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Posts posted by RichardSkywalk

  1. Since 2.2 has been postponed, can you please let us know if when it finally does launch if you'll have Revan's attire fixed or not? It was said in the past that, you would try to have it updated with 2.2 but I haven't heard anything other than that. Some information on that would be nice.


    who is this freaking revan guy i'm always hearing about, is he like Luke Skywalkers son or somthing?

  2. They waited until the last minute to tell their former guild that they were leaving them high and dry and yet they are the ones who are being left high and dry due to the postponed release. CLASSIC! I wonder if their former guild will take them back in for a couple of weeks? Those are some real stand up raiders you got transferring to your server/guild.


    i'm Wlliams from the Shadowlands.

  3. i have not really seen anyone else bring it up, maybe cause its dumb, but right now i'm using 1 underworld relic of boundless ages and 1 arkanian relic of boundless ages, the have a 45 sec CD in between them. so its like a 30 sec window of when they are not up, not saying its the best but i enjoy it, i'm hybrid so i get pissed a lot when my pvp relics double proc while i'm refreshing my dots
  4. I haven't transferred a toon over to the PTS, but I am really interested in trying out this build.




    Depending on energy use, I could possibly see moving a point or even two from dirty shot to dealers discount.


    that was one of the first specs i tried when got on the pts.. it deff has potential but there was nothing i could find in the rotation to hold energy for more then a minute or so.. i tried maybe 6 or 7 parses tops tho so maybe someone smarter then me can figure it out... and 1 more not the new augments are crazy they +32 damaging stat.. with 14 of them im holding a steady 2700 on the dummies now with burst up to 2780ish 6 or 7 minutes in to the parse

  5. I have a thought on the skill tree. I am not on the pts but I use the hybrid spec. my build is the standard build and the rotation is pretty much the same. my thought is that if you took hot pursuit and more importantly sabotage instead of sharpshooter. this would allow cool head to be used every minute approximately and in turn allow freighter flyby to be used much more as well as use many other big hits back to back instead of using a flurry filler to gain energy.


    I have no idea if this will increase dps or not it is just a thought. if some1 wanted to test this out that would be great.

    i did try it, it was not bad at all i was holding about 2450-2500 with it... never realy gave it that many parses to be sure it potential tho.. i been playing hybrid so long i have trouble doing somthing new... but to answer your question.. it does seem like it has potential


    also 1 other note SS users are gonna be Happy SS has gotten at least 50% better still cant quiet touch the hybrid on the dummies but a SS in my guild is really close to me in ops.. even wining a couple fights in the new ops... some fights are just so phasy i might be respecing from fight to fight

  6. One last question, was this on the level 55 ops dummy on the fleet, or the level 50 dummy in your ship. I can parse the same numbers on the one in the ship, but about 200 less on the one in the fleet.

    it was fleet dummy, i was using ever thing available to get it this high. new adrenal new stim, and also there was a trooper parsing with me so a armor debuff was always up... with out the non stop armor debuff i level off around 2570 to 2590... been doing more changes with stats i will update this post later if i make any more progress

  7. What Rotation are you running ?


    normal dummie rotation looks somthing like this.. tho on 6 minutes parses you have to make changes depending on energy


    1.Sharp bomb

    2.Shock charge

    3.Vital shot

    4.sabotage charge + Illegal mods + adrenil/relic what ever you have

    5.Wounding shots

    6.Speed shot

    7.Freighter if cool head is ready... if cool head is on CD, use Aimed shot if your energy is 75% or better.. if not use 2 flurry of bolts

    8.Wounding shots


    other thing i do in my rotation is sometimes throw in a flurry of bolts instead of going straight in to wounding shots if Sabotage charge is like 1 sec away.


    thats pretty much it

  8. was making this thread to maybe get some info on what some of the other slingers are doing on the pts, i have did alot of gear switching and cam up with these stats that it looks like im maxed out at


    432 accuracy rating

    129 Crit rating

    144 surge rating

    144 alacrity

    1201 power


    im in the full 69 gear with DG Relics and I run the hybrid of 5/18/23


    with this set up im able to hold a steady 2600dps sometimes depending on crits higher


    here is a 6 minutes parse with proof http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/combatlog/ac230957-eb6c-4bd7-ad9f-f25be151a41e/overview#d=0,f=2,t=1,b=1


    so im not posting this thread saying that this is what slingers should do im posting this hoping that some one is gonna reply saying they doing 3000dps and this is how they are doing it


    Good luck fellow slingers

  9. i agree i see no new abilitys for us as far as damge goes, but if the tree go untouched with 5 extra skill points i see some amazing hybrid's out there that could make us crazy, im looking at a 2/13/31 that could be nasty. we will see tho
  10. for add phases i try to stick to the rotation but break it up, and add a aimed shot... like on horror i will keep my dots on him.. usaly i can ignore the male cause we put our melee dps on him.. but if i had to put damage on him i would sabotage charge, speed shot aimed shot,... but sticking to the rotation i would tab back to horror and hit him with my wounding since your dots should still be up.. by that time the little adds are out, i usaly hit them with freigter, thermal grenade, then i go straight back to Horror... and since the last guy kinda called my spec a a farming spec here is a parce from TFB HM just to update some of my numbers



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