your way of thinking and I have my own... I think Eric is doing a fine job considering what he can do.


    He isn't the only one that should be ashamed of the lack of information flow and transparency. I used his name in saying that it was sad, because he is the CM. But the entire community and marketing team should be ashamed for how they are handling this. If big bad EA are the ones preventing them from discussing ANYTHING relating to an expansion coming in 2 months (highly dubious, as this problem would manifest on every dev team across their entire spectrum of games under their umbrella) then come out and say so. Stop saying Soon TM, and then ignoring 95% of the questions. Say "We're not ignoring all of these things. We aren't allowed to talk about anything." You can defend them all you want, but it doesn't make my point any less valid. Even if it's "our hands are tied", it doesn't make it any less sad. The lack of transparency here is awful. And it's not indicative of the way things are done at he majority of other studios.

  7. We're under 2 months until the expansion, and you guys are still giving out the barest morsels of information piecemeal? One week at a time? This is sad, Eric. Really really, sad. I'm certainly not the first person to say this, but I definitely won't be the last. Those Other Guys' Big MMO...we know more about their expansion that is coming out next year than we do this one. And you should be ashamed of that.


    The lack of information flow and communication with the playerbase in SWTOR has been a ongoing problem for YEARS. Your predecessors acknowledged it, and you have multiple times. But no matter how many times you guys keep saying you'll be more transparent, the Status Quo never changes. There are loads of system and gameplay change questions that you could be and should (have) be(en) discussing (before) now. Not after we wait a month to get tiny morsels on the class changes. Show some respect for your loyal players that stay with this game or keep coming back, and stop jerking us around.

  8. During the warrior's quest chain on Tatooine, while doing the Sand Demon part as a female warrior: "Dessert monster! I stand my ground!" Yes. That line made it into the final game, and has been there for years. The female warrior thinks the Sand Demon is made of ice cream.


    And for my runner up, it's not really the worst...but it's become a running gag in my house to reply with it when someone asks you do something for them. Khem Val's line when you send him on a crew mission: "Nine Oof Jollins Jollins."

  9. Regarding Companions combat mechanics:

    Will there be any changes to companion's weapon load outs now that roles can be switched? How will melee characters heal? Will all of them be getting blasters?


    Regarding Companion romances:

    Will there be any changes to the existing companions that are returning in KOTFE with regards to SSRs?

  10. My five would be:

    Ashara, my apprentice.

    Mako for heals and tech support, and because she's one of my favs.

    Kira - She gets along fine with my DS Jedi. My main isn't a pure evil Sith. I like her attitude and I think she'd fit in well.

    Vette- Underworld connections, and her snappy attitude would fit in well with Kira and Mako.


    And for my last slot, either HK or Darkside Jaesa. Not sure yet. They can be my muscle.

  11. Maybe BW thinks if lots of people come back for the expansion then lower population servers will cease to be an issue.


    Will still be an issue. People come back at the start of new content, then take breaks again. Servers bump up for a brief period, then die back out again. This has been the problem with both servers I have characters on for the last several years. It's also not a solution to the queues/population imbalance. People will gravitate to where the biggest pool of like-minded players are, and leave these dead servers with horrible economies and dead queues.

  12. You should have just gone to The Harbenger. You would have never needed to leave. Thats why like 2 years ago I came here. I knew it would never die. Rule of thumb in an mmo? Always pick the highest pop server and stick with it.


    At the time we switched to POT5, it was because that was the server all the PVPers were collecting on. Now they've since moved off to Harbinger.

  13. I have multiple friends coming back for KOTFE. All of our characters are scattered across Jung Ma and POT5. We paid to move a bunch to POT5 when Jung Ma died off the first time. Then when SoR came out, we paid to move a few more to POT5. Those servers continue to be a persistent population problem. Even more so now that the PVP community has largely moved to PVE servers for better population/economy.


    I am feeling pressured to transfer yet again. I've paid for several transfers already. It really should not be the players burdened to cover for BW's lack of planning/communication/solution for server population issues. This thread is now more than 6 months old. We are long past "in the coming months" to get an update. You guys have been posting answering questions on a myriad of other topics related to the expansion, both trivial and not. This one is not trivial.


    Eric, people are coming back to the game now. Their friends and family are coming back now. I've resubbed, and all of my friends are. Deliberately remaining silent when your players asked here on the forums and on social media for an update on this issue is in the very least disrespectful of your paying customers and at worse borders on blatantly milking them for transfer $$$. The KOTFE announcement, with a new expensive trailer, and the announced features all seem to be geared around trying to get back in the good graces of your players, some of us Founders that have previously left after being frustrated with the game. Answering this question would certainly go a long way to earning more trust back.


    Please do the right thing and tell us about your plans for the server. If the answer is there is no solution coming before KOTFE, then at the very least your players will know that and can plan accordingly. I do not want to be separated from my friends, but I also do not want to have buyers remorse by being forced to transfer again when it may not be necessary.

  14. My annoyances, aside from the lack of cross-server WZs and ranked 8v8 WZs being taken out...


    Weapon selection too narrow


    Most of the classes that use a blaster of some kind use a pistol in cut scenes (if blaster pistol isn't their main weapon), but can't choose to use one as their main weapon. This is stupid. I'd like to actually look sneaky as my Agent. Sniper rifles are so conspicuous. It would be awesome if everyone could at least use the base version of their weapon type (blaster pistol, single saber) and/or be even better if they have open choices (Use any type of blaster for a blaster-wielding class, use any type of saber for a Sith/Jedi).


    I realize this has to do with BW wanted classes to be more identifiable...but maybe with 3.0 it's time to rethink this dogma. You are giving all the specs different abilities to help make them all feel more unique and identifiable. We have spec icons over our heads. Can we finally customize our characters more and use the type of weapon we want? (Yes I realize there is some issue with animations, but the mirror classes' animations are already there for the using in most cases. And if they are doing new animations for new abilities, let's strike while the iron is hot.)


    Appearance Kiosk


    You guys added a few new hairstyles to humans...and then nothing. You mentioned adding updates to this a regular basis, but that didn't happen. Can we get some new hairstyles? Lana Beniko has a new cut. Can we get that? Furthermore, can the rest of the human races with a paint job get the hair cuts you added waaaay back ago? It seems really silly that Cyborgs, Chiss, Miraluka, and Mirialan can't use these. After being gone for a year from SWTOR and coming back, I had hoped this would have been addressed by now...

  15. Awesome.




    Also, as mentioned above having persistent companions that don't turn into holos would rock, too. If only they could keep the custom gear we have them decked out in, and not revert to the default stuff like they do as a holo.


    I agree. Can we get some sort of toggle to set our companions as untargetable/interactable npcs like the new change? It looks silly when I go to my SH on an alt and half my guards are holos.


    The reason I ask for some sort of toggle in the interface is I'm sure some people like being able to make it look like they're having a holo-call with other class' companions.

  16. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Bounty_hunter Look at the picture for the BH's. Not a single one of them is using a pistol, and rifles are a lot closer to what Boba Fett is using than the pistols in this game. If a BH with a rifle isn't iconic to you then fine, but to many of us it is and that's all that really matters honestly.


    Absolutely a perfect example with that picture. Every single one of them has a rifle. It hadn't even occurred to me just how many of the iconic BH's in SW used a rifle as their primary weapon until I looked at that.


    And yes, Boba's rifle is a carbine, not a pistol with a extended stock. There was already a carbine of simliar design added in one of the early cartel packs. http://dulfy.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/rangehunter2.jpg


    It would be awesome if we could get some official words from the devs on the possibility/impossibility of doing this here on the boards.

  17. So, where is this "cross-over" animation of my Merc doing Death-from-Above using a blaster rifle/sniper rifle/assault canon? Some do exist, but you are very much over simplifying.


    When this does get implemented it will be the path of least resistance. I really doubt changing skill trees is the easiest solution.


    That's probably one of the few instances of a new animation or animation tweak being needed. But since alot of the fire from DFA comes from the wrist attachments, like when you do it on a PT, I don't really see much of an issue. The weapon could be temporarily holstered while the BH uses his armor's weaponry.

  18. Well 6 of them ought to be unstickied within the next month as they lose relevance(most of them with 2.5/GS).


    They could at least create a new thread that condenses the stickies down. IE, all the 2.5 related stuff can be linked in one. Trailer, Class changes, Starfighter Blogs,etc.

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