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Posts posted by Visanideth

  1. I had a hilarous case of this last night.


    Wanted to run Esseles with my new alt, I start asking "LFM Esseles" but being extremely late and since everyone is running Prison on 50s right now, I was struggling to find people.


    I move to the instance entrance and there's 6 people just standing there.


    I start whispering "are you looking for a group to Esseles?", and in around 30 seconds pick 3 of those people and start running the instance.


    When we move in, one guy goes "Man, this game really needs a LFG tool, been waiting all night for this".



  2. Interesting how the mood of the forums is changing quickly.


    A lot of the vocal quitters, well, quit. And now while whine threads are still common (even if still too few to be relevant) the reaction to them becomes more and more onesided.


    The war must be looking pretty grim from the "haters'" fence. I expect something drastic in the next few hours. A flood of pictures of Gungans wearing Slave Outfits maybe.

  3. . One simply has to remove their head from their personal orifice to see the amazing amount of dissatisfaction.



    We have no way to gauge dissatisfaction. We have a several hundred thousands strong community of silent gamers vs a few dozens whine threads posted daily often by what has been proved to be the same individual. Even if Bioware could spot 100 different customers coming each day to complain at the game, after a month it would be 3000 people. Less than 0.5% of the game's userbase. Not representative of the state of the game.



    I'm sorry, but you're just a vocal minority for now. If in 5-6 months the game's userbase has shrunk, THAN we will be able to talk about widespread dissatisfaction. Most people vote with their dollar, not with forum posts.

  4. I will say that your first two sentences seem to not line up. You disagree with me, but then go ahead and say that because of the similar threads, the search tool feels necessary. What part of my post makes you think I don't want the search tool added back? I'm actually making an argument for having it.



    No, what I'm saying is that if people's posting habits changed we wouldn't need a search function so much. The good threads (character responsiveness, fps problems etc) proliferated with no need for a search function. What's crapping the forums is the "I quit!" posts, which people reacts to creating a "Me too!" thread. Or the 20000 "Will not resub and here's my wall of text" post.


    If the mods keep being aggressive toward this kind of post, these posters (who wouldn't change their behaviour with a search function) will be forced to stick to extabilished threads.

  5. I absolutely disagree with the OP. The prolification of similar threads is EXACTLY the reason for which a search tool feels so necessary.


    Mods should continue closing and redirecting threads even faster and more aggressively, so we can actually achieve some form of forum consolidation. Besides, let's not fool ourselves: even with a search tool, most people would still open a new thread to be sure their Amazing Opinion™ isn't lost in a thread where the same concerns are lifted.

  6. Counter-question to the OP: isn't it a good thing that not all MMOs try to provide the same kind of experience?


    Sure, focusing on story will make SWToR quite different from most MMOs, with different strengths and weaknesses. It will not be everyone's cup of tea.


    But why is that bad?


    There's no Vanilla MMO formula that beats all other. Not all MMOs should be the same. It's like asking "Do you really expect Eddie Vedder to be able to appeal to all Gaga fans?". Of course he won't, but his fans are prolly quite happy about it.

    Diversity is great.

  7. oh nice, the "get a job" defence.


    Well, it's a pretty good defence.


    If you have a job, you sure don't care about the maintenance and thus will not complain on the subject.


    If you don't have a job, well, the person paying your subscription (ie, your mom) surely wouldn't be so happy to know you're so offended by the idea of only being able to play a videogame 6.5 days a week.


    See it this way: if you don't have a job, Bioware's still making the interest of their paying customers :D .

  8. schedules maintinence fro 3Am to 9Am gmt as stated it's now 1:30 pm gmt if ya gona go over the time at least let people know as like last time ya eating into gaming time now for all off us on sickies



  9. I'm not saying it's not good news but, again, we don't have any idea how many actual units they sold. Was it 100K? I think it's very possible since, again, the other games on that chart are already well past their peak of unit sales. TOR did not release against any noteable competition because the other big names out there (Skyrim, MW, etc.) had already been out for well over a month and had seen their sales peaks.


    Also, did TOR beat every other title in total sales across all platforms? No. That's not what it says. It says the PC version of TOR sold more than the XBOX 360 versions of Skyrim and Madden, not that it outsold Skyrim in total.


    And before you try to argue that, you'll note that Modern Warfare is actually on this list twice on two platforms.


    Again for context, Skyrim apparently broke 4.3 millions cross platforms in the US. Over 60% of it on X360.


    It's conservative to assume SWTOR did 2 millions at least so far, probably in the US alone.


    It's a success people, wishful thinking or not. A huge success, and while retention is where the game is, it was off to a great start.

  10. This please. If I cannot get a group between midnight and 10ish in the morning there is no way in heck I would ever consider paying for this game. And for those of you saying i should reroll on a different server or do solo content are missing my point. I want to play a 24/7 persistant world when i want to, and do what i want. Just because i should be sleeping does not mean i will be, want to, or expect to have to sit in the Fleet and watch myself dance.


    Your problem isn't Bioware, it's the rest of the community. If you're expecting Bioware to be able to accomodate for your peculiar timetable, you'll be sorely disappointed.


    I play more or less during the same timeframe as you, and even in WoW (pre dungeon finder) I had to get a group of same-minded people together in order to schedule events.


    Expecting an active midnight-to-morning community around level 48 3 weeks from release may be a bit too much. You'll prolly have more luck at 50, as eventually that's where most of the population is.

  11. Which goes even farthur to prove that this game is not doing as well as people think it is. Pretty much about the time people started getting back to normal and going back to work is when the numbers started dropping. Obviously people are not that excited about the game, and the numbers are only getting worse every day. You pretty much cannot even play group content past midnight or maybe even earlier, simply because people are not interested in this game and not playing.


    Im not trying to convince anyone of anything, im pissed because I just spent all night/morning sitting at the fleet and did 2 FPs. Thats 8 too few.



    The game is doing a lot better than people thinks, and the numbers prove it. Give us some numbers to crunch, otherwise you're just babbling with nothing to back up your statements.


    Best selling game of the holydays (VS Battlefront 3, MW3, and Skyrim), beating consoles (something incredibly rare for PC releases) = not doing to hot. Ok.

  12. It's also a game that released 3 months ago. TOR released 3 weeks ago. Seriously nothing has released since TOR came out. This is another one of those factoids fanboys will use to get all excited even though all it means is that TOR is doing better right now than games that are already well past their peak of interest.


    If it helps you putting things into context, WoW expansions didn't top the All Platform charts in several on the week of release quite a few times.

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