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Posts posted by HaraldJarl

  1. God no. The quest is easy as is, you just need to think a bit about triangulation.


    This comment is pure BS as the scan gives no indication on direction for a triangulation.. you can only possibly do that when you already have found the location and are within 25m but that is not the hard part.


    I tried again today and found it within 15 min so its pure luck if you have to search for 3h+ or just find it almost immediately.

  2. After spending over 3h scanning just the approach on Dromund Kaas (without finding it) i am ready to give up. The randomeness is fine if you are a large group looking or if the area is a smaller one but this.. just to much area to cover.

    And to the people coming here posting how easy it is since you found it basically before you even started looking, good for you then but for most people solo scanning it takes a very long time.

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