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Posts posted by Superstaroo

  1. Thanks for replying. I'm struggling to find a simplified version of why and how bolster works (probably been asked hundreds of times)
  2. Hey I have started playing again yesterday, hadn't played since cartel was introduced. Previously i was pretty strong in PVP. However things seemed to have changed gear wise. I've read the sticky at the top, which concentrates on bolster.


    My PVP gear consists of old war hero mods, mixed with pve power mods which I found to benefit my shadow most. The impression I am getting is that it is wise to scrap all of this gear, start fresh by getting strictly PVP gear with maximum expertise? I'm 55 now, 60 is where I should be getting the gear at correct?


    Sorry for such a noobish question, it all seems different being out of the loop.

  3. Stopped playing somewhere around HK47 was introduced, what's that 2 years? At the time I was pretty handy in PVP, full war hero on my sage and shadow. Power stacked, even sacrificing some expertise to find the sweet spot.


    My shadow was on main, kinetic/balance hybrid. Was some force in ranked, however I now am trying to return. Despite knowing, none of the buttons I've been trying to get to grips with it again.


    How am I supposed to get back to some level to where I was before? What is the minimal PvP gear now? I can't find the vendor for under level 60. How do I continue my story? I've respec to kinetic. Can Some one lead me to a rotation? Before it was double double, project, double double project telekinesis? I think


    Sorry for such a vague OP I am completely lost

  4. Im in a bit of dilemma, for a long time i have been running my PVP gear with the tionese set bonus'. I feel the +50 force really helps with the bursting capability of shadow and soon to get better in 1.4.

    The problem with this, im missing out of vital willpower + endurance from the difference between bm and wh armoring. Other than the armoring, i run with full WH modifications and enhancements.


    I have started grinding for offspec (survivor) gear, and am tempted to use the armoring from them in my dps gear. What do you think ? a reduced cooldown on spin kick and bonus damage for guarding (im always guarding) could really be useful for dps. Or should i just run in full tank gear, and be a tank ?

  5. I have a guardian, sage and shadow. Both my shadow and guardian play tank roles but in dps gear. My guardian is vigi and i thought i was doing well. Today on my sage i was work a guardian who had full defence gear (quite rare) Blimey jack was he unkillable. I suggest get tank gear for proper tanking.
  6. I have been playing a heal/dps hybrid sorc since 1.2. The sorc version of the build is in my sig.



    Yeh thats pretty similar to the build i specced to before reading this thread again!

    Now i have reached 50, how are you gearing for pvp?? Master or mystic?

    Is power somthing i should be stacking? (like on my shadow )

  7. Thanks for the input! In regards to TTK over Force lift, here's my thinking: Since my focus is on survivability (why I grab kinetic ward and a few other defense talents) I figure the self-heal is more crucial to me then the stun at the moment. I'll have to test more and define my own beliefs during this process.


    I also wanted to add for any fellow readers in regards to the differences between the specs. (This is just my opinion, and please discuss with me) I don't believe that 23-1-17 is more mobile of a spec. 27-1-13 can do everything (minus the instant force lift) 23-1-17 can do, except with less DS damage. In addition however, it can also provide a healing boost of 8% approximately every 20-25 seconds where you do plant for an 8% heal. If the situation calls for it though, you don't have to stand and take that damage, or even cast it at all. You still have the same mobility and skills, just minus DS damage and the instant force lift.


    So really, the issue is one of personal choice. Do you prefer the 8% self heal (post nerf) or the added stun? Even post nerf I think I will stick with TTK for the moment because I want the survivability. And because force lift is on a 1 minute CD


    And in regards to dropping Force pull and a point in the force lift talent: The added force regen is nice, but that is only out of stealth. Considering you are running a defensive build designed to live longer, say in a voidstar how practical do you think the stealth/unstealth 6 sec bonus is when you are being a tanky dps designed to stay alive and fight? The fights in voidstar can go on for quite awhile, even with force cloak.


    Not to mention: Having a 1 second cast time for force lift reduces the main advantage of the class by a degre. e - which is mobilit,restore force. This is jus


    And as my personal preference, considering a warzone isn't just about how much damage you can put out, I prefer the added utility of force pull. A good distance skill to pull that annoying sorc right back makes me smile every time. "Get back here, b****!" And utility certainly helps on any PvP map, moreso in my opinion then straight up dps ability


    Well that's the beauty of this build it has defensive traits but I hit harder than anyone I have pvpd with. The extra force Gen enables much more burst. I can now get 2 shadow strikes or two projects from my initial burst. Which usually sees my force bar empty with then below 30%. Simply cloak and strike has proved a winner for me. This is just an added bonus to your dps. In does nor effect you staying alive in void star. The force lift at 4 seconds is noticeable, trust me

  8. Day 1 kauri veteran here, cant remember all the guilds i was in (there was hundreds) but KoK was my final. Was good friends with the town master of anarchy on naboo and eventually set up my own guild there, but this was not longer before i left.. Nice to see you all again, players im looking for...


    Gengis (or his brother), mok, Jos'eph, XTEN

  9. Im going to throw somthing out there, but not many agree.


    I have been hybrid for a very very long time, i have always found difficulty in force regen. I highly suggest from the 23/1/17 on Xinika thread......


    ....Drop force pull and 1 point in instant force lift. Put 2 points in shadow respite for bettter force regen during and following stealth.


    I have found that not only has this sorted the issue, but in fact enhanced my bursting ability.

  10. Yeah, no hard cap... It's just that some people reach a point where they sacrifice other stats so much that Power ends up being less valuable than their other deficient stats.


    Drinking water is almost universally good, but if you drink too much it can actually kill you.



    Yeh sorry. Should have made it more clear. Basically what my quote said.

  11. Not sure if it is any good, my main is a shadow, and im honest enough to say im not a very good guardian. But im trying. Or perhaps i have just been spoilt with my shadow, able to be top protection, top dps and generally top of the leaderboards everytime.





    Mainly run in tank stance, guard, taunt and anything else i can do.


    But i also attempted to get as much dps in as possible, especially with overhead, bladestorm, and sweep.


    Have slightly messed up my bm gear atm, have 4 peices war leader (the rest is vindicator) mainly for the 4 set bonus. But working towards full vindicator and swapping the mods into the tank gear.


    What do you guys think could i improve on ?

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