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Posts posted by felemeria

  1. Gonna go with 1.2 given that as a sorc healer I feel completely useless now - extremely subpar to ops healers. Did I mention healing is absolutely no fun? If their goal in 1.2 was to make as many sorc healers rage quit as possible they probably are well on their way to succeeding.


    Just wait until one of the next patches. If it is that bad, they will include it in a small patch. If you have ever played an MMO, you should know that classes get buffed, classes get nerfed. It is a cycle. Your best one day and not the next. It is the constant balance game. Roll an alt or just ride out your healer until the next buff.


    I doubt anyone is actually "rage quitting" over this. Re-rolling, maybe. Respeccing dps, maybe. But mass-quitting? Doubt it.


    I will admit that I haven't PVPed at 50, but I can't see it changing too much from what it is 10-49. I have a blast in the under 50 bracket. Tones of medals, damages, an few deaths. 1v1 is very managable; some classes seem to have an edge, but I seem to have an edge on others.


    Don't get me wrong, I'm sure popping into 50 is hell until you get some gear. However, I think it would balance out a lot more when you get said gear. Keep grinding.


    Grinding gets pretty old after a short while. Going from owning warzones to getting 1-2 shotted is not FUN and a grind does not mean that it shouldn't be fun.


    PVP stats do nothing, but hurt PVP in these games. The stats benefit is too steep. Hitting 50 too long after people makes it almost pointless to bother with PVP. I do not agree with handing people things, but there is a point that the grind becomes boring and frustrating.

  3. Oh that's most definitely game breaking yo!


    "Game breaking bug" has lost all it's meaning with the current generation of gamers. Any bug is now considered "game breaking" to a large portion of players.


    It's sort of like the term "Troll". Back in the day forum "trolls" actually existed. Nowadays anyone that disagrees with someone is labeled a "troll".


    I miss the days where people were sensible. World of Warcraft has changed this genre for the worse in almost every way imaginable. I sort of wish it never existed and we could go back to the days where MMO's had a cult following like Ultima Online. All these kids playing has ruined the genre.


    Are you mad, man? I do agree that the green line bug is not a "game breaking" bug to all, by definition, but to some of us, it becomes quite difficult to play when your whole screen has these weird green lines all over it. I have had to quit and reload the game a quite a few times, to get back into it with no lines (which shortly return again).


    Game breaking does primarily mean a game crashing or unplayable bug, but that does not mean that every bug needs to fit into this square box. Do you call FPS issues game breaking? When people try to play the game and their character cannot even move? Just because you do not have the bug, does not mean that others do not, and that it is a non-issue.


    PS: You went totally off topic with your little rant ;)

  4. Hello fellow Swtor fans!

    I just wonder why ppl seem to h8 on the competetive side of gaming.

    Me,myself and I rly only play games to make myself a better gamer.I love to gett crushed by a player that is much better than me, and instead of qq and rage i study this players play style and trying to improve myself as much as possible, why is this a bad thing?


    Pz/ Qtyxo


    Why do so many people height competitive gaming?


    Because they are weak? (assuming you meant hate and not height)

  5. Could someone please tell me what swtor does better than warcraft? And by better I don't mean "copies", I mean "has improved upon"? With the exception of VO and animated quest intros / outros, the basics are fundamentally worse than wow - combat, UI, world. Not as good.


    Don't get me wrong, I like SW a LOT but I'm sick of hearing how much better it is than Wow. It isn't.


    Gameplay is far better in TOR, but this is subjective. The default UI is also superior to WoW's. Modding is another issue, if that is what you mean. I would rather a smaller, yet cohesive world, than multiple zones mashed into one world with a snow zone next to a forest and desert zone. Also, WoW has walls too, oceans with exhaustion. As someone else said, they can always add more to planets, or add more planets. Even so, the current later level ones get freaking big!

  6. Does anyone else find it frustrating to actually use these forums? I would like to know if I actually have a bug that others have or if it is just me. I would like to be able to search for common problems that others are having. Am I the only one that feels that this is a big problem for a new game, that is trying to turn into something big? I am sorry if someone already made a post on this, I was not able to search to check if they have already or not.


    Does anyone recommend another forum community to check out, that is active and easy to use/ find stuff?

  7. Yeah but i also remember seeing posts like this in games like daoc after it was first released and it never really recovered from it, if the game has problems that need to be fixed then the devs need to see that people want them fixed, there were fanboys flaming people who made posts like this for tabula rasa too, now what game are those fanboys playing.


    Tabula Rasa may be as big of a game for you as TOR, but in reality it is not. You need to look at how many people will play TOR compared to TR. The SW IP will help keep this alive longer for changes to happen, but even if those changes that you want dont happen, I am certain that the game will still be around without you.


    TOR is not just a bunch of MMO-ers/Gamers...

  8. Just curious! Not trolling or anything.


    But I am absolutely curious who will still subscribe and who will still not!


    And try to be at least sincere :)



    p.s. I am for sure!


    I am, hoping that they wont make drastic changes like the Slicing nerf again, it needed one, but they totally killed it and you can tell that they did not test it before patching...


    Hoping for minigames!

  9. this is a good thing.. slicing was way overbalanced and gave an unfair advantage and would have ruined the game economy if they had not fixed it .. it IS now more in line with the other skills. Sorry about all you crybabies who want the "get rich quick" scheme without actually working for it.


    Slicing needed a nerf, but this was overdoing it. You obviously have no clue with the skill. It IS NOT in line with other skills, but actually under it now. Thanks to all you "crybabies," we now have a useless skill. Get to 50 and see how things balance out before complaining about OP-ness. It is pathetic that BW couldn't have learned from other games. Markets are always different than endgame, when a new game or expansion starts.


    And all you slicers, dont drop it, it will get fixed in some way.

  10. Obviously you miseed the point, its about seeing all the wonderful content bioware has created at the proper difficulty. Get a new brain.


    +1 to support this


    Eiither reduce exp from pvp, space missions, questing... or at least give us the option to turn exp off, this game has so much quality content from 1-50 its a pitty we have to do it all on easy mode.


    Just dont get your skills and it becomes a little more difficult the further you go through the story. Leveling is a fine speed. Just because people think WoW was slower at first, or even if it was slower, does not mean that it was the perfect speed or that SWtOR should follow.


    I have played solo 95% of the game and done every quest and I have not out leveled the content. I even grind sometimes while farming crafting mats. If you pvp or do space battles too much, then that is your problem. Dont ruin the game for many, for the benefit of a few whiny elitists, that want to claim that the game is too easy for them. It is like people in WoW whining about raid nerfs because they dont want casuals to see the content as well since they worked so hard.


    TLDR: Don't fix what isn't broken.

  11. This game is in a pretty sad state for a 2011 title. All the constructive threads raising valid issues are being torn apart with "go back to WoW" or "it just came out" and it makes the entire community look bad.


    First and foremost, telling people to go back to WoW is ridiculous, I like to give new things a try, as video games are a medium of entertainment I like to open myself to new experiences within this medium to derive maximum enjoyment from it. Sadly however SWTOR is nothing new, it follows only the basics of what an MMO should be without adding on anything new that should be expected with a 2011 title. World of Warcraft drew on a lot of things from everquest, and improved upon them, and improved upon itself over the years the game has been in circulation. I expected SWTOR to do what WoW did with everquest, it did not. I got WoW in space.



    Second, saying the game just came out is a poor defence. It had years of development time to add features to the game as well as a multimillion dollar budget. Many MMO's came out over the last decade to draw inspiration from and improved upon features present in previous MMO's. I cant even customize my UI. The quests are not only grindy, but they make no attempt to be anything other than grindy. I have been tasked to simply kill X more than i would like, sometimes they will make me collect Y or ill get a bonus mission to kill 30 more of X. Riveting stuff.


    ill save you the trouble:

    -no UI customization? go back to WoW

    -addons? go back to WoW

    -no endgame content? go back to WoW

    -laughable pvp? go back to WoW

    -dont like small instanced zones? go back to wow


    congratulations on making a game that leaves little options other than returning to WoW.


    I feel that I got WoW (when it was good) with 100% better story, crafting, gameplay, and pvp. Maybe you should go back to the stale WoW...


    I do love addons, but Rift worked great without them for a while.


    The zones feel the same size as WoW zones, but with less empty or pointless filling. WoW's zones blend together awkwardly and are just laughable.


    There is a need for some more customization options built into the game. If they do not wish to do this, then I will agree to add addons to the game to do just that. There are lots of modern mmo features missing, but they are features that we just take for granted now.


    I have never played an MMO that had an amazing endgame at launch and that is understandable to me. You bought a game and got the beginning and end. The endgame is like an expansion or sequel that you can play with your same character. Hang in there. :)

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