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Posts posted by Whetstone

  1. wat

    Server transfers is just copying data, that is easy. Cross server is well two things from different servers interacting, which is a nightmare. Doable? totally, but its not easy, particularly depending on how the server infrastructure is set up.


    It's not so different. There is no reason server A would need to interact with server B in any way. Every server would register its queue data with a third party control server. It would create the match and pseudo transfer the participants to itself, start the instance and then pseudo transfer them back to their original servers when the instance ends. The original servers would never even need to know each other exist.


    Not the most elegant method but it would work and a lot of the functionality is already developed.

  2. That being said, lets get technical:


    Can BioWare/EA do what Blizzard did and do a Battlegroup with PvP across all servers? I have no clue to what it would take to make this happen.


    It seems like most of the tech needed to do it already exists (server transfers). They would just need to create an intermediary server for PVP instances and design a method to do a quick server transfer (stats and inventory only) before and after each warzone. It would be a major project but nothing on the scale of something like GSF. <shrug>

  3. The War Hero gear is fine to use until you can buy Conqueror. Just replace your expertise crystals with power until you can get the Conqueror weapons. Just trash the Battlemaster gear or put it on a companion and use junk PVE gear until you can upgrade.


    -Leaving a single, non-stealth to guard a pylon


    One non-stealth will NEVER be able to stop two enemy stealth from capturing the pylon. I know this from experience. My sister and I used to play together as an assassin and operative. She whirlwinds you and then starts capturing it. If you don't break WW, she captures the pylon. If you do break out of WW, I immediately throw down flashbang and we capture it anyway. It's the responsibility of the entire team to ensure that a PROPER guard is watching the pylon. One stealth user or TWO non-stealth users. Don't complain when the enemy double caps in the last 10 seconds when you left that oblivious Sentinel to guard the pylon all by himself. Don't assume you're being clever because you left a single gunslinger at the pylon and cover lets them see through stealth! What a joke. Whirlwind has a very long reach and assassins while come up behind you or on your flank. You won't know they are there until you're already spinning.



    That statement is completely false a PT or VG can defend easily using their rockets to intrupt while cced



    Agreed. Other non stealth classes that can solo guard hypergates are any spec sage/sorc or sab gunslinger/engineering sniper.

  5. You need to make more of an effort to equip him. Bowdar draws a lot of agro. You will need to spend some comms and credits to get him into level appropriate gear. Also consider toggling off some of his AOE attacks if he is drawing too much agro.
  6. Under 40 buy PVP medpacks and adrenals. You will need these through your PVP career so you really cannot have too many saved up. From 40-50 convert normal comms into ranked comms.
  7. Cover-Gives 20% ranged defense boost,immune to leaps/pulls and interrupts

    Knockbacks-Ambush,knocks target back a small distance,cover pulse-AOE knockback 10 meters and roots targets for a few seconds

    Roots-Leg shot,immobilizes target for 4 second(Not sure on that,could be less),Aoe KB root

    High damaging AOE abilities with no minimum distance required

    20 second cc immunity.

    AOE shield that reduces damage taken by your team.

    AOE CC


    Compare this to other caster classes like the Sage telekinetics and Mercenary Arsenal trees.

    The sage and Merc can get interrupted,they can get leapt to,their AoEs aren't as strong as sniper,they have no roots((I may be wrong)) and they dont hit near as hard as sniper.They have no immunity to cc,the sage has no defensive cooldowns and mercs have no escapes.Both Merc and Sage have single target CCs that require a 2 second cast time.Just seems to me if you compare the casters,sniper is by far the best wiith its uninterruptability and being unleapable..


    I am a Gunslinger, and sure I admit we have some nice toys. However, those toys are the only thing that allows us to last long enough to be useful. Take away leap or interrupt immunity and we would be a completely broken class.


    To offset our toys, we have some major issues that can be easily exploited. We have no ability to heal, cleanse or escape and we are probably the class most affected by LoS.

  8. Any tactics on how to counter the endless super heals Agents are using in PvP? The cooldown does not seem long at all and they are almost constantly popping heals. I have flash grenade or Dirty Kicked them to prevent them from healing but even in DoT attacks combined with Aimed Shot etc etc, they seem to be able to heal to 75%-90% in no time at all.




    Find two more friends and focus him down. Nothing else really works. You don't really have to kill him though. If you make him concentrate on keeping himself alive instead of his teammates, you win.

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