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Posts posted by Innocences

  1. Bring back Upheaval for Shadows or at least the animation. Shadows are so boring with not even one movement skill based ability. You just sit there through your entire rotation. Please allow one skill where you can move at the same time!!! :mad::eek:
  2. I only play Shadows and I was greatly upset, and angered that my animated skill was removed. The only skill that allow me to move and do damage. I'm so tired of standing through a rotation and what is the point to move. The shadow needs some move damage abilities. I mean isn't it why you want to play shadow? Hit and run? Will it return? Please say it's so, because I've subbed for a year because of it. :mad:
  3. when 99.8% of the characters in PvP are ranged I think that says a lot. If ranged characters are played right with 1-2 warriors for protection melee characters have not chance in hell. That's what PvP has turn into now. :mad:
  4. No OP I don't want any of that silly crap! :mad: I want more worlds to explore and more story line content. Who cares if you can sit in a chair or kiss a person of the same sex. You really you want BW to spend all that time making a few cut scenes you will never see after a two week story line. No really think about it. The cartel shop has been epic fail and I can't see anyone want to spend money to buy that crap. Unfortunately that is what they will be spending their time and effort.
  5. I have to say I'm so disappointed in the cartel coin items available. It's rehashed garments and nothing plain. All I want are simple black hooded robes, dark silver accents and no lights. How hard is to make something that looks good for consular and assassins? Most companies make their money on garments and unique looks. I've not spent a single cartel coin yet and I'm wondering if I should unsub. I'm not even playing now but I keep my sub in hopes I might see something worthy of buying. No seriously it's starting to really piss me off BW can't even make something that looks good. :mad:
  6. I appreciate the offer and help. I'm in a great guild, they are very experienced, but they don't do late night runs. Not many do on my server, but many required a certain gear level. How can you get the "required gear" if you are not willing to take people to get it? Many operate like this, but how do they expect people to get it?


    It's frustrating when you want to do high level content, but can't get geared to do them, because no one does anything late night. I understand that's my problem, thus why I want to have access to this gear on my own. Try thinking outside of yourself. It's PvE, what difference does it make. Eventually the guilds get high level gear, so what does it matter if a person in my position wants to do the same? Then I can be geared when I finally get the chance to participate in the fun difficult content. How does it affect you other than giving people the opportunity to do them with you when they can?


    Sorry getting gear to say you are better than everyone else just sounds very selfish. If it take me X2 longer to obtain it at twice the work, why does it matter? Why penalizes players? I want to do the difficult content, but don't often get the chance, so I get penalized for it. Then GW2 has taken a lot of good players from the game on top of it. Think about other players situation, than just yourself. Flame away, but really how does this affect you in anyway make your game experience any different? I'm not talking about giving it away, I'm willing to put in the hard time to work for it.


    With respect, I'd try to be sympathetic but I'm in full campaign gear and do ops twice a week which is about 5 hours total time.


    My guild is not elitist, we have a gear requirement before you are allowed to do certain ops at certain levels but no skill requirement (It's not needed and we help people get better at the game as we go)


    I played for many more hours when levelling up, this is true but now I'm 50 I play significantly less hours and I'm not exaggerating about the 5 hours a week doing ops.


    get in touch if you ever decide to roll/transfer to the Progenitor and I'll show you around a bit.

  7. 1st request, 35 beautiful systems of space combat PvP. All the 9M Battle Star Galactic online players would love to leave that company, because of their cash cow mentality and how they screw their customers. It would be easy pickings. There are no good space sims out there other than BSG online. I know of about 200 that would come over in a sec. lol


    2nd, Speeder racing, and a betting system.


    3rd, more crafting.


    4th Color die system is a must.


    One thing, please BW don't waste your time and resources with same sex relationships for a F2P game. I want more content, not 30 secs more of story clips that you will never see again.

  8. Come on BW please make the 1.4 gear accessible for those that cannot do 10+ hours a day with a diehard guild. Please make them reasonably purchasable with BH coms. I've been playing since it launched and just can't get find a late night raiding guild. I play about 30 hours a week and I'm still only 60% BH and the rest Collumi. Please give those like me the ability and opportunity to see the light. :o
  9. honestly I don't see what all the fuss is about now, yeah I was pissed at first, but now I think why waste time on theses when new stuff will be coming to the sale vendor. I'll just pull the mods out anyway. I'll bet these orange shells are going to look simple, elegant and epic. I love light armored black and dark silver accents with engraved steel blackened shoulder armor guards. I can imagine, how my Assassins is going to look as I gave up on my Shadow. BW is going to want to make some good looking stuff if they aspect to sell it. I'm all for that if I can get the look I want.


    What upsets me is the fact that high level hard core raiding guilds will be the only ones to be able to get the new gear. For PvE, I don't understand why they have to cater to the 10% players base so they can feel special in their elitist gear. :p I want to be able to get this gear even though my schedule will not allow. Maybe it will take me longer, but I want to be able to have the gear at some point to participate when I can. I have been playing since the start of the game, and I'm only %60 BH and Collumi. :(

  10. Yeah I'm pissed that we light armored Consular/ Assassin players have been screwed over for so long and nothing has been done about it. :mad: The bottom line is, it's not right.


    How do you feel about the kitchen sink? Is it working or not? :p


    On topic.... you sound like someone who should step back from the keyboard and take a deep breath. Relax, play a different character, or maybe take a little break or something.

  11. I could care less what you think or anyone else, but the fact is light armor repair bills far exceed the other classes. It's not right, and I think many would agree.


    Wow. What are you complaining about?


    Inquis/Consuls are getting a big buff in 1.4 and what are you talking about with big repair bills? We all get those too.


    But oh boy, BW better watch out or else they may lose you! The 1 fan that is driving this game!

  12. I can deal with a few bugs, and I can wait for new content. I've waited patiently since the release of the game, but I've just about had it. If something is not done soon, I'll will be saying goodby. I've been a subscriber since the start, but I'm feeling like I'm just get crapped on by BW.


    First thing, being a light armor Republic main character. The fact that light armor gets screwed in almost every way.

    1. Costs for repairs far exceed any other character.

    2. It costs us about twice the black hole coms to gear for the right stats.

    3. Republic gear and animations are terrible compared to the empire side.

    4. Artifice is worthless.

    5.DPS too low. and cool downs are too long.


    I see there are some changes coming, but where are they?


    Ok now PvP. It sucks!


    As a character under 50, you can't even compete in PvP as a Assassin or Shadow. I get one shot and out ranged by everything. It will never be balanced when ranged can hit for what seems like unlimited 5k without crits. I can't see PvP ever being good when ranged classes are so op.


    I've said my peace, I'm done venting, but I hope something is done real soon, because this dedicated SWOR fan boy is about to say good by.

  13. Yes this has been a very good read and I approve the OP's message. It appears to be a very easy fix. This topic floors me, and I plan to un sub when it goes free to play. There is no reason for me to pay when I'll be leveling another class because BW refuses to fix something so easily fixed. Thanks BW, I've been playing since release and I'm tired of waiting.
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