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Posts posted by Mulgero

  1. I must admit that I find this quite mind boggling. Khem didnt get tank attributes either after a launch and was fixed around 1.1.2 or whatever. Xalek seem to have similar problem and is still not fixed.


    Something like companions and daily quests should be fixed asap as most players meet these issues daily and frankly shouldnt be that hard to fix but I guess there is more important things to fix... *shrug*

  2. Started out with female sniper mainly due voice acting. After a while I just got this feeling that whole IA story is more for male operative and rolled one. Male voice acting isn't as good but I can live with it.
  3. Tested against OP dummy in ship and high velocity gas cylinder seemed to work as expected more or less but TM is not benefitting from heat signature debuff on OP dummy and not on 50 level mobs in Ilum. HSM is hitting now that 25% extra with heat signatures but damage is soo low compared to pre 1.2c.
  4. My tracer missiles are hitting level 50 ilum mobs for 1200-1300 non-crit and about 2200ish crits. These values dont change with 5 stack of heat signature. Didn't actually temp weapon ap debuff... HSM is only hitting 300 more and if ap and heat signatures would be fixed TM would hit almost same as our 15sec CD HSM.


    I think devs should re-check both skills & debuff and adjust values a bit.

  5. DFA aoe range should be reverted back or increase somewhat. It's really annoying that can't barely ever now hit all mobs in 3-4 mob groups. Typically it will hit only 2 and knockback effect almost always throws 3 target out of range. With so low area it starts to be pointless to use whole skill anymore and Im serious.


    Before 1.2 I use DFA everytime it was off CD, now I barely ever use it cause its just faster to use single target skills or fusion/missile combo instead.


    Increase area to 6.5m, change knockback to knockdown and adjust damage if it's "overpowering" high with that range. Saying making it match to other skills range is stupid cause skill mechanism is different.

  6. Xalek tank stats shielding and absorbion are broken and He doesnt benefit those stats from gear making him subpar to Khem in tank department and loses in dps to both ashara and Andro by large margin.


    If you insist using him just stack endurance and defence which has pretty high DR curve but only thing you can do with him atm.

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