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Posts posted by Dainter

  1. that is an interesting figure. i dont pay attention enough to the credit sellers so I wouldn't know the conversion rate for credits to dollars. by those numbers (im not great at math, in fact i am terrible so excuse my mathssss) 1 credit equals 0.000003 dollars. estimated of course to the $27k number.


    with that said, my credits only equal roughly $300, now i feel depressed again :(


    the ads on fleet are usually something like $3 for 1,000,000 credits. I think that's how the $27,000 figure is calculated.


    9,000,000,000 / 1,000,000 X $3 = $27,000


    if you have $300 in credits you have something like 100,000,000 credits....I guess I wouldn't really feel depressed about that.

  2. The money's real, the credits aren't. I'm far more impressed with the pain that the credit sellers are feeling right now at seeing so much real money evaporating before their eyes.



    I'd be interested to know how much $27,000 really is to a credit farmer.


    Take an extreme example of McDonalds.....if McDonalds had something bad to them that cost their entire empire $27,000 they would not really care at all. That is a rounding error to McDonalds. They wouldn't even bother telling the CEO about it, it wouldn't be worth his/her time.


    I have no idea what $27,000 means to a credit farming company (conglomerate? empire? cartel?).

  3. Which is still not possible since it's not "theirs" if they haven't hit it. If I have an objective to kill X monsters and someone is fighting a group of those monsters but he has not hit 1 or more of them, those are "mine" if I hit them first. Not that it's a terribly common situation.


    I think I'd disagree with this. If they've engaged a mob with 3 enemies but only have tagged 2 I think I would still consider that 3rd enemy (of that mob) theirs. Certainly another mob standing near by not engaged would be up for grabs.


    To your point, not a common situation and certainly not a matter to worry too much on.

  4. You guys need to be quicker about shutting these spammers up. Many times they are still spamming hours after they have been reported.

    Good job though on the big catch of spam fish.


    they were going all cop movie on it.....let the low level street spammer do his thing and use him to find the big fish.

  5. As long as the guy complaining hits the mob first, there's no way to "steal" it. If he didn't, he needs to step up his game and act quicker.


    Just have to make sure he tagged all the bad guys in the group. Sometimes they'll be fighting a mob but only 1 or 2 of the 3 enemies in the mob are grayed out.


    That's about the only way to "steal" someone's mob once they have engaged.

  6. Disappointed is a perfectly acceptable reaction to the Ziost content.


    It's like when I was a kid and I went to my grandma's house and she asked if I wanted candy. Heck yes I want some candy. Then the candy was some sort of chalky stuff. Like chalk for a chalkboard, but colored. Like red chalk, I guess it was supposed to be cherry? I don't know. It kind of sucked......I was disappointed in my free candy. Perfectly acceptable to be disappointed.


    Not acceptable to throw it back in grandma's face and tell her she sucks. Never look a gift horse in the mouth and all those other sayings....


    IMO, BW/EA compounded the disappointment with the split release of the content. It turned the disappointment into anger for some.


    It'd be like seeing grandma on Thursday and her telling you that she'll have candy for you when you visit next week and then the candy is that chalky crap. I waited a week for this? Come on grandma at least throw some Reese's Peanut Butter cups out there.

  7. Bioware the only acceptable punishment for people who have used this exploit is the following:


    1. Removal of all in game credits from all characters in account

    2. Removal of all gear from all characters in account

    3. 10 level reduction for all characters in account


    This is the only way people will understand exploiting is not acceptable, simply giving people 1 - 30 days ban will not stop them. All exploiters are prepared to take bans as they know they can keep the gear and if they lose that particular item they know that they can quickly get it again after they return from the ban. Doing it the way i have mentioned above makes them have to work again and will give them the time to think over what they have done, also a punishment of this nature will stop people using other exploits, or exploiting in the the future. The above 3 points are the only way to make players understand that exploiting is totally unacceptable.


    Thank you in advanced for using my form of punishment, people really do not care if they get banned for 1-30 day, what they do care about re the 3 points i mentioned above.


    Never gonna happen, but A for effort.

  8. I believe the term is "Couldn't care less" but I digress. As for the super lucky Consular can't really say too much, maybe if there were some screen shots of it not showing his roll numbers it's really just your word against him without any sort of information.


    since they took the time to post something "could care less" is probably accurate.


    there are probably hundreds of things that they didn't post about which are things they couldn't care less about.

  9. As far as gearing goes, wouldn't that be an upside to the extra xP? There's some armor and weapons you can't buy until you reach a certain level.


    double edged sword I guess.


    double XP tends to make you out level the gear you are in and you can't afford new stuff. it's a vicious cycle.

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