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Posts posted by mufgufkin

  1. Be a mercenary in a ranked game dominated by pyrotech/assaults, focus/rage-specs, and healy scoundrels/operatives.


    Come back with that sense of entitlement of what it easy and what is not.


    The point you have missed. Ease of play and usefulness of a class/spec are different. I have a merc that has been shelved since 1.3 that when i rolled a pyro. I dont play my merc because he isnt wanted and other classes are better. My point was there isnt a DIFFICULT class to play.

  2. OP have you even seen the 2.0 patch notes? This is the new ranked team come 2.0.


    1 Ops healer

    1sorc healer (maybe or another operative)

    1 jugg tank

    2 maras

    3 snipers ( or visa versa with the maras)


    So most of the classes you listed got a big ol nerf. Happy?

  3. Oh i dunno, there has been some pretty bad ones....


    I'd put this in the top 10% certainly. Worst ever? Tough call.


    Its not a troll attempt its a farse.... And a pretty funny one when other people were going along with it.


    But you killed it.

  4. alot of classes have bad trees but the only broken classes are juggernaut(overpowered rage tree) powertech(overpowered pyro tree) and mercenary( the only class that just sucks)


    Depends on what aspect of the game we are talking about. Maras and pyros have "OP" damage yes but I would take a good Sin over a PT for huttball for instance. Besides PTs are getting another nerf in 2.0. Anyway I dont dissagree with the OP however there are certainly classes that do better overall in the hand of equally skilled players. Thats why I rolled a Pyro in place of my Merc 1.4 patch. I could play well on my merc but better on my Pyro overall.


    Yeah the problem is, is that too many classes are built around pulling of those stuns, snares, and roots. They can't rework the system without changing classes. This is only true to an extent. Im not saying all classes have the same problems.


    Well we all know stuns are a problem and the reason no one wants them to change is because it would afffect pve. We can however improve the resolve system. IMO it should give immunity to hard stuns for 20 seconds or so after each stun. Right now most people dont actually choose who to stun they span them. Thats why one poor guy who is irrelevant to the objective gets stunned to death. Fix the resolve system we are happy and pve players are happy.

  5. A tatooine urban setting wz please. Like the tatooine map in battlefront 2.


    This would be an awesome idea. Not fond of a deathmatch wz tho. A simple CTF type game might be cool. I miss good old halo.:(

  6. Thanks, so I need commendations from ranked warzones? To do anything without looking like a demented frog.


    Try the sticky titled "gearing as a fresh 50"or some such thing. Thats what the stickies are there for.

  7. I have been playing on my 50s Pub and Imp. Both factions are a toss up with reguards to gear level of the players. The new 50s you are talking about I have spotted. They are wearing lvl 47 greens with 12k hp.

    I havnt noticed any problems winning games, its about 60% wins for me which is fair for a solo queue. Also maybe you just expect too much, I mean asking for a premade of 19k health players or better?

  8. ^ lol that reminds me of a match i played earlier on cival war. I capped grass, a stealther came up when i was half health,so i called for help. One guy came to help right away, i was so relieved. At this point the stealther had help from one other guy who was capping our node while i was stunned. Instead of my teammate stopping the cap he started fighting the stealther! I literally stoped playing and sat there in disbelief.
  9. The guy i played with earlier who was wearing four ELITE WH peices mainhand,offhand,chest and gloves. 350 expertise or so and the rest black hole :mad: Seriously have people still not figured out that your pve gear is crap!!! Not only that but those 4 pieces of EWH gear could have bought him full WH with augments. :confused:
  10. 1. The story lines. Not just the class all of them are good.


    2. The monotony of killing mobs every 30 sec that isnt even a challenge. Seriously at least make them difficult and more spaced out its extremely annoying after 15 months of playing.


    3. More story drivin content and less grinding the same content over and over trying to get a new set of gear every 3 months. Make the content more difficult and the reward greater basically.

  11. Full tanks in general dont do well in WZs. Im not aware of any hybrid build for shield tech. Since you already have the supercommando set I would just wait for 2.0 unless you want to grind another set of WH gear. Almost everyone who runs a powertech specs Pyro for pvp. We do alot of burst damage and can still protect using taunts. Sorry but because of Bioware's hate for tanks in pvp at the moment there is just not alot you can do.
  12. Exactly what I meant.


    You sir, receive a thumbs up.


    You sir just keep missing the DARN POINT! When you defend you might not recieve defender points because you are not close enough to the node. You can still defend it! Snipers come to mind.

  13. I have said it in other threads Pyro PT is the easiest class in the game to do DAMAGE! Being as effective as you can be with it is not just pressing 2-3 buttons. Dont forget damage doesnt win you games, it helps to win games. My Sin is the easiest class i have played in huttball. Stealth, wait for pass, score. See, all classes can be easy its situational. The only class I have played that wasnt EASY is my Merc because he doesnt do anything well... This game is alot more that DPS.
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