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Posts posted by PO_Robster

  1. Are you sure you posted the correct numbers for your stats, specifically the rating numbers? They seem very high. /QUOTE]



    positive, of course i have picked up some gear from the last time i posted but those are the numbers that show. Unless the numbers are bugged my total stats are around 1120rating (as of now)

  2. Really, no replies? I thought this was some good info!!


    im looking at your link now. Was working, didn't mean to seem rude for not replying.. thx for the post, ill get back to u after i read it.



    just looked into .... the graphs are great ... they really help. and for the most part I am (realistically) where i'm suppose to be.. saving the charts and thank you once again

  3. Your question is actually way more complicated than it may seem on the surface. What needs to be considered is not only your gear but also the fights you will be in. For instance, a tech heavy fight versus a melee heavy fight with pushback and slows. There are going to be so many "sweet spots", as you said, that they will become irrelevant unless you have multiple gear-sets. You also did not post your accuracy, which should NEVER be neglected. You can have 99% in all defensive stats, but if you miss the boss you will lose aggro and thus still be a bad tank.


    I've stumbled across some semi-theorycrafting threads but they mostly come down to pen and paper theoretical math and vaccum situation simulations, neither of which should be definitive agrument for any specific "best stats". I would venture to say that you would want to find out which stats diminish the quickest, which I think is what you were trying to ask in the first place.


    well my accuracy is 98% for basic attacks and 108% for special attacks. I trying to get it to 100% and i'm still missing my rakata wep, head, boots, and chest. I hoping by that time i can get it up there and if not then ill just get some mods. Thank you tho... and i completely understand that every fights different but an overall would be great.. thanks again.

  4. Alright so since the release I've played this one character and have always been tank speced. I feel comfortable with the class and I haven't had a complain from others about my tanking. The issue I'm having is understanding what EXACTLY is the optimum percentages or ratings for our defense statistics. As of right now my stats are..


    20580 Health (this includes the Biochem Rakata Fort Stim)

    7502 Armor

    46.99 Dmg Reduction


    this is where i gets tricky...


    25.49% defense chance (535 rating)

    44.65% shield chance (422 rating)

    39.14% absorb chance (215 rating)


    if you want to see my spec its down there...




    ANY feedback will be considered... let me know, help me out... and plz dont post any formulas about the stats... If you know the sweet spot of a stat let me know (by sweet spot i mean the point right before investing into the stat that the benefits still outweigh the diminishing return... hopefully that made sense).. thanks to anyone who helps..


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