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Posts posted by Cindercraze

  1. Yoda = Emperor.... Anakin=Obi wan.... The two fights (Anakin/Obi)(Yoda/Emperor) are a clear contrast of eachother... Anakin arrogantly persisted to keep fighting, resulting in a loss. Yoda retreating, forced a tie. I believe Lucas used these two fights to contrast the decisions of Jedi/Sith, and the repricutions of their decisions.


    Yoda's retreat is not a loss... to consider it a loss is totally unintelligent.


    If you have speculation against this, remember Russia's retreat tactic in WWII (Scorched Earth). Falling back to fight another day is in no way a loss, it is in fact a very well strategized battle technique.

  2. Vader was portrayed as a ***** in 4-5-6 mainly because he was holding back against his son... You really think Vader wanted to kill Luke? No... he was tainted because of Padme's death, and was only truely broken when Sidious lied about the death of his children. Take a man's wife away; he is broken. Take a man's kids away; he is dead.


    If Luke were anyone other than Vader's son, the outcome would have been entirely different.

  3. I believe in free speech. It's quite possibly the single most important freedom in the world. I believe that people should be able to say what they think. I will fight for anyone's right to say things I don't agree with. It's a cornerstone of my belief structure.


    Then someone says, "Vader is garbage."


    And I question my belief structure.




    Disclaimer: The preceding statement was a joke intended to express just how powerfully I disagree with the OP. :)


    Definately caused a rofl in my case.

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