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Posts posted by SilverDove

  1. I would be very very surprised if either decision caused us to permanently lose Arcann.


    We have already had the big decision with him on whether we wanted him to live or die and BW don't tend to give that option for the same character twice.

    They also don't tend to hide life or death decisions, aside from the Vette/Torian decision at the end of KOFTE they are pretty much always explicit that "........choice WILL kill the involved character".


    The Torian/Vette decision was the only one I can think of that didn't explicitly state that a companion would die when the decision was made.

    We may have to go on a rescue mission or something similar which could be pretty cool, but I doubt we'll lose him. I sincerely hope we don't anyway, a couple of my characters are happily in a relationship with him.

  2. The story was short but nicely written. I liked the fact that you were joined on the mission by someone other than Lana for a change. Nice to see sana-rae get out and about a bit.

    The various threads of story seem to be coming together nicely.

    Also enjoyed the Mannan story on both sides. I will be doing the dailys there if only to get rep to buy some of those lovely seaweeds and other decos for my strongholds.

  3. Always worth trying other games you never know. Personally I tried FF a while ago and got my char to lvl 10 before it bored the crap out of me. Not my kind of thing I guess.

    Lost ark didn't even keep me entertained for that long, the camera angles and movement were just awful. Each to their own.

  4. It is refreshing to see someone posting something positive here.

    Yes 7.0 has some pretty serious issues, the UI is painful, it has a bug list as long as war and peace and the actual story release is very very short.


    However, as someone who plays for the story I am NOT completely disappointed.

    I have now played through all of the new story content on both imp and pub loyalists and imp and pub saboteurs.

    The Manaan section did fall a bit flat for me and I thought it felt like a filler to allow players to get used to the new layouts and combat styles. The Elom flashpoint did move the story along a bit, there was some character immersion for both sides and some movement in the saboteur story for both sides.


    I like the fact that my Jedi sentinel can now use force lightning, it fits her story that she would experiment with dark side abilities since she is in a relationship with a sith.

    All of my other chars now have a stealth ability if they did not previously have one. This is hugely helpful.


    As far as the story goes, BW did say that the story would be released gradually over the next year. It would have been nice to see a little more in the "expansion" which frankly feels like more of a content patch. But this basically strikes me as a prologue to the next phase of the story. We have been promised more so personally I am content for now to give BW a chance and see what they produce.


    I just hope we're not waiting months for 7.1 or it could drag a little with the volume they have given us so far.

  5. The whole thing felt to me like a prologue to the expansion.

    The whole manaan thing just wasn't engaging in any way, it was pretty much a filler to allow the player to get used to the new UI and combat styles. You basically ran around a bit killing a bunch of mobs doing not very much with very little actual story development.

    The Elom FP did advance the story to an extent but the main char in the cinematic only turned up for a 2 min cut scene when it was all over.

    None of the promised Mandalorian civil war, no further romance developments, we still don't know what Malgus has been up to and I simply don't care about some grumpy Selkath.


    That said I do play exclusively for the story nowadays and I am anticipating further storyline updates now that BW have thrust their train wreck of a new UI on us. I am looking forward to more updates and all of the story developments they have promised us. I just wish the launch of a "new expansion" had contained more than a couple of hours of filler chapter. This wasn't an expansion, it was an update patch......a badly deployed update patch at that.


    I just hope BW get 7.1 out soon. There simply is not enough in 7.0 to keep people who play for the story interested.

  6. I'm curious as to why you think the light side choice would disappoint jonas. Surely talking the empire out of murdering thousands of republic civilians would make him happy.

    I picked this choice on my BH sabatour and he overall seemed pleased with my choices.

  7. I'm hoping the fix will be before we deal with Vitiate's corpse. Kinda wanted to do that with my Knight first but not touching him until the romance is fixed. :(


    Likewise, my knight will not be moving on with any story content until I can be sure her significant other is still with her. She's been waiting a long time for scourge I don't want to lose romance content because of a stupid bug.

  8. The longer they leave Zenith the more implausible his return is going to be. It's already been what 7, 8 years and our character hasn't exactly been keeping a low profile. He should have come back to fight the eternal empire. Maybe in the chapter where the captured balmoran diplomat shows up right before we fight arcann. He could have gone back home to hook up with his old contacts.
  9. Hey everyone!


    Thanks for calling attention to this - we're aware of the issue and investigating. Please, if you haven't already, submit in-game tickets on the affected characters - this gets our team the info they need to investigate effectively.


    Thank you!


    Thanks for responding. I'll get a ticket submitted and hopefully get my jk her other half back.

  10. I just hope they sort it out and get those of us affected back to the correct relationship status with scourge before any more story developments are released. It would be rather annoying to miss the romance content because a bug ended the relationship when we didn't want to.

    My guardian has remained single a long time waiting for scourge to get his feels back.

  11. Any one else had this issue?


    When Scourge rejoined my JK she ofc started a relationship with him because he's pure awesome. However I have just logged on my JK and found this update for him "Despite the relationship you began upon Scourge's return to your life, things have changed and you ended your romantic relationship".


    Excuse me? Did Scourge dump my JK in her absence? Can they please get back together? My JK is very sad right now, she wants her big red hunk back.

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