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Posts posted by axka

  1. The credit drops from this mission gotta be nerfed considering how easy this it is to solo now. 50k+ creds from each run which takes like 5-10min. I know there's a phase reset lockout, but this doesn't help if you reset the mission itself and not the phase. You can make millions per day by just killing the trash inside and sell the crap you loot. This cannot be intended.
  2. No more node games, please. Novare Coast, Ancient Hypergates, Alderaan Civil War, Voidstar. Enough Node Games already. Give us more huttball maps or a good old CTF already. There's nothing more fun than good ol' Capture the Flag.


    I might even consider a pure Deathmatch Game rather than another Node Game.

  3. Markmanship


    Dot Cleave




    The best specc depends on what map you're playing.

    For instance:


    Markmanship is great for huttball because of 14sec of 50% movement speed increase + roll. In addition you are immune to roots while this effect is active.


    Engineering is great for maps with node defense like Civil War, Novare Coast and Voidstar. Plasma Probe allows you to deal AoE on the ground, preventing them from capping without being in LoS. Reduced cooldown on Fragmentation Grenade and Flash Bang makes Engineering a great node defender. The damage output compared to Markmanship isn't as viable because you are depending on people standing in your aoe.


    Dot Cleave (Lethality/Engineering): The purpose of a DoT Cleave spec is to divide the damage before you execute the healer(s) or any other target. This specc is depending on having a full dot cleave setup. The initiate damage is very low and the dots themselves doesn't seem like an immediate threat. But the backend burst for this PvE specc is the best burst you got. Combined with Madness Sorccs, this specc will have a much higher effect.

    With full DOTs up you will cleave both of the healers. A DOT Cleave setup can maintain the enemy team below 50% hp and easily execute targets by communicating and coordinating the use of skills and target switching.


    This specc is also the most mobile and does great solo damage aswell. Takes longer to build up, but has the best burst.


    2x Sniper (Lethality + Markmanship)

    2x Sorccerer DPS

    2x Operative Healers

    1x Marauder

    1x Powertech

  4. Markmanship


    Dot Cleave




    The best specc depends on what map you're playing.

    For instance:


    Markmanship is great for huttball because of 14sec of 50% movement speed increase + roll. In addition you are immune to roots while this effect is active.


    Engineering is great for maps with node defense like Civil War, Novare Coast and Voidstar. Plasma Probe allows you to deal AoE on the ground, preventing them from capping without being in LoS. Reduced cooldown on Fragmentation Grenade and Flash Bang makes Engineering a great node defender. The damage output compared to Markmanship isn't as viable because you are depending on people standing in your aoe.


    Dot Cleave (Lethality/Engineering): The purpose of a DoT Cleave spec is to divide the damage before you execute the healer(s) or any other target. This specc is depending on having a full dot cleave setup. The initiate damage is very low and the dots themselves doesn't seem like an immediate threat. But the backend burst for this PvE specc is the best burst you got. Combined with Madness Sorccs, this specc will have a much higher effect.

    With full DOTs up you will cleave both of the healers. A DOT Cleave setup can maintain the enemy team below 50% hp and easily execute targets by communicating and coordinating the use of skills and target switching.


    This specc is also the most mobile and does great solo damage aswell. Takes longer to build up, but has the best burst.


    2x Sniper (Lethality + Markmanship)

    2x Sorccerer DPS

    2x Operative Healers

    1x Marauder

    1x Powertech

  5. They currently have a matchmaking system for rateds. Unfortunately it does not work well at all since on average only two teams are q'ing at any given time. MMR systems need a large population to work appropiately. I personally believe cross-server pvp should have been in the game at launch, unfortunately, BW has stated on several occasions they will not do it.


    Hopefully 1 day they'll wake up and realize they have to. The day I see a X-server PvP patch, is the day I will call a successfull PvP patch.


    Regardless, /Threadsigned

  6. What is MMR?


    MMR means Match Making Rating. It works by making you group up and face people of your own level.


    For instance in Ranked Warzones: If your group has a total MMR above 2k Rating you will face people with 2k rating or above, not below. Ofc this would require X-server technology.


    Or Valor could be used aswell. People with valor rank 70 won't be grouped with people with less than valor rank 70 in a regular warzone. You won't face people with less than valor rank 70 either.


    The higher MMR you got, like Team Rating and Valor rank, the higher reward from winning regular and ranked warzones. Like Comms and Rating change.

  7. 1. Ranked Warzone Season 1 w/ Official Ladder

    2. Cross-Server Technology for Regular and Ranked Warzones

    3. Bolster Redesigned: 45% Expertise base regardless of gear in and outside of Warzones. The only way to increase it is by actually using PvP gear. 20% increase (65%) in standard PvP gear and 30% (75%) increase in Elite PvP Gear.

    4. MMR

    5. Increased Ranked Warzone Rewards.

    6. Better looking armor sets


    If people really feel a need for arenas, let it be 3v3 and nothing else. 4v4 is doomed to be 2x healer. I will rather see 16v16 than 4v4

  8. What BioWare's PvP priority list should be like:


    1. Season 1 Ranked Warzones w/ Official Ladder

    2. Cross-server technology w/ X-server Ranked Warzones

    3. Instead of Bolster: Base Expertise at 45% regardless of gear. The Only way to increase it is by using PvP Gear up to a maximum of 65% in standard pvp gear and 75% in elite pvp gear

    4. 16v16 Warzones and RWZ

    5. Match Making Rating (MMR) based on Valor rating for Regular Warzones and Team Rating for RWZ

    6. Premade vs. premade ONLY (Not Premade vs. Pug)

    7. New Brackets: 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-54, 55 (Cross-server technology required for this.)

    8. Increased Rewards for completing Warzones

    9. Role Check for Warzone Queue (prevent teams from having 3 healers againt teams with 0. X-server required).

    10. Better looking PvP sets

    11. Global Cooldown Fix

    12. Various Server Glitches (UI bugs, character visibilty and animation smoothness).

    13. Possibly arenas


    Before they should even talk about arenas, they should first fix what they've already implented.


    In addition: 2v2 is the worst bracket there is. It doesn't work in any game. 3v3 is the only viable setup in order to reach maximum class balance. But for this game I don't want to see arenas as in Gladitorial Games.


    This is Star Wars, more world pvp and ranked warzones is the way to go.

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