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Posts posted by Furbslice

  1. LFG tool is for plebs and whack kents, get a group of people that know how to talk in a channel and send tells and not be behind keyboard weirdos.


    this game crushes all mmos on its social factor, LFG tool is a waste, start your own groups you lazy bads and talk to people and co ordinate, things work better that way

  2. Funny, no issue here, and in my guild with 100 some odd unique members, only 1 out of 30+ that have been through/on Taris have a issue. Guess you guys got unlucky.


    did they clear every single thing without lag spikes and no issues?


    Doubt it


    Then again sounds like a poor form zerg guild of nobodies

  3. lol, I was psyched to play an MMO with under 400 ping for once anyway


    Soooooooooooooo amped for this. Way to go on spending the cash on Australian server hosting as opposed to being idiots like other developers who assume you'll stay on board regardless of progression damaging ping.


    So keen to end game PVE this game, just dont balls that up and we will be sweet. :cool:

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