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Posts posted by Randy_Marsh

  1. Im guessing you come from wow because youve stated arenas


    afaik in wow 10 million customers its ended up with something stupid like only 5%(not exact figure) of the player base actually playing arena


    the reasons are simple to see


    balancing issues


    then they effect pve through nerfs


    everyone ends up with same skill sets


    op class combos


    if you havent rolled a certain class forget getting high


    i for one disagree with you it will more then likely make this game worse(if thats even possible)


    Actually that's just what baddies say to explain why they sucked at arenas.

  2. It's simple, this game has a lot of players that are scared of being exposed as "bad". They opposed to any kind of measure of game skill, damage meters, arenas ect. When rated pvp comes out the majority of whiners on these boards are going to realise they suck at it and start crying about game balance. Bioware needs to stop worrying about a vocal minority of baddies.
  3. well, let me start off by saying that Sorcs are not a joke, the skill it takes to play one can be a bit rough.. but this is the same for most classes...


    the reason you think its all about the force lightning spam is because you are right... but let me point out that our skills are centered around force lightning...


    Force Lightning procs my instant Lightning strike which in return procs a possible instant Chain Lightning. so without spamming Force Lightning we are stuck pushing out 1.5sec (.99sec for me) or 2.0 sec cast with 1 sec globals.. meanwhile our Affliction Crit ticks also grant us a faster channel time on our Force Lightning...We rely on Force Lightning that is why we use it so much!


    I really wish i was a class that had only to deal with global cooldowns..ROFL and you say we are a joke...we have to do a million things to survive a fight... ever played a sorc...try it and see how long ya last lol



    Lol are you actually playing full telekenetics?

  4. I know right - this game is a month old we should have tons of new stuff. World of warcraft didnt even have battleground for the first 6 months.


    Go to bed


    So what, if they re released vanilla wow no one would buy it. Maybe they should time travel back to 2004 and release their game.

  5. Not at all! In fact, my level 16 Sorcerer is doing more damage than my level 50 Scoundrel ever could. It's quite the blessing to finally be an overpowered class. Sure, 5-6k crits were awesome when they occurred every once in a while on an undergeared player, but that's nothing compared to insane sustained DPS at 30m combined with real survivability and actual mobility.




    Congrats on being swtor's worst scoundrel.

  6. If you can take out other players with far inferior gear that only means the class is overpowered. Nothing more.


    WoW PvP in its current state is a joke.


    Also check out WoW PvP videos after release. Comparing WoW in its current form with SWTOR just after launch is invalid.


    Saying wow pvp is a joke usually means you sucked at it.

  7. I think it may be your lack of experience and because it's hard to distinguish some classes visually. All classes blend in a sense that pretty much everyone has an access to all kinds of CC. Still, you don't want to treat a tanking powertech the same say as an arsenal merc.


    Well to me the biggest issue is there's no dueling area in capital cities. In wow i'd spend all my queue time dueling to learn other classes abilities and practice countering them.

  8. Bioware will never get to Blizzards level when it comes to pvp. Blizzard has been balancing some of the most popular pvp games in the world since the 90's and they have 10x the resources.


    If they manage to pull off some kind of rating system that isn't a total disaster i'll be satisfied.

  9. Haha. I still don't get what you are trying to prove. I've said in every post that they merged the battlegroups.


    I said it was possible PRE-MERGER OF BATTLEGROUPS






    you still dont get it



    PRE MERGER was 4 months ago you *********** idiot.


    Also no there was never an 1800 glad glad is the top 0.05% of teams and that has never been 1800 go ask your retarded questions on arenajunkies and get laughed at some more.

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