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Posts posted by sumquy

  1. the roll into cover is useful because it gives you immunity to ranged attacks in an arc ~90 degrees in front of you. this only works if you stay behind cover and only against ranged attacks, not tech or force. technically, you don't have to use the roll, if you walk up to a low object and crouch down behind it, it usually gives the same benefit, but rolling into position is faster and guarantees correct placement for the immunity. as far as shooting back, i am not sure how exactly it works. i think it works off of the visual animation. so for example, if i pop up with an instant snipe, i am only exposed for about half of the 1.5 sec global and still gain ranged immunity during the second half (down half) of that global, but i am not 100% sure on that. with typical warzone lag, it is hard to tell exactly.


    using accuracy stims is an excellent idea if you are mainly a pvper that sometimes does hm ops. it allows you to replace the accuracy that you don't need for pvp and just use a stim if you go do an op. note that story mode bosses do not have the defense buff that hm and nim do so you don't need any accuracy for them. again, only hm and nim.

  2. if you don't like engi because of the low burst, then mm is really the only spec for you. viru is only a little bit better in the burst department. personally, i prefer mm for pvp and only use engi or viru for hm or nim ops. unfortunately, mm got a bit of a bad reputation because bads looked at the raw numbers in long duration boss fights and started screaming that mm was terrible. the pvp bads then picked it up and started repeating it (never mind that long duration single target has **** all to do with pvp), but it was never really true. mm is and always has been awesome in pvp.
  3. Hello fellow Snipers and Slingers!


    Since Bant's work and the optimal stats guide is yet to be updated, I am curious to know any suggestions on min/maxing with the current 236 augments and gearing altogether. Currently, I've been messing around with alacrity and mastery augments. My alacrity is currently at 1218(Avg Parse APM 40.9) but could be anywhere from 1100 to 1600 rating. My crit is currently at 1974 but I believe that number to be too high. I'd like to know your opinions and thanks in advance!


    are you asking for pve or pvp? the answer is very different depending because of the accuracy. if you never do hard modes, then you don't need any accuracy at all. unfortunately, it is a lot harder to min/max in the 5.X era than it used to be and unless you are running nim ops, i would say not to worry about it overmuch, and even then, the difference between 1200 crit and 1200 alac vs. 1500 crit and 900 alac is not going to be noticeable in game. my advice would be to run with the stock pieces with 1 acc augment and the others split between mostly crit and some alacrity. that gets you into the correct ballpark and if you want better than that, you will have to run a **** ton of parses to see what works best for your spec and class. don't expect to see a lot though. the reason you need a **** ton of parses is because the differences really are tiny. contrary to what bads try (repeatedly and loudly) to tell you, gear doesn't matter. especially in pve.

  4. insurmountable - too great to be overcome.


    what is stopping you from getting good gear the same way they did? unlike some star wars games, their is no pay to win here. if you put in as much effort as they did, then you will have the same gear. your entire rant is nothing but "i want the same without putting in the work". combined with your improbable over exaggerations (stunned 5 times in a row? really?) and i doubt you are going to find any sympathy, much less agreement.


    in the spirit of helpfulness, there are two problems here. 1) you're bad. keep practicing and try to pay closer attention to what is going on around you, so that you use your abilities correctly. for example, don't use your cc break until after the second stun when you are whitebarred. 2) if big hits and good damage resistance are what makes a class good to your mind, then choose a class other than sorc/sage. they are not the worst, but they are far from the best in pvp right now. in any case, sorc/sages do not rely on big hits or tankiness to do their work.

  5. Well...I'm not really sure what to think. I see how damage on a dummy or in a parse creates the idea for a nerf, but the dynamic nature of PvP effects dps totally differently than end game raid mechanics. So on the one hand bravo on balancing PvE or the other hand what the heck that class already sucked in PvP pre nerf. Utilities may help but...if the past is any indication it's not looking good.


    Also how are static abilities over performing? It's not like they change. Surely you test abilities prior to an update. So how is it over performing classes slip through when they have the same dps output during testing?


    maybe you are not understanding because these nerfs didn't have anything to do with pvp. despite the constant ************ from bads about pvp killing their class, this round of nerfs was/is/always has been about balancing sustained damage in pve. they don't care what it did to pvp right now. honestly, i don't understand why so many posters have a hard time understanding this or, worse, think it is a plot by bioware targeting them specifically. with that in mind, it seems to me, that they have done pretty well in what they were trying to achieve. the damage spread between best and worse specs is smaller than it was, and there is a logic to why one spec has a higher potential than another. they have said that they are going to be evaluating defensive abilities and utilities next so let them do their thing. i, for one, prefer the slow incremental approach they are taking now vs. the 50lb sledge they have wielded blindly in the past.

  6. i'm pretty sure that not only is bioware aware of the ridiculous inflation and price fluctuations, but that they introduced it into the game deliberately. credit sinks are a staple of all mmo's for a number of reasons and here, swtor was able to combine that with rewards to their most valuable cash cows (the people who buy hyper-crates). other than that it sucks for everyone else, i'm not sure what you are trying to say here. i doubt that they are going to make any changes to what, (from their perspective) is a feature, not a bug.
  7. that would be a terrible idea. the problem that created skank tanks in the first place is that defensive stats suck really really bad in pvp. skanks became a thing due to tanks trying to get away from defensive stats, so it makes no sense for dps to pick them up. especially since they don't use a shield, rendering 2/3 of the stats (shield and absorb) literally useless.
  8. for pvp, i personally prefer marksman for it's best in game burst. engi does not have as much burst, but gains a great deal of mobility over mm and is harder for melee classes to kill. honestly, this just comes down to which spec you like better.
  9. I am a relatively newer player to the game, and I stared a sorcerer class, and lightning seemed cool, and I thought it would be good. I am now level 70 and it is honestly garbage, why do they do this? Why don't they put in the lightning class description "WARNING: This class is complete garbage and you will not be able to do any relative DPS during high level ops/FPS/Anything! So pick this class if you really want to waste your time!" It seems like false advertising to me.


    you are the reason bioware refuses to listen to any feedback on the forums.

  10. So, a lot of people out there say, that ATM Commando/Merc's defense is too good, and Vanguard/Powertech looks like glass cannon, especially in DPS role, such as this:



    Thus l propose to do following step: why not take away Echoing Deterrence/Responsive Safeguards from Commando/Mercenary and give it to Vanguard/Powertech? Commandos have already pretty good defensive perks, such as Adrenal Surge and Trauma Stabilizers. And it's not likely you want to Reflect damage in PvE (and cause even more aggro), likely you will use Chaff Flare to drop aggro. Oppositely, as a Tank Reflecting damage might help a load with holding aggro and hurting the Boss.


    Additionally, Vanguard's DCD are primarily "mild" ones in terms they last long, but don't provide massive defense (like what you'll pop if you're mezzed into blast & left with 5% HP), such as Saber Reflect of Juggernaut, or forcible stealth for Assassin. Also for Vanguard Tank - 6 pieces of equipment could provide extended duration for Echoing Deterrence, rather than Riot Gas, as last one looks more like Intimidating Roar (Jugg, that's not actual DCD, but reduces damage output of enemies by 15%), than actual DCD, say by about 2 seconds. l don't mind if with that transfer ED/RS will get its innate duration reduced to 4 or 5 seconds.


    If do aforementioned thing - l think it will balance those classes pretty well in both PvP and PvE, VG DPS will lose inappropriate status of "glass cannons" and Tech tanking will receive some love, that it surely needs. My Main is VG Plasmatech/Shield Specialist (switch depending on Role), l'm very fond of how ability effects look, and want their performance was valuable too (tho Vanguard Tanking's acceptable as it is, but it could be stronger). Also Echoing Deterrence VFX is shiny, and be able to cast it by my Main wouldn't excess too. Cyan/Yellow sphere looks awesome and surely matches Shield Tech/Specialist theme! Plz feel free to consider the idea - and express your opinions here.


    so essentially, you want to take mercs back to where they were when they were first target chosen and cussed at if they dared to poke their noses into ranked? make the pt's problem the mercs problem instead? i suppose i could respond in kind and just tell you fock powertechs...


    the problem with responsive safeguards is that it ridiculously overpowered. 6 seconds of immunity to the only kind of damage that matters, plus reflect, plus heals with no limit or internal timer, all on a 2 minute cooldown is stupidly op. giving it to a different class doesn't fix that, it just spreads the broken.

  11. I personally don't have any problem taking down a guarded target when running with a Pre-made. And only a few problems doing it when running with randoms. Guard is not OP. And personally, I think if a DPS using guard is causing you that much trouble you straight up don't have the skills to be in a PvP match.

    Nothing is OP when you're a bamf


    lol! bad news bro, you're not fooling anybody with this line of bullshlt. i promise you, nobody read your comment and thought to themselves "i sure do wish i was good as this guy!" the way you were hoping.


    My suggestion would be to double (or whatever) the damage the tank gets from the person guarded, but allow tank stats to mitigate that damage.


    For a "real" tank the change should make no difference, the amount of extra damage should be tuned to be absorbed/blocked, but for skanks which are the real problem when it comes to guard, they would take a lot of damage.


    i really like this. a tank in full gear could still get 50% reduction, while the skanks and dps get little to no benefit.

  12. Not sure if you're serious here or just extremely biased. Can you name another class where it shuts down your only strong defensives? Ops are weak to net as well and I'd be in favor of reworking them as well so they aren't as reliant on roll, but they still have evasion and shield probe at least. Warriors can use all their dcds except camo and mad dash, so they aren't shut down, and sins have shroud and deflection so they aren't shut down. Those are pretty mcuh all of sorcs anti focus cooldowns, the cloud mind utility is much like a pt defensive, it's not doing much of anything to stop focus.


    Madness is the lowest of the ranged sustain/melee burst grouping right now by a fairly significant margin, and is even below virulence's "quasi sustained" that it should be above. As for lightning, it is only above arsenal which got overnerfed in the last patch to just about uselessness in nim ops. And especially regarding the bolded line from your comment, that's what the nightmare ops were balanced around, so if that's not the case, either the class designers or the operations fight designers need to fix it, because it is just flat wrong if that isn't the case.


    i am extremely biased? i rolled my sorc in 1.1 as my second toon. i have killed every boss in the game with him on every difficulty. elite warlord... but i secretly hate him? do you even understand how damage works in this game? what do you think deflection, saber ward, saber reflect, evasion, energy shield, etc. are going to do against a tech attack dot? i'll give you a hint, it starts with z and ends with 0. look, if you want to say that enet is op, you are not going to get any argument from me, but stop trying to say that it is unfair to sorcs... it is not.


    the top lightning parses are higher than the top mm and since we agree that arsenal got nerfed to hell that makes lightning top ranged burst. we will have to see what the nerf to io did relative to the madness buff, but it is looking bad all around for mercs. you want them to do better than snipers, but how is that right? snipers can't bubble up and ignore everything the way sorcs can. they can't cleanse or heal themselves. they have nowhere near the utility or survivability. there is definitely some extreme bias here, but i don't think it is me.

  13. Suuuure. And next you tell us that Sorc healing wasn't nerfed because the PVP crowd whined. Yes, BW didn't exactly do what you wanted them to, but if you really are trying to sell here that PVP whining and nerf rounds last patch are completely unrelated, you need a reality check really, really badly.


    that is exactly what i am telling you. sorc healing was overperforming to the point that more than half of all operations healers were sorcs, and the numbers showed it. as a pvper, i didn't give a crap if they nerfed healing output. it wasn't saving them before, so why would i? again what pvpers were complaining about was the mobility, multiple escapes and get out of jail free cards, and the op'ness of guard. none of which got touched. this was a pve nerf.

  14. Well if you have gotten a main hand, how rare are the drop rates, my merc has gotten nothing but offhands green to purples but no mainhands. Back when we had daily and planet coms it was always just offhands listed. Either i'm just unlucky as all being, but a bag full off offhands don't equal a pair for me.


    sounds like you have bad luck, but again, what difference does it make? why can't you just pull the barrel out of the offhand and stick it in your main hand? as for the drops rates, afaik bw has never released that info, so i have no idea. daily and planet comms? again, what? the vendors for those always had main and off hand for sale since the launch of the game.

  15. I don't have any issue with their defensives besides enet neutering both phasewalk and barrier, if you could use one of those while hindered, I think they'd be fine, and tbh even though most sorcs would disagree with me, I'd even trade off being able to phasewalk while stunned for that since I think that's a little too strong.


    I said that sorcs of either spec couldn't meet dps checks in nightmare until they were significantly overgeared for them. Obviously that applies to other specs as well, but every class besides sorc had at least 1 discipline that could meet the nim checks.


    this is exactly the kind of self entitlement that i am talking about. sorcs are in the same position as everyone else. warriors can't camo, leap, or mad dash, ops can't roll, stealth out, or teleport. same with assassins. mercs can't hydraulic override or rocket out. but in your mind, it's not fair that it shuts down 2 of your defensives? that is "too strong" when we're talking about sorcs?


    lightning sorc is the best ranged burst spec in the game. madness is right in the middle of the ranged sustained. what more do you want? overgeared in nim? what does that even mean? you think you should be able to go into nim snv and clear it in your 240 gear?

  16. It's funny to see somebody call out everybody who disagrees with him "hysterics". It kind of neuters any valid point you may have had. I ran a dps sage in nim ops full clears in 3.X (lol) and 4.X as well. Doesn't change that they were in the bottom end of dps charts throughout both expansions, and my statement regarding 5.X dps checks was factual as well.


    Regarding PVP in 4.X, you are wrong lol, you are mistaking sorc healers for sorc dps. Sorc dps were good in regs in 4.X just like just about every discipline in regs has almost always been fine. Even back in 4.X they were mostly just fluff damage with storng survivability, not really anything special. Exteme susceptibility to electronet is that it eliminates the use of their 2 anti focus abilities they have (both of which take them out of the action unlike any other ranged anti focus ability). Personally, I'm not asking for them to be op in every respect, I just am looking for sorcs to have the most single target dps output of any ranged class and comparable with top specs for once, since they've been inferior in that since 3.0.


    it's not hysterics because they disagree with me, it is hysterics because literally half the posts on front page of the sorc forum (and spilling out into other forums) are all exactly like this one. what statement regarding 5.X dps checks are you even talking about? you brought up 3.X and 4.X, the only time you mention 5.X was regarding there being a lot of sniper and mercs.


    so you don't want them to be op in every respect, just to have the dps of a sniper and the defensives of a merc, on top of the mobility and utility that they already have... not sure what else there is to be op about, but okay then.

  17. Fixed it for you


    you left out the part about hyperbolic rants and useless drivel. this isn't so surprising, i guess, since you are full of it. i ran a dps sorc in nim ops in both 3.X and 4.X for full clears and i wasn't the only one in just my group, much less the game. this kind of exagerated bullshlt is exactly why nobody except your fellow hystericals take you seriously and why bw won't "fix" it.


    as for pvp, here you are just flat out lying. it wasn't just yolo ranked that had a sorc problem. the forums and gen chat were full of constant complaints about so many sorcs in regs. " extreme susceptibility to enet"? dafug does that even mean? do sorcs take more damage from it? is it a 70% slow instead of the 50% it is against all other classes? this is just more of the typical sorc narcissism that has overrun the sorc forum. dps that is better than half of the other ranged specs is "bad" and needs to be "fixed". the best mobility is not enough, you also want the best defensives too, all in one package. sorcs had their moment in the sun and it was a long pain in the *** for everyone else.

  18. This has been bothering me for years now. Single weapon classes have to my knowledge always had their main hand and offhand available. Even now crates drop both, dual wielding classes however have gotten offhand only. This can't be for balance, anyone who dual wields is going to hunt down and buy mods for a main hand. This just adds a extra expense of time and credits for once i've bought the mods that would unbalance the class. So for my sanity, why not just make them main hand/offhand. Inquiring mind wants to know.


    i don't even understand what you are trying to say. are you saying that merc main hands don't drop from command crates? they do, i got one. i don't even understand why you think this makes a difference since dual wielders actually have it easier than non because we can pull the barrel/hilt out of the offhand and put it in a main hand. iirc that was the way it was originally, but then they changed it so that barrels and hilts were bound to off hand/main hand, but now it is not again.

  19. So, finally jumped back in to my first love, the Commando. First time since 5.3 and I think I am done.


    The DPS changes are not the main thing bothering me, it's the energy management. I am simply incapable of it. What is worse, this all stems from PVP complaining which is something I never cared for and would not miss it if it were removed completely from the game!!


    So, thank you, Bioware. I was an avid supporter of this game and even tried to look at the positive side of the ones I didn't like. However, you have taken a class which was amazingly fun and turned it into a chore. I play game to relax and have fun and you have killed that.


    good riddance. honestly, i am so sick of bads thinking that this was a pvp nerf. it wasn't. sustained damage has fock all to do with pvp, that is purely a pve issue. pvpers have been complaining about the op dcd's... which were barely touched.

  20. I am going to ask this again (been asking this for months now) what is wrong with the lightning spec sorceress. I have one and have no problems with mine. Mine has pretty good gear (230-240 mixed) and augmented and have done some operations with no problems.


    I will admit I don't pvp but that is about the only thing I don't do and don't have problems with mine so again what is the problem?


    the problem is that from 5.0 until very recently sorcs were at the low end of dps rankings. sorcs feel that this is blatantly unfair and that some other class should be lowest. this has snowballed into hyperbolic rants about how bad sorc is and sorc is not viable for operations and other useless drivel as they feed off of each others hysteria.


    for pvp the problem is mostly a l2p issue. sorc is one of the most mobile class in the game and to be played effectively, the have to use that to win. i do do a lot of pvp, and instead what i see from most sorcs is that they try to face tank like a merc and get destroyed. you can tell when you are up against a good sorc because he is very hard to pin down long enough to kill, but most of them are just bad. to be fair, part of this is bw fault. for almost all of 4.X sorcs were ridiculously op (like mercs are now) and lots of players rolled them. now that they are not, a lot of sorcs want bw to "fix" it and think that if they ***** about it enough then bw will.

  21. Hello folks, (if you want directy the questions go the the big A below)


    Before starting, English is not my mother tongue so please apologize my mistakes. It would have been more easy for me to writte in Russian or French but there is no russian forum and the french one is not very active.


    I played a lot of MMO and i'm a huge fan of PVP, all kind of PVP but particularly organized pvp with strategy. i played swotor 3 years ago but stopped.


    Im an average player on The Red Eclipse (TRE) on the republic side. I play smuggler and just ding 70 a little more than a week ago.

    The story was amazing, dungeon was cool but i didnt play a lot pvp durring my leveling phase due to the fact you didnt get all your spells and encounter people how has already a strong experience in the game.


    Finnaly 70 i tried PVP, i got smashed due to the lack of knowledge about the objectives but it was kind of fun and strangely the PVP community was nicely enought to explain strats . I obviously got some frequent "noob" "l2P" but that was only a minority of players.


    A -After a week and a lot PVP matches things stay blurry to me. (finally the questions)


    I loose a lot but not the simple loose, the hard smashed one. The one which is not due to the lack of communication or strats. it's just an instant death for us. I noticed things :


    - Imp seems to be very involved in PVP with a lot of guilds who are detroying PVP and i hope taking a lot of fun. But facing them is a kind of annoying. i ask sometime people and they answered to me "just doing pvp for the daily and weekly reward dont really care about winning or PVP in general. So is there PVP guilds on the rep side who can afford them ? Did i choose the wrong side to PVP ? By this sentence what i mean is imps facing imps in the "training" PVP. Those match are kind of equal or same deal as the rep vs imp ?


    - I saw in PVP people with 129 000 health or even 130 000 but i only got 118 000 and suffer from a lack of power 3000 i saw other with 5000. it seems to be because of my lack of items but my commander lvl is 150 i got full 234. So is it too late to begin PVP in swotor ? will i soon fill the gap of power or it will take 1 month ?



    Really sorry for the long post and thank you in advance for your answers.

    May the luck be with you.


    obviously the big thing that you are lacking is experience. veteran players know (and sometimes play) all of the other classes abilities and tricks and so anticipate them. different classes often have to be approached differently and people who have been pvping for 5 years have learned the best tactics. the only thing that will fix that is to get experience of your own.


    imps are overrepresented in pvp in terms of numbers of people pvping, so if that means, to you, that you picked the wrong side then i guess it does. in terms of skill they are relatively even and it seems to me that pubs usually have more and better healers.


    ~129k hit points is full 248 gear with augs. the simplest thing you can do to close that gap is to get your augments (you want mostly crit and a few alacrity). after that, you just have to grind up to get better gear. a good tactic is to do operations and get the token drops you can then turn in to upgrade to the next tier.


    good luck!

  22. balancing by counting heads is idiotic Smart people have the ability to measure actual dps output. Pvp is only a small part of the game, the devs need to stop breaking the game for players that think balance is achieved by counting noses.


    i didn't say that they should balance around counting noses, i said that as a player, you can tell when their is an imbalance by the numbers you see around you. you want to talk statistics as a criteria for balancing? how about the fact that a third of all dps were mercs? how about that more than half of all operations healers were sorcs? so in your mind, that is not because they overperform and everyone knew it, it is instead just some kind of weird statistical fluke with no rational explanation? do you even fotm, bro?

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