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Posts posted by Rhapsodic

  1. My suggestion would be to stop locking achievements behind maximum dailies/weeklies. Example; Right now, there is no way I can complete the Season 3 Objective because I wasn't able to play due to life circumstances -- As I am locked behind 7 maximum weeklies, Nothing I do can catch me up to finish this achievement. I missed last season's achievement by SIX ( due to the start of said circumstances) and it was devastating! Now again, I will miss yet another ACHIEVEMENT, with no way to make up for lost time. Please, stop doing this. Allow us to complete as many weeklies as we need to finish ACHIEVEMENTS. They should never be locked like this. We're already limited by the amount of time we have to complete certain achievements. We shouldn't ALSO be limited by the amount we can DO in that given time.


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  2. I, and many others, would love to see a Lock Option implemented on the character select screen. It can be ( and for me, IS) quite annoying to have my characters moving around as I log in/out to do certain things. I'd LOVE to be able to arrange/move my characters the way i like and have the option to lock them in place.
  3. I don't understand your comments. I have a high legacy level, and I'm never on the fleet. I level up alts, which is expensive. I do some dailies, yeah, but I also have to decide when to stop doing dailies (because they could take all day if I let them) and move on.


    Are people complaining that their legacy levels aren't high enough or something? Because I haven't really seen much (any) of that. If anything, people get dissed if their legacy is too high.


    I am simply responding here to those issuing remarks about Legacy unlocks and then having to purchase the items they unlocked. The remarks stating how they are too poor to buy a luxury item. Perhaps I went the wrong way about it, or perhaps you read me wrong...


    The bottom line and the point I was trying to make... If you're out there taking advantage of what the game has to offer, there should be NO posts about low Legacy and no credits. The opportunity is there for all.....Yes, even for those with only short times to play. The problem is, people are so busy complaining about it, they aren't out there taking ADVANTAGE of these opportunities.

  4. "The grind". You get Legacy for EVERYTHING you do. Dailies, Flashpoints, Questing, Bonus Quests, single mob kills, PvP----hell, I'm surprised they don't give Legacy just for logging in. If you're a low legacy level, I'd imagine you're a "Fleet Sitter". The whole time you spend online is spent on Fleet, watching idiotic chat and "LFG" messages, amirite?


    Even if you just did your dailies, you should be rolling in it. 200K plus a day for a 1.5 hour chain of quests that award a massive amount of legacy....Even faster if grouped. I can't stand to hear people whimper about a "grind" that is only a "grind" because your butts are stationary on Fleet waiting for someone to agree with you.


    I'd hand you a tissue but I charge 400k per on the GTN.

  5. This was put up for lols, I put arguably because I didn't want to come off as arrogant.


    I agree and usually post the same responses, but saying something will be here for 3 months then saying it won't hours before the patch? Only in EA land.





    What happened to "Good-bye forever cruel BioWare"??


    You can't say good-bye then come back to troll your own post!!



    I call foul!

  6. Advantages of keybinding:

    1/ You can keep your eyes on the playfield.

    2/ If you are a healer e.g. in an ops, you can leave your mouse pointer next to the ops window to select the friendly target that needs healing / purging. I guess that makes me a part clicker.



    1/ While levelling and learning new tricks you need to shuffle abiltites around quite a bit and relearn the shortcuts... not so much an issue if you are a clicker.


    Personally I have a mouse with two extra buttons and a middle button (nothing fancy) but that gives potentially 9 binds respectively: unmodified, with shift and with ctrl. Opens up a load of possibilities. Try to bind the three most used insta cast to unmodified extra buttons and get used to that...


    Not necessarily true...whether you keybind an ability to shift-3 on the first action bar button or the 3rd right AB button---it can always BE shift-3. No need to relearn a bind once you learn it.

  7. Finally, something I can answer with some personal experience. I played a "certain" other MMO for close to 6 years as a ---dun dun dun--- clicker! I started, leveled and learned AS a clicker and I was comfortable with it. Once I discovered keybinding and what it meant, it was EXTREMELY difficult to revert, having spent so long as a clicker. I defend clicking to the end, especially if it's how you learned and how you are comfortable, but I will also suggest, for future characters, to keybind AS YOU GO. It's MUCH easier to learn this way and allows your muscle memory to gradually grow with your character rather than demanding you learn 15 new binds all at once. Once you have the swing of things, I believe , as most others do, you will be glad you learned, but don't let the others, sinking to the level of name-calling, to distract you from the game's purpose....HAVE FUN, whether you click or bind. That's what it's all about.
  8. What is absolutely shocking to me is how anyone could not think that The Empire, as portrayed in Star Wars, is one of the most vicious, evil and sadistic organizations ever portrayed in science fiction. Why could anyone be surprised that as an Imperial, your character may enjoy torture, senseless slaughter or even sexual violence?


    This precedent has been firmly established by the Star Wars Universe for over 3 decades now.


    Let's go back to 1977 when Star Wars first burst into the scene. We see The Empire building a super weapon to destroy entire civilizations. And then they use it, for no other reason than to make a point. Not to save The Empire, not because there was some great historical turning point at stake that threatened all they had established, but simply to make a point. "...millions of voices cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." is how Obi-Wan felt it, rightly so, because millions had been callously murdered.


    Let's not forget Darth Vader, willing to choke a man to death in plain view for merely a differing opinion. Nothing more, they simply didn't agree. Yet I have never heard ANYONE complain about this behavior. Ever.


    Then you have the torture of Princess Leia, a legally protected dignitary. The device used on her made water-boarding look like a day in the kiddy pool.


    The same behavior is exhibited throughout the remaining movies. Extreme torture is used, mindless killing, slavery and so much more. Is anyone really going to argue that a shock collar is more outrageous than a man slaughtering a school filled with trusting children in cold blood? This was all at the hands of The Empire.


    This sudden uproar about a few choices the player is presented, but is not required to make, is suspicious. Either the handful of outraged people have been willfully blind to the vicious acts portrayed by The Empire in Star Wars over the last 34 years, or have an alternative agenda. What that could be may be garnering attention for themselves or simply degrading SWTOR in order to pull potential customers away.


    So let's get some honesty. If you are truly outraged by the choices BioWare has offered to Imperial players, which happen to be fully in line with how the organization has been portrayed, we want to know if you're an idiot living under a rock for the last 30 years OR if you have some other agenda. Come clean, we are waiting for a truthful answer.


    Either way your opinion can be disregarded.




    This was SO good I had to bump it. I kneel at your feet and present to you a shock collar, to be used at your discretion.

  9. Choice doesn't eliminate what myself and many others see as the problem here. Rather it's the disappointment of the direction the story takes and the inconsequential nature of said choices.


    What good is a choice if Vette is, for the most part, OK being a slave? Again, the problem resides in tasteless writing.


    Please acknowledge that I fully understand players have the CHOICE to be kind to Vette, this isn't my concern. Quite to the contrary, I enjoy that Bioware allows us these sorts of decisions, no matter how difficult or controversial they become.


    My beef is with a downright pathetic presentation of the story revolving the decisions proposed in scenes such as those with Vette. They seem quite unlike Bioware. A sizable and offensive step back for us fans.


    Why are scenes such as Vette's introduction be written in a manner which actively and punctually demonstrates the sensitivities contained in a topic so ardous and woeful?


    You keep saying "many others"...I think I've seen POSSIBLY two people "remotely" agree with you in ALL these posts. Your beef, as you put it, is with the rating? I have kids....varying ages---THEY LAUGH AT THIS. I have heard the word "corny" several times....As someone posted earlier..they see ALOT worse in the news, on the net, in their own schools. In their daily lives. If you're worried about how your kid might respond to it, don't let your kid play. If you're worried about how OTHER kids might handle it, DON'T. That's for their parents to decide. No one has appointed you High Guardian Of What My Kids Should See. My kids have been chilling out with Freddy Krueger, Stephen King, and American Pie since they were toddlers and you know what...? They're all stable, happy kids who KNOW none of it is real. Get a grip dude. Seriously.

  10. There really isn't much to say here, is there? You have your opinion. We all have ours. You don't "agree" with some of what BioWare has done. Great. Again, that is your right. And you have decided to share your opinion here. Awesome. I think the problem most people have with it is the feeling they get that you are trying to CRAM your opinion down their throats. Maybe it's your arrogance or the fact that you somehow seem to be leaking condescension all over the place. You're obviously extremely intelligent. Yay for you.


    Just don't forget that there are hundreds of thousands of players in this world and most of us happen to really enjoy what BioWare has ALLOWED us to share in. Yes...ALLOWED. We pay for the privilege of playing in THEIR WORLD. THEY created it...THEY nursed it to life...THEY have given it over for us to share in and I am grateful for it. We have NO right to tell them what it is they can, can't, should, would, or could do with it. This game is not OURS...this world is NOT OURS. We simply play in it.


    THANK YOU BioWare for giving me the CHOICE to play.

  11. Dude its a sith warrior story if there was not mindless violence, pain and destruction it just wouldnt work.


    IMO its a bit tame for T for teen rating whatever, needs moar sex, mindless violence and perhaps some ewok slaughtering.


    THIS is what I'm talking about!! BioWare....give me MORE SEX WITH MY COMPANIONS! I wanna see what goes on behind the black-out screen....Give me MORE opportunity to seduce Andro....gimmeh gimmeh gimmeh!! Im actually disappointed that the whole companion story ENDS once you're "married". A true mirror to RL, sadly. How about every few days, you gimme a pop up that says " Andro would like some nookie back on your mega awesome ship"? I could definitely go for more interaction with the comps, with or without a shock collar.

  12. So, I have to ask....Did you write to George Lucas and demand to know WHY he set Leia wearing next to nothing literally chained to the oppressive gangster? Or did you watch googly eyed, hoping beyond hope that SOMEhow, through some miraculous movie magic, that her top would fall off?


    Because quite honestly, I don't buy it. You bought the game. You obviously have some knowledge of Star Wars and it's history....Are you seriously going to sit there with an "Oh My" expression and tell us you didn't expect this?


    I'm GLAD I have the option to torture, to enslave, to manipulate and use my companions....ITS variety...it's a change from the same old lackluster crap we've all been playing for years. The beauty of having options is that you have a CHOICE. No one MADE you shock Vette. No one forced you to go dark side...BioWare didn't stand behind you with a gun to your head and say " Choose the Dark Points or die."


    If children are your problem, keep your own from playing it. Let the other parents decide what's best for their own kids. Just don't sit there and condemn the very game I am SURE you continue to pay to play.


    And the same for your girlfriend. If she is so "sickened" by it, don't show it to her. I happen to be a woman and I am LOVING every dark moment of this game. I don't feel the LEAST bit oppressed, depressed, wronged, maligned, degraded or in any other way bothered by what BioWare has done. Righteousness does not suit----it's a GAME. if you don't like it, don't play it. it can not possibly be any simpler than that.

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