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Posts posted by Thiussat

  1. [YOUTUBE]K9pj4j8u8kM[/YOUTUBE]

    Direct Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9pj4j8u8kM&feature=youtu.be


    Talk about inability to lead a group... This companion bug takes the cake and should jump to #1 bug to fix



    A boring 4 minute video gets better at 2 minutes with some PvP action.. at the end of the battle, in a victorious stance, I show that my chat windows have all the filters set and yet the spam of the companion crap still comes through on EVERYTHING..


    Just a hacker.

  2. I don't mind hard to play classes. I really don't. But ALL classes must be hard to DO WELL with! Problem with SWTOR is, some classes allow bad/mediocre players of certain classes to get results as good or better than good/excellent players can get with a lot more work from more complex classes. That ain't balanced.


    ^ This


    And I agree that the faction imbalance is a bigger deal than the class imbalances, which I think are mostly a result of some classes being too easy moreso than too much damage being done.

  3. 100% agree with OP.


    I also play an assassin and I don't know how many times I've hit shroud or cloak and nothing has happened. I find those 2 are the biggest culprits..


    ^ This. I used to play a Jedi Shadow and force cloak does not work at least 50% of the time. And when it does, it takes a good 4 to 5 seconds of spamming to make it kick in.


    This is a HUGE problem for shadow/assassins.

  4. So, what's your solution? Let the raiders come in with their raid gear and pwn everyone? It would be the same situation, except worse, because PvP'ers would be forced to raid to keep up.


    The only way to have 100% fairly geared PvP would be to:


    A) Do away with all gear grinding on both the PvP and PvE sides. This means once you hit 50, your questing gear is as good as it gets.


    B) Make it so everyone when they enter a WZ is given the same set of gear per the class.


    If you do "A" then raiders will quit by the droves.


    If you do "B", you might solve the WZ issue, but you wont solve gear being a factor in the open world.

  5. Or should everyone be allowed to cheese their way to being a battlemaster?


    Youtube the videos if you dont know what i'm talking about.


    Do something bioware. Atleast with the old Ilum, it wasn't possible to abuse ranks.


    Honest questions. How are game developers responsible for people who refuse to PvP?


    Moreover, show me a game where this has NOT happened.

  6. Instead, the picked an engine that's got a free license for up to 99 developers and when it makes money they take 30% of the profits. Now i doubt this is the case, and that BW/EA bought a license. Whoever suggested HeroEngine should be shot.


    So your assumption is that free = bad? I think Linus Torvalds would like to have a word with you. Linux is 100 times more technically sound and stable an OS than Windows will ever be. And what does it cost? $0 (unless you buy support). In fact, Linux, and other free Unix based OS's run the Internet. The vast majority of web servers you connect to daily run Linux or another Unix. So, I don't buy that because something is freely licensed that it is of low quality.


    That said, I am not defending Hero here. I really do not have the expertise (nor do 99% of the other posters on this forum) to make a judgement as to the engine's technical worth. All I know is that somewhere down the line, either because of original Hero or because of Bioware's tweaking, performance in this game is far from optimal.

  7. While we're at it, we may as well just say that Special Relativity says that no object with mass can travel at C. Thus, it is impossible for any ship to ever travel at the speed of light because it would take infinite energy to propel it there and the ship would end up with infinite mass. Light-speed is confined to massless particles.


    And even if you could travel at c, it would still take hundreds, if not thousands, of years to get from one planet to the next. Our galaxy is about 100,000 light years in diameter, for example.

  8. Your first question is probably, "How would you prove, scientifically, that one faction is disproportionately a bunch of whiners?".


    Simple, you take an ability that is exactly the same for both factions. Then you tally up the total number of posts calling for the nerfing of that ability for only one faction.


    In this case I used Tracer Missile and Grav round. Both abilities are EXACTLY the same. Therefore, there should be a roughly equal amount of calls for nerfing on the pvp forums.


    Go to advanced search, set it to search titles, then type in "Tracer". You'll get two pages of posts that have the word Tracer in them. If you carefully sort through each one individually, ignoring posts that call for the nerfing of both skills, you'll find 15 posts demanding, specifically, that Tracer Missile get nerfed.


    Now, do the same for Grave roung. Total number of posts demanding the nerfing of just Grav round.... Zero!


    So, in conclusion, at the very least, Republic players are 15 times more likely to whine than Empire.



    No, your logic fails. You forgot to take into account that the reason people call for nerfs to the empire classes is because there are not enough republic players for the imps to complain about.

  9. Normal people don't spend their precious free time hanging out on forums for things they don't enjoy. It is a prime indicator of some serious problems


    It's a prime indicator of being angry I wasted my money. And now I want to get the most out of it, so I will post here until I can't anymore. See how that works, kid?

  10. I love coming into a thread and the first sentence is someone blaming Bioware for faction imbalance......


    Naive much?


    How is it NOT their fault? Any idiot could have told them back in 2008 that everyone and his brother would be rolling empire. Yet they made no provisions for this and now we have a completely screwed up game because of it.


    All of the people who say faction imbalance is not an issue are empire players. But I still don't understand even them defending it since it sucks for them too (i.e. Hutball 24/7).

  11. What are you still doing here ? You must have way too much time to waste I'm jelly :(


    It's called a billing period. I will be here pointing out the flaws of this game until my sub is completely expired. May as well since I am not getting anything else for my $15.


    Another poster in this thread made a good point. It is 2012. People do not want to wait on features to be "fixed" that SHOULD have been right on RELEASE. This isn't 2002. BW should have known based on all the other MMO's out there what is good and what isn't. Instead they left the good things out and added a bunch of the bad.

  12. powertechs are fine in objective based pvp, guard alone makes them worthwhile (granted any tank spec brings this)


    they are just incapable of killing things. this is why PT are always at the bottom of the damage charts. which hey, you dont need to kill something to be useful in huttball or such. i have had plenty of WZ where i had the least amount of damage but the highest objective score and was labeled as mvp. healers will be your best friend if you guard them and peel for them.


    They must be doing it wrong then. There's a couple of powertechs on my server that are always top damage and kills every time. The flame throwing stuff is way OP'ed imo. A couple of sprays with the flame, and my flimsy shadow goes from 100% to dead.

  13. Right now, I'd be happy with some faction balance so I'm not riding in circles around Ilum like I just got my driver's permit....


    ^ LOL, this. That's the biggest problem with this game by a mile. All your arenas and rated WZ's wont mean squat if you can't find any Republic players to go against.

  14. If you cant beat them, join them. Constant groups for pve and ilum dailies get finished almost instantly. 40 people in fleet republic , 250 on empire. Im happy i switched with the exception of constant huttball :). Classes work better, no skill delays, they seem better tweaked than the republic side from what ive seen so far. RIP republic battlemaster toon.


    Rock on Anchorhead server.


    Good for you. However, I decided to simply unsub rather than grind an empire toon up to champ like I had my republic toon. Why? Because even though you get better perks for being Empire, you also have no competition. That's boring.


    And, yes, I plan on critiquing this game into the ground until my sub time runs out. Maybe all of us unsubbers can save the future players the trouble of the nonsense we had to deal with.

  15. I left Rift because my class (Riftstalker tank spec) was nerfed into oblivion


    To be fair, the only good tanking class in Rift is warrior. It has always been that way, and will always be that way simply because of the fact they have 20 times the armor other classes do. They should just remove the riftstalker tree and the cleric tanking tree all together.


    But, yeah, Rift has become one big FoTM game with some class getting overbuffed every freaking patch and then nerfed the next. However, it is the game I am playing right now until something better comes out. I have already given up on SWTOR.


    I logged into Rift today for the first time since SWTOR's launch, and guess what? We had nice open world PvP battles that were pretty balanced numbers wise. I found more open world action in Rift (a game that is dying) than I do in SWTOR where 200 million was spent. Sad, really.

  16. All of that doesn't matter if the republic doesn't even have enough players to fill the 8-man roster, which is the way it is now in 90% of the WZ's I enter. This is why I unsubbed. Faction imbalance is by far the biggest issue with PvP, and it will never be fixed.
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