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Posts posted by Vincethejedi

  1. It's really a quite simple situation. Bioware can do one of the following:


    1) Introduce addons/macros and lose *SOME* of their casual player base.


    2) Never allow addons/macros and lose *ALL* of their serious player base.



    If they continue to set the bar so low at end-game, by "Not needing meters" or single-click healing, then serious players will bail.


    That is the bottom line.

  2. The other problem with low healer pop is the fact that there is NO single click healing, through add-ons or otherwise.


    This makes healing very clunky, inefficient, and not fun.


    This is unequivocally true, please do not quote-reply me with your anti-addon/macro ridiculousness.


    Dual spec would be a great feature later down the road, it's not something they can just slap together overnight. It's ridiculous to suggest that Dual Spec would hurt the game or the "Community", it's simply non-sense.

  3. Gotta love these posts. Buncha 'conservatives' crying about damage meters being in a game. Sorry that some of us enjoy getting the most out of a character that we can.


    Why oh why should we need combat meters?!?! We can just watch our raid members and see that they are casting consistently and know that they are doing well!! I mean... why even have health bars in a game anymore? We should only be able to see the amount of health we have in our character screen. We can just (in our heads) add / subtract the numbers we see flying to know how much health we have consistently!





    Oh no, wait. It ruins the game for the community because everyones going to start saying "Merc DPS LFG, 3k dps". I guess it's a bad thing to know how much damage someone does before inviting them to your group when the so called "hard mode and nightmare" operations only hard feature to do is beating the enrage timer. (isn't really hard, but on a scale of difficulty the enrage is harder than mechanics)



    Put the feature in the game for who want it, the rest of you that don't want the feature can just not use it. You say that 'good' guilds will accept you for who you are without a damage meter. Ok? Then go to those guilds, while the min/max players do their own?


    ^this. Damage meters are on the way, so everyone please get ready for them. SWToR would never nerf itself by removing components from the game that their competitors have. It makes no business sense. From what I understand, the only reason combat logs are not in game yet is due to beta bugs which they are currently working on.


    In a hypothetical situation where they DID NOT allow dmg. meters, it would close the door to an enormous chunk of their customer base. Not smart under any circumstance.


    Most players will demand DMG Meters as time goes on, no way to avoid it. I still cannot get my head around people against dmg meters, but w/e, you'll have to learn to live with it.

  4. Right so it is a bug? So they removed hoods for now?


    From what I've heard, they had it in Beta, but don't in the final release because it was bugging out. I have nothing to substantiate it, but yeah, it's going to be in the game eventually I bet.

  5. Can I put 4GB ram on a 32 bit OS?


    Ya, 32 bit will utilize around 3.5 GB if I remember correctly. Nothing wrong with having .5 GB extra, it's not like you're going to be able to get 3.5 GB worth of ram exactly anyways.

  6. So graphics card and RAM is what youre saying right haha. Im no good with computers. I just need to know what to buy and I can pop it in.


    Ya, even if you got something as old as gts 250, it would be a substantial upgrade over an 8800. You'd still have cash left over for 2gb of more ram. But a newer card would be even better, If you drop around $150 you can pick up a real nice one.

  7. Your GPU is going to give you the best bang for your buck as an upgrade. Followed by memory. Nothing wrong with your CPU unless you plan on scrapping your whole rig (Upgrade CPU, you'll need all new memory, and new mobo)
  8. MK, so do we not understand the difference between Peak and Average?


    I don't understand what the debate is about, it's comparing apples and oranges, no definitive data comparing the two games at all...


    When I was a young man, I sold cars. One day I sold 2 cars, which was very unusual, and made over $1,000 in a day. Using OP logic, today, I can safely tell people that I make $1,000 a day.

  9. LOL


    Are you asking what I think about Blizzard saying a feature in the their own game is awesome? What did you expect them to say. That this is awful?


    But if you want the truth go to the WoW forums and see all the complaints and people who hate the raid feature.


    I bet you the people that "Hate" the new LFR feature still use it on a weekly basis. Sure it's totally :rolleyes:, but it's fun.


    Also, for super-nerds like me with 8 alts, it gives me a chance to get some decent gear for toons who would otherwise be benched whilst I raid on my main.


    Even though LFR is mostly baddies and /r chat trolls, it's still cool that I can go on anytime of day and get into a group of 25 people within a few seconds (As a healer or tank).

  10. Time to upgrade then.


    I have never gone below 60 fps anywhere in this game. But my PC was just built a few months ago.


    It's clear that FPS complaints are a result of hardware compatibility issues with the game, and have nothing to do with quality or age of components. Thought the thousands of FPS problem posts from people with high end rigs cleared that up pretty well :rolleyes:


    It's great that you're not having issues, but you likely just happen to have a similar rig to one of many that they debugged game on...

  11. Name 3 mmos besides WoW that allow third party add ons.


    Name 2.


    Instead of copy/paste the list of popular MMOs that use add-ons from curse.com (Which I don't play), I'd rather turn the trivia to you:


    What percentage of the MMO market do these games that allow add-ons hold?


    (Hint: WoW = 62% alone)


    You cannot build an argument using obscure MMOs that no one plays.

  12. 1) If you think add-ons and macros won't be implemented at some point, you're nuts. They're coming, whether you like it or not.


    2) Do not underestimate the brand power of "Star Wars". You cannot compare it to any other MMO for this fact alone. It's like if you opened a donut shop and had LeBron James and Paul McCartney there every day signing autographs for free. Obvious and enormous advantage over your competition.


    3) It is likely that EA is waiting until server pops and general game bugs level out before they unroll their main advertising campaign. There have been almost no TV ads since launch, and I bet their budget for advertising is virtually endless.


    4) The game was released at the most profitable time of year for retailers, close to the most profitable day. It's natural for the month of January to have much lower activity than the month of December, for any business.


    Majority Rules


    The needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few. This is more so in an MMO which relies on large numbers of subscribers to maintain profitability. The people happy with no LFG are those who are thriving in this current system. Bioware has the data to tell what percentaile of the player population they are. They also have the data to see what proportion of the player population are having a lot of trouble getting flashpoints/operations going.


    Complains of ninjas and unfriendly people are small consolation to players who cannot even enter a flashpoint reliably if it all. These are the players who could well decide that they would rather find another MMO that values their monthly subcription more. Telling these players to get lost will not be an option if they form a large proportion of the player base.


    ^this. It's really easy, if you don't want or like an LFG, then don't use it...


    Personally, I think it's on the way. Most people want it, and the anti-LFG crowd are the loud minority IMO, not the other way around.

  14. This thread must be wonderful comic relief for Bioware Engineers.




    BTW, I would guess that in a typical game with proprietary physics engine, about 99.9% of resources must go to engine development. I find it hilarious when people say things like "Oh, just make your own engine" like it's buying milk at the grocery store.

    I don't claim to be a computer scientist, but I can promise that most people could not even comprehend what goes into a physics engine, let alone make opinions on BWs business decisions to use Hero.

  15. It seems everyone that is complaining against mods/ addons / macros, are the people that have:

    a) never used them


    b) downloaded them, but could never figure out how to get them running, so they gave up


    c) downloaded them, used them, but still stood in the fire/took aggro/sucked really bad, so were kicked from a raiding guild (boohoo, your own fault you still sucked)


    d) claimed to have used them, but in there explanations of said addons, clearly prove that they don't know w.t.h they're talking about, and have in fact, never used them


    e)used a specific macro, or addon, and therefore think its the only type of macro or addon that is available, and all other addons or macros are just a different version of the same.


    f) sucked really really bad at PVP, and therefore had to blame their fail on something, so they blame it on the fact that the other player is CLEARLY using addons, giving him an unfair advantage, when really, you just suck at PVP.


    g) got sick of people spamming ROFLcopters in trade chat.


    h) have never used them


    did I miss any?


    Agree 1000%

  16. Agreed, say 'NO' to noob tools.


    I suppose it depends on your definition of "Noob". To many, a noob would be someone who accepts whatever UI is plopped in their lap and makes no effort to stream-line it to best suit the raid group they are a part of.


    If the game was not intended to have a /target x /cast y in one stroke, then there would be a GCD on targeting. There is not, therefore every argument against this is totally wrong. It's unfortunate that there are those who think that targeting should be such a large part of a boss encounter. Personally, I would rather it be about CD management and knowledge of your class.


    But let's face it, 99% of those against macros have most likely never done any serious end-game healing in any MMO, even if they claim they have.


    The argument against macros is 100% misguided in my opinion. Macros are on the way, and most people will welcome them.

  17. Yeah, the problem I've been having is that the loading screen will hang at about 20-30% on every screen, adding up to 2 minutes to loading times. Besides that, the loading is "Acceptable", but slow compared to any other game I've played on my rig.


    The argument to just stop QQing and upgrade your hardware doesn't hold water. My computer is not brand new, but does far exceed the min-requirements. If ANY game's design makes it only accessible to the highest end and/or SSD systems, that is potentially an enormous problem.


    Again, if SWTOR is the only program out of 2, 5, 10, whatever that have long loading screens on a given computer rig, it's time to acknowledge that it may be an issue with SWTOR.


    Personally, I have no problem with it so long as they are working to fix it. I'm patient, but I just hope it's at least on their radar.


    EDIT: Also, just because someone isn't having a problem doesn't mean that others aren't. These loading problems could be caused by anything from GPU, CPU, to memory brands and/or architectures. If you're not having any issues, it's very possible that your computer just happens to have a similar configuration to one of the computers they've debugged the game on , and has zero to do with component quality.

  18. Am I the only one who has no trouble finding groups? I'm not in a guild, but whenever i need to do a heroic or flashpoint, i just open general chat and toggle LFG and keep questing. When i see a message LFG and the quest i need i whisper that person. Bam and there's a group :D It's easy really


    It will depend on what server you're on. You're comments do little to help the rest of us on servers where your experiences are not common at all. So, unless you'd like us all to jump on your server and overload it, I think other solutions should be considered.


    Personally, I've only seen 10-15 level 50s on the fleet at any one time (far less at night), and I'd guess about half of those players are AFK at any given time (I've never seen anyone with LFG flagged, not once). So, yeah, I think LFG would be a good thing to consider for future patches.


    The arguments about "Server community" or "Ninja Looting" holds no water IMO, the alternative for many is to just AFK after becoming tired of spamming, or just logging off completely.

  19. It is unfortunate that the small but numerous bugs are starting to really freakng annoy me, too. To be honest, is to admit that there are more tiny bugs than the "current fanbois" are willing to admit. I love Star Wars, but this game hasn't improved much since launch.


    I agree that the game has more bugs than a certain "Group" is willing to admit. However, I disagree that the game hasn't improved since launch. Another few months I bet it will be just fine, be patient.


    OP: As far as all the bugs being fixed by next week...yea g/l with that.

  20. Nope, something to do with it bugging out because of brain tails. I'm sure they'll fix it eventually, but my 50 twi'lek sage is on the shelf until they do. Having fun with 50 sorc. atm
  21. "Family ties" with other players is called a Guild IMO.


    I disagree, I like that it tracks all EXP between alts. After running 7 level 85s on another MMO (Two being top-ten geared on the server), it's good to finally get some credit for being an Ultra-Nerd..albeit intangible, and pointless atm.

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