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Posts posted by ozrique

  1. I cannot put in words how much I hated Tionese / Columi / Rakata gear. When the game started, despite the reiterated comments that all Consulars are supposed to look like someone who might be a member of the senate, I was still hoping we might get something more similar to our role model NPCs. In the case of my jedi shadow that meant something like this:




    Instead we got this:



    That's the look for a highly agile, swift and dynamic melee damage dealer, relying on speed. I don't know whether Bioware was trying to make us look like idiots, or whether they wanted to make up for Soa's ridiculous coments or the totally absurd fight against a hutt by making us look even more ridiculous than the situation itself, or whether they simply wanted to make their NPCs stand out as the only cool characters.


    Remember that back when the game started you could not swap mods from end game gear, they came "as is". I deliberately kept worse gear to run my dailies, so I would look like an idiot only during operations, sacrificing some of my power when I did not absolutely need it. Remember that all consulars looked about like this, and since consular was an overrepresented class, at least in my guild, about a third of us had to wear that perversion of an outfit. It's a good thing it grants willpower, one must have a lot willpower to dress up like this in spite of any resemblance of taste.


    I laughed :p Yes that outfit was terrible!

  2. Isn't bolster supposed to affect only the gear equipped?


    Datachrons, achievements and affections require the developers to actually implement those numbers into the equation of the bolster calculation. They have said numerous times (like a mantra even) that bolster is there to help undergeared people. Why would they make it harder for themselves to involve factors that have nothing to to with gear? Ultimately datachrons etc. affects a characters statistics, but the gear itself has a constant value, right?


    Interesting topic, lets hope the devs can explain it - and even more so, explain why it happened. I for one would like to know.

  3. Why is SWTOR so much superior to all other games?


    Because other games don't have the right clonkiness. No game is clonkier than this one. It's something about the movement of the character that makes it clonk just right.

  4. Oh the memories! I remember struggling so hard with this, and at the time being there was a maximum of 5 people on fleet (this was before the first merge and I deliberately chose a server with low population when creating my first toon) and no one would help me - for days! I remember my sentinel had plenty of mighty fine gear, full with cunning and aim - I mean they were purple items, pretty high in level - around 40-45 at least! Bound to be good right?


    Eventually I found the Recruit MK-1 PvP set in my mailbox and was so happy when I eventually defeated him.

    I still wear the recruit set =)

  5. From 2.9 patch notes:


    "The World Map window now blocks right-click interactions like other windows."


    Extremely frustrating not being able to close the map using a mouse button while hovering over the map. I will fight for the cause to bring this function back!

  6. Can confirm this, it was first reported in this thread. What makes this tricky is that apparently this was an deliberate change and is working as intended now, since it is mentioned in the patch notes. Unfortunately, we don't know why this change was made, especially since it removes a QoL feature.


    Oh NO! I was really afraid that this was a change rather than a bug and now it turns out to be that way. It is very disturbing, especially when using the mouse to move like was mentioned.


    I really hope they can change this back.

  7. If they're moving away from you, having the raid frame slowly dim isn't going to help them not move away from you. You do have the range showing for your target frame, right?


    It would help me determine quickly whether they are worth a long cast or not. I think its a good idea.

  8. I don't know. I think I would spend too much time deciding if the target was actually out of range, or just almost out of range, causing me to move closer to the target in situations where I didn't have to. I like the simple bright if in range, dim if out of range as it is now.


    Then perhaps you are doing a better job than me :) I have however, been in many situations when a deliverance/kolto injection/any-casted-heal have gone to waste because the target has gone out of range (with 2-3 ms left of the cast).

  9. As a healer, I would benefit a lot from fading colors in the ops frame. If a target is near, his health bar should be bright red, and gradually fade out to the "out of reach" color the further away from me he is.
  10. Are the devs in fire?


    also, translation: Direct Download auxiliary L-Series DVD


    Lame :confused:


    I'm sure there's a hidden message in there.. Just as in Eric's original post, but just not as obvious :)

    I also unsubbed after reading these news, it was fun while it lasted but like many others pointed out, this was indeed the nail in the coffin. As for you true believers sticking around, have fun and enjoy the game!!

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