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Posts posted by sjwho

  1. Wasted keystrokes here. Look and see how many WoW came out with.. How about EQ? It takes time to get these things right. People have been spoiled on an MMO that had years to perfect and still has huge issues. Not everyone will always be happy, but if you want to complain play something else. We wont miss you.




    Really? you are going to pull the "back in my day" when we all know that its been in developement for 5 years.



    You think 5 years should equal 3 maps? You..........need help.

  2. What this game has actual PVE?


    *checks bosses* two animations, glichy glich glich.



    *checks leveling* single player focused? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH


    *checks endgame content* Is this focused for people who have never played an mmo? Because its boring as hell with HEAVY grinding for minimal rewards.

  3. You had 5 years bioware. And you came up with 3 maps for warzones?????



    How. How did you think anyone would fall for that? Yeah we'll "put pvp content later"


    LOL yeah sure, after a few more months of subs?





    Must be hard working at bioware. Make 3 maps with no original game modes and pay no attention to it until half your subs drop.





  4. I assume some of the massive damage abilities you are talking about just aren't balanced for PVP play, just a sort of gift to help higher level characters clear out trash since they have already done so much of it.


    So let me get this straight, you think the high damage skills ARE NOT balanced.



    But the cc/stuns made to do pve group fights one after the other. ARE?

  5. From the top of my head:


    - Ignoring the established canon (lightning magic is BAD/Everyone and their mother is a sorc)


    - Irrelevant choices


    - No real ending ("And then we never saw him again")


    - No story-based motivation for Hawke to fix the cities problems


    - Terrible companions


    - Heavy railroading


    Wait. we are talking about SWTOR right?

  6. Wide open spaces with nothing in them feel like lack of dev creativity to me. I have no desire to roam around a place that is not going to provide ANY benefits. Of course I never played any of those other MMORPGs because I just wasn't interested in the slightest. This is my one and only foray into the MMORPG realm as none of the titles on the horizon look interesting to me. I can agree to disagree.


    Yeah thats the main problem with TOR playerbase. A lot of them have not played other mmo's and just saw this as a SW mmo.


    Then there is the problem this game really is meant for single player experience, combined with huge amounts of bugs, bad csr's, and horrible design on a basic level.



    Meh, i give it 6 months. Doubt the subs will last that long with the total lack of endgame content and the amount EA/bioware are gonna care about swotr after ME3 comes out lol.

  7. Uh... That would be the question indeed, are we really playing the same game? I've gotten plenty of "go kill stuff" missions. Just yesterday my Bounty Hunter went to kill 15 "elite republic guys" in the Taris Bonus series, right after "kill the snipers" in the same area.




    There's quite a few of them, take a look.


    Well done good sir, you have defeated the troll!


    But your princess is in another castle.:eek:

  8. Well, I don't know if that game qualifies as massive, but I doubt it. I've never played it so you tell me...


    How many different servers do they have to support the playerbase?


    So MMO is server based. Really?


    I know quite a few mmorpg's that only have the NA/EU option for servers, including re5.


    But point is, this game is single player. You play the most with yourself. And instance with friends.


    Definition of single player with co-op right there lol.

  9. I never got a quest that said kill 10 XXX. Usually that is the bonus missions which occur along with your actual mission. I have gotten mission which asked me to blow up 3 gun emplacements, but to kill the gun emplacements, you need to kill the guys around the guns, which is where the bonus missions pop up (and you do not get a cut scene with the bonus missions). Are we playing the same game here?


    ^this guy is obviously trolling^

  10. It's massive...

    It's multiplayer...

    It's online...


    It's certainly fits the English language's definition of an MMO.


    Is it what you wanted or expected? Maybe not. Maybe it's changing the genre.




    So by that definition. Resident Evil 5 is an mmorpg.



  11. Let me predict the future by release dates. Sounds odd doesn't it?



    3/6/2012. Mass Effect 3.

    -You will lose half your pve fanbase if not more. ANY pve goodies in this game are already dwarfed by ME 1 and 2. 3 now has co-op. GOODBYE PVE.



    Summer/Fall 2012.

    -You will lose all your PVP. That is, if people don't get fed up with the horrible statis of it as is. Guild Wars 2 will, of course, destroy this game's pvp in every way from graphics to gameplay to sound. Though i doubt many people will stick to this game's pvp when its pretty bad as is.




    That is, if its not F2P in the next 6 months.

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