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Posts posted by TheIcefyre

  1. When I land on Hoth, I like to imagine I'm one of the AT-AT walkers, slowly falling into the snow as I can no longer control my legs, and I feel my electrical insides exploding, my crew dying, then... cold, then shortly after, nothing. The hundreds of millions of credits put into research and development, finally mass producing me, and all it took was a tow rope from something that couldn't even take out a TIE fighter. It really makes me understand how fragile we all are, no matter how many credits we pour into something, it can still be destroyed.


    Exactly! Just the cold, flowing sensation flowing over you, as if engulfing you. I haven't reached Hoth yet on my character but the soundtracks that i've heard so far just give a massive impact.

  2. Troll thread from 4chan. Comparing to Titanic. They think TOR will sink like the Titanic.


    *waves at /v/*


    What? I just made a post about how much I've enjoyed the soundtrack. I was asking if others on here have been enjoying it aswell. reported for trolling.


    What is 4chan and how would you know that people from it are making this thread unless you are on there too?


    Thank you,

  3. Everyone focuses on this game's gameplay and visuals, but I really like the soundtrack. The beautifully orchestrated songs are really well weaved together, but that's only the top of it. There's so much more underlying things about the music, you could say there's vastly more underlayers than overlayers. The music helps set you into the mood of things to come, sometimes a cold, unforseen future. When you are about to sink into a quest and know that you're unprepared for a challenge , the music only helps you ignore the fact that you're probably gonna lose and makes you trek on. Overall the music in this game is some of the best of all time, even better than the main theme zelda's ice dungeon, and that's only the tip of the iceberg!


    Anyone else that feels this way?

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