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Posts posted by EQFetish

  1. Saw this same bug today, multiple times.


    On one attempt we cleared Purple phase and Regulators started chain spawning every few seconds. We killed at least 6 of them before wiping.


    On another attempt I think we failed purple followed by chain spawns. These were Regulators not Rectifiers (fail add) or Recognizers (small adds).


    Thought maybe this was a new mechanic to penalize for not channeling, but we confirmed it still happened while channeling.

  2. I think the best all around option would be something similar to how Matrix cubes work...


    Sell a "Disassemble" option that breaks the set bonus off as an independent component.

    Then provide an assembler machine that combines the set bonus item with an appropriate armor piece.


    This allows for both cases...

    Set bonus on custom shell, without pre-determined armor mod stats.


    Additionally, this would allow applying the set bonus to un-slotted gear.


    I would even suggest these set bonus items be tagged to fulfill the set req for a set item, but not be limited on what armor piece you can combine them with. This would allow you to apply the DPS set bonuses to your armor, while applying the heal set bonuses to your ear, implants, wrists, belt for simo bonuses from both sets.

  3. The devs of this game have repeatedly proven they are not able to use half an ounce of thought so still not a great idea for this game.


    LOL, so you're reasoning seems to be...


    A) The Dev are idiots

    B) What Devs implement will be made bad

    C) Ideas are bad because devs will implement them


    Sorry but that's just wrong. Ideas have merit regardless of other's ability to execute on them.

  4. Ehm... any half decent implementation of streak breaking on RE would reset the fail tally every time you switch items, so no you couldn't use greens to guarantee success on a purple.


    Similarly, streak breaking typically resets between encounters.


    So no, not a "Very bad idea" if done with half an ounce of thought.

  5. wow...... too elaborated :p the ideas are good, but I just want the system as it is now, without the need to login and logout 8 times to be able to make all your companions work.


    Easier said than done. Devil's in the details as they say. Most of the details I listed would need to be considered even if just for legacy... like where do the mats come from... where do the results go... what about no-trade stuff... how do you view progress without changing toons... what if u change toons and a companion is busy?


    IMO it would be only marginally more effort to make these options available for guild and public work-for-hire.

  6. I'm in favor of this, not only for legacy but possibly tied to guild resources or maybe as a game wide work-for-hire system.


    1. Provide a shared cargo hold for crafting mats.
    2. Tradeable mats and results can be designated from/to personal inventory or the shared hold. You could not however use mats from the companion owner's account.
    3. Missions for a given companion would be limited by the owner's skills.
    4. Owners would have the option to de/list companions for hire when on/offline and to legacy/guild/public to avoid having companions tied up by other players.
    5. Owners could set a fixed or percentage based commission fee, paid by the sender.
    6. Small, like 5% broker fee goes to Bioware for the convenience.
    7. Owner earns skill ups, not the sender.
    8. Players can view the status of missions they've commissioned and what their companions are working on.
    9. Players may cancel a job commissioned by another player, but at a steep penalty. Requester gets a full refund. Player forfeits seconds spent on the job x2 in credits.

  7. Then...don't alt+tab?


    Seriously, I don't mean to be THAT guy, but why should Bioware put in a feature to keep you from having to pay attention to what keys you actually hit? What else should Bioware do for you to keep you from doing accidental stuff? Should they put in some mechanic that'll keep you from stepping in front of a boss' weapon? Put invisible walls around edges so you don't walk off cliffs?


    Shouldn't you just do something that's easy and cheaper to do: pay attention to what buttons you're about to press?


    Normally I'd agree with you... way to many "Caution Fire Burns" signs for idiots these days... but in this case, after setting up typical Shift, Alt, and Ctrl binds for hotbars... its far to easy to fat-finger Alt + Tab instead of Alt + 1, or Ctrl + Tab. An option to disable this for the dexterously challenged might be nice and is not uncommon for similar games.

  8. That's because the Human species unlock would do absolutely nothing otherwise. Additionally, to make it more accessible the purchase price of the unlock is much less than that of other species.


    Which frankly is backwards. A tangible benefit for the primary (and additional) toon you do play is more valuable than an appearance unlock for additional toons you MIGHT play.


    I know at least 10 players that purchased the Human unlock just for the companion buff, but will never buy another species unlock as they stand now. They will however level alts of random races just to max companions for the Pre buff on their main toon.


    Granted, the unlock is a benefit so the non-human races should get a reduced but still tangible benefit for the existing toon. Something equiv to 1/2 or 1/3 the benefit humans get would be reasonable.


    Edit: I would strongly recommend you audit the actual purchases of each species to determine the player perceived value vs. price. I'd bet good money the purchases for Human will greatly out-number any other species.

  9. Why? Isn't unlocking the species for play across all classes enough of a boon?


    No, not when compared to the bonus for Human, which gives a tangible benefit to the already lvl 50 Human character.


    lvl 50 Human: +100 Pre gives their companion about +500 HP, +20 dmg, and +14 heal


    lvl 50 Chiss: No benefit to the existing character.

  10. Hey, I just noticed a suggestion I had about armour looks would have been much better posted on this discussion than having it's own thread.


    I had a similar idea for appearance armor and an appearance tab, again to both provide players the freedom to customize appearance and bolster crafting.


    Basically appearance armor could only be equipped to an appearance slot. Appearance armor would have appearance mod slots for customizing the look in ways you couldn't with typical protection armor. Some possible mod slots...


    Pattern: Alters the texture applied to the armor model.

    Primary Color: Alters the primary color of the pattern.

    Secondary Color: Alters the secondary color of the pattern.

    Effect: Applies lights/glow/particle effects to the armor piece.

    Adornment: Additions to the base model, for example spikes, fins, pipes, pouch, cape, cloak, plating.

  11. I'm in favor of an appearance tab, and allowing all classes to equip any gear weight in these slots. As it stands now, social gear is useless to most classes.


    Appearance is almost entirely a fluff game enjoyment factor, with almost no tactical value. PVP is probably the only case where it has some tactical effect, and in this case just auto-disable appearance slots when PVP flagged.


    Implementing this option would also add some additional value to crafting since folks would be inclined to commission items purely for the appearance value.


    IMO the pros greatly out-weigh the cons.

  12. The 100 side die does not change because you lost it is always the same. otherwise the odds would change and the %chance would go up.


    Some games implement "Streak Breaker" code for this very reason. Basically they tally the percentages for each attempt resulting in a fail, and reset on success. If the fail tally reaches 200%, your next attempt automatically succeeds. In this case (20%) it would never take more than 10 attempts to succeed. In the case of 10%, 20 fails would be the max.


    This can also apply to combat, ensuring you don't get completely pwnd by a trash mob due to extremely bad luck.


    Can also work in reverse to break lucky streaks.

  13. Yah, disabling Smart Camera is only slightly less annoying, as it resolves the sudden camera reorientation issue, but doesn't provide a keyboard equiv to mouse-look movement, i.e. forward = direction camera is pointing.


    I believe the bug you mention still exists, and seems to be tied to non-instant skills in combat.


    It's not so bad when DPSing since the need to change targets is far less than as a healer. As a healer in an Opp, it's really bad. Tossing out direct heals to anyone of 8 targets every 2 seconds can cause a drastic facing change... and since there aren't key binds for all slots in the opp, you're kinda forced to use the mouse for targeting/casting and can't do that and mouse-move at the same time.

  14. Smart Camera causes the camera to rotate to match character facing when moving. Please provide the following alternative.


    SMART FACING: Auto adjusts character facing to match camera orientation when moving.


    With this, movement via keyboard would behave exactly like mouse-look movement. If the character and camera have different orientations, the character would snap to match the camera, then move. The orientation change should be instant, not a gradual rotation.


    OPINION: As an Operative healer I find Smart Camera extremely disorienting. To maintain cover while watching the battlefield, I often need to rotate the camera. Then when forced to move to avoid area effects, many times the camera whips around and the character runs in an unintended direction. Similar issues when using jump on a Warrior, which often results in a misalignment of character and camera.

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