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Posts posted by Humus_

  1. Seriously .... What The Feck !!!??


    Cmon guys you KNOW how often these are bought ....


    Your system for buying PvP stuff is retarded enough!!!!! Making us confirm the buying of mercenary tokens is just plain RETARDED ! I frigging buy those by the 200 ! ... this means i have to click 40 ! Yes FORTY times for a bag ...


    What the hell are you doing !?


    Seriously ......


    Faith in you ..... and this game ..... I just lost it


    edit, really ... you'r profanity filter screens out W T F ..... sigh

  2. Since the developers don't seem to see how big of an issue this is, and because server populations are quite low, I've started a naming and shaming policy.


    When somebody leaves my warzone, i write down their name.


    If that player has a guild I will contact their guild leader, and in any case I will refuse to heal / help / pass the huttball to, that player from that moment.

    If several players from one guild do it the whole guild goes on the ****list and none of them get any help ( they get lots of profanity when i see any of them)


    If I see any of them in my warzone at start up i yell at them that their warzone leaving asses shouldn't que up since they don't understand how teamplay works. This is usually enough to keep them from doing it all to often.


    It's sad that i have to do it ... but they are breaking the system and removing the fun out of my game ... so i do what i gotta do.

  3. No we just want leavers to receive a frigging debuff, or some other form of penalty.


    I can even live with giving me the option to not join a warzone that is already in progress but wait till a fresh one starts, but this whole throwing me into a game that is already lost is frigging annoying

  4. Solution : Only heal for 3 games a day to get your 3 wins ( having a good healer increases your win chance significantly)


    Then respecc to dps and pew pew to get medals.


    Yes the "experienced PvP team" that developed it are idiots .... But trying to change the game will cost you WAY more effort then just rolling with the punches.


    Oke this behavior will break the game even more .... but hey It's what they seems to want me to do ... I'm just gonna maximize my profit.. which means only healing for the wins i need, and dpsing and loosing the rest.

  5. It's usefull for a healing sorcerrer... cause it will affect 2 of the 4 spells you use very often .....


    Still even as a healing sorc it is about the useless stat there is, and our gear comes drenched in it ( i have 400ish ) Seems like a big part of gearing up is getting mulltiple sets of items so you can replace the stupid + alacrity mods with useful ones like power and crit/surge


    PLEASE BW, make some changes to this stat, or make it go away .... or give me gear without it .. or an easier way to get the lvl 56 mods that don't have it ... really anything ...


    Edit : making alacrity increase your regen would be a good start... still wouldn't make it a viable stat to take more then 200 of, but hey at least that would give it some use


    Edit 2 : for the "it is a great stat" people out there .... read this



    It really is by far the most useless stat

  6. I usually get 2-3 people whispering asking if I want to heal a flashpoint within 5 minutes of logging on... And on my server 80 people in fleet is high.


    If your a good player most people who you have grouped with will add you to friends to make grouping up later easier.

    Also it is important to be nice and clear when looking for group in /1 ... spamming is kinda the worst thing you can do (I never join groups with spammers as on average they will have lower skill, and thus less fun and less successful groups)


    A LFG system might be nice for the people without guilds and or friends on the server, but it's not really nececary and will lower the community feeling. If you manage to be the forever alone guy in an MMO, you might have to adjust the way your asking in /1

    Crosss server LFG is just silly! I mean you only need to find 3 people for a group, and all healers can be dps for the cost of one free respec.. so finding a group is ridiculously easy compared to other games.

  7. noone in your guild has pvp gear? so let me guess you are on pve server...


    and you are posting here why???


    Nah, PvP server. But a casual PvE orientated guild. So my PvP gear is a lot better then theirs. I geared up for the ops by doing PvP and am currently running guildies through warzones to get their gear up to scratch as well.


    That is why I'm posting here.

    Stop trying to say that PvE gear is overpowered in PvP ... if anything it's the other way around.

  8. What's up with all the yelling and whineing ?


    I don't quite understand the OP's point .... I think he's trying to say that he doesn't want people in PvE gear do well in PvP ?

    I don't want to burst your bubble, but I found the champion set much easier to get then the Columni ... hell I geared up for PvE by getting PvP gear! (Oke it's mostly luck with the stupid bag system... but I'm a lucky guy) How many people have you heard about that where doing raids to get gear so they could be competitive in PvP ? That's right : None.


    With the lvl 50 bracket they will need to add an easy way to get expertise because having expertise is seriously imba... (I haven't lots a duel to anybody in my guild yet ... not because of skill, just because i have pvp gear)

  9. lightning strike is 35 meters when talented, as is chain lightning which can be instacast on a 30% proc of lightning strike, oh and 4 piece pvp set makes shock 35 meters as well ...


    It's the range dps class in cloth ... standing at 31-35 meters of them is kinda a stupid thing to do ;) ( man i lol when it happends though... in hutball the corner of the top platform is 33-35 meters from the corner where the heal spawns ... i killed so many noobs there :p )

  10. Pics or it didn't happen.


    You get kicked out of the warzone after about 10 seconds if you are for some reason joining a warzone that is already full. ( Which by the way is an annoying bug! not the kicking , but the joining.... it doesn't happen to often, but feels like such a letdown)

  11. Gota love random facts :)


    When talented into it and with "maxed" willpower the shield absorbs ~3.4k damage. Using the healer PVP set 2pcs bonus gives us 18sec cooldown (on single target), 20sec cooldown in DPS PVP set (for a massive total of 180HPS on slef chain cast (160HPS for non-healers))


    Also, the ability costs 65 force, not 35


    The spell has 4.5 sec cooldown so if you chaincasted it on 4 targets you would achieve around 750HPs total, spread over 4 targets...


    REALLY ?

    I even included in brackets (EXAMPLE INCLUDES TALENTS)

    I'm talking from a healer perspective here dude... 35 force, no cooldown. Look it up. One talent reduces cost, another reduces the cooldown by 3 sces .... hey look, now it has the same cooldown as the GCD .... *mutters some profanity about people not reading*


    Yes you can't spam it on a single target, but every shield in every MMO has that ....else it would be insane. Still, in any healing situation this spell is the single most HPS for a time invested, and or force invested..

    My estimate of the amount of absorb was a bit high and based on my PvE experience ... in PvP it will be 30% lower because of the PvP healing debuff, so will be around 3-4k

  12. Sorc shield should be effected by 30% PvP heal debuff...



    What makes you think it isn't ?

    It counts as healing done for the warzone.... (the easiest way to get a 2.5k single heal is to throw on a shield and run through the fire) and I'm pretty sure it's affected by the 30% heal debuff.


    I'm still trying to find the exact numbers but I feel really bad spending 5 mins running into fires in a warzone :p

  13. 3.5 and thanks for agreeing that I'm great. Sorcs making you rage much?


    Dude, get some better gear. Getting your bubble up to 4k is pretty easy and when fully healing geraed and talented my bubble seems to be about 1/3 of my HP... which gives me the 5k figure.


    I'v seen someone post the math about it a while back (and ofc forgot to bookmark it) which indicated a 4-6k bubble when fully specced for it and with a 400-500 + healing .... It scales RIDICULOUSLY well with your +healing.


    At 3.5k that would mean it would get oneshotted off in warzones by a good crit .... does that happen much to you ? cause it never happens to me .. 2-3 hits minimum, and that is with the enemy throwing their big hitters.


    Edit : I can't find the post ... so I'm going to test it myself. The hazzards in Huttball do a steady dmg tick so should let me see how much it absorbs.

  14. There really needs to be either a HEFTY penalty on leaving a warzone, or an option to not join a warzone already in progress.


    Joining a warzone halfway in is just about the most annoying thing there is. Even if you manage to turn the game around (which I do quite often .. it helps that i´m a healer) the amount of effort you have to put into it is annoying, and all that JUST because some little kid would rather try again then to actually have a good fight, or loose some E-peen because he sucks.


    A warzone is a team match .... have you ever walked of the soccer pitch when the enemy team scored 2-0 saying "It's no use, we'r going to loose"? I bet you didn't .... and you know why ? because you team would KICK the living **** out of you if you do that IRL!


    So PLEASE BW, put a hefty penalty on that behavior.... I really don't want those kids in my warzones.

  15. Prediction for upcoming nerfs:


    Sorcerer/Sage: Bubble, resolve from knockback, perhaps even damage.


    Nerfing the bubble I can understand. I'v played a healer in two other MMO's and I find it VERY strange that in SWTOR the shield is actually the highest hps spell .... seriously BW ? 5k shield on an insta cast, no cooldown ? for 35 force !? (example includes talents)

    And the kockback currently has a root after it (when talented) which is why no resolve is build .... I'm oke with making that a Stun, which builds resolve .... but all range dps classes will not like that :p

  16. I don't think Sorcs will be nerfed (yes I play a sorc). And i'll give you a few reasons:

    There is not one ability that makes sorcs overpowered. The reasons there are so many whines about sorcs is because there are a LOT of sorcs out there (increasing the chances a random whine is about them)

    And because sorcs have to many tools, making them seem overpowered in the hands of a good player. Everytimes a game makes a dps/healer hybrid you run into this .... they want to make the hybrid playable for the average gamer, which means a really good player can push it beyond what you think is balanced. I actually think the powertech/vanguards are even a little bit worse then sorcs in this aspect, but it might just be that the 3-4 guys I run into on my server are just insanly good..


    That being said the 5 sec CC on overload talent is overpowered in PvP and I wouldn't mind it being remodelled or moved up in the tree, but I don't expect them to start tweaking tree's this soon after launch.


    So please explain to me, with reasons why you would want/expect sorcs to be nerfed. Other then "they beat me all the time"......

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