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Posts posted by brunswic

  1. There is nothing rational about making content that few will play.


    Now before you say L2Play I did the instance one time and cleared it. Nobody could be bothered to run it again since then.


    Quick question for those wanting it to stay the same: How often do you run it? Have you run it more than once?


    I've run Lost Island with my guild multiple times, even a pug or 2 don't ask. As a healer i consider it the only challenging content outside an op to heal through. I'll admit the first time can be brutal it requires everyone in the group to step it up a notch.

    Lets see how often do i run it, usually about 4 or 5 times a week. Sometimes more depends on if someone needs it for the weekly.

    Seriously hoping they don't nerf it, have to deal with that in other mmo's enough as is. Every time something challenging comes along about 3 weeks later, everyone for one reason or another wants the nerf hammer brought down on it.

  2. 1/ Since when has signing up on a dodgy looking third party website been a requirement for following instructions?


    2/ That's if the guild leader actually checks the guild apps on the site often after inviting a handful of people.. In the mean time you can't go raiding with the guild you just joined even on the pretence of joining it for HM ops as well as the fact if you decide to go and pug it the guild leader moans about it, despite not letting you raid with the guild in the first place. Having all the guild stuff in-game would let you know if you are wasting your time with that guild or not. So far every guild I've joined has been a waste of time.


    Okay first off letting people know some things about you isn't all about following instructions. Also Enjin and the other sites I've used in the past, haven't been a problem at all and had good reputations. From what i was able to find anyway.


    All right I will grant you its hard for some guilds to find time to check apps. However some like mine have one officer dedicated to doing that and recruiting, besides raiding anyway. Also while were considering their application, we usually take the time to bring them in on raids to see where they need work or who they might work best with. Being one of the officers in my guild we are fairly lenient about letting people pug. Since we are pretty much done with current content. Even when new content comes out most of the officers and others in the guild have alts to replace what we need, or we simply ask in chat, etc. Myself personally I avoid pugging since like the movie quote "Life is like a box of chocolates and you never know what your going to get" sums it up fairly well.

  3. I agree Lost Island is working as intended, compared to the other flashpoints its actually challenging. All the other fp's i can heal in my sleep, Lost Island is the only fp that actually makes me work. Being one of the main healers in a raiding guild, Lost Island is a good way to see how well you would do in an operation. Since this is about the only fp on par with an operation in difficulty.
  4. So far the system hasn't been that bad for a first attempt. The wait on fp's is ridiculous its true. Using it for op's has been fun though. Me and a few others in my guild have been using it to help people gear and look for new talent. So far I've found people listen better in op's vs the fp's. Recently took 3 people through EV who had never done it, and after giving advice on each boss we steamrolled it pretty quick.
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