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Posts posted by FluorineSpark

  1. I recently got a new PC, What's the best way to move SWTOR without re-downloading EVERYTHING?


    I got the digital version, so don't have disks... I figure the original game + all the patches, I'm looking at probably 12 hours of download time. (the original took me about 8 or 9 hours...)


    Any suggestion is appreciated! Thanks!

  2. Nice work!


    Do you take requests/commissions?


    I'd like to say "I take requests/commission", but the truth is, I'm horrible at commission. I never seem to finish those requests... I never take any money but still, it's bad on my part. Anyway~ Thank you for asking :) I'm very grateful.

  3. I haven't post for a long time~~~ LOL here's something new. My Sith Mararuder.


    She used to be evil, but now more on the lighter side.



  4. I knew he would betray me at some point for some reason or backstab me otherwise the moment I've met him... same goes for Baras. What upset me more was the incredible amount of stupidity Quinn has. He is not a genius in any way and he is certainly not an expert @ combat. He is just an asskissing guy who follows orders and can't think for himself, he is everything that's bad about the empire. I would trade him in an instant for Dr. Lokin or Talos and even Mako or just a second shipdroid so I get twice as much annoyed by the constant "hail to you master" crap. This guy literally has no personality at all and he surely has absolutely no balls. So far he is the worst and most boring companion ever I've encountered personally having played a IA and SI to 50 besides my SW.


    I would love to be able to execute him or at least put him in the cargobay in a cage with a shock collar on so the crew has some sort of amusement during travels. I just hate him, everyone of my crew hates him (ok, Broonmark hates everyone but wth)... I just don't get why I have to be stuck with Cpt. Kss-up. :mad:


    The way I see it, Quinn does have personality. Just because you don't like his military way doesn't mean he doesn't have a personality. He's ambitious and goal orientated. He's loyal to the empire, and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. The game doesn't give him much opportunity to speak up, but I feel that he could really raise high in military if Baras let him.


    As for the punishment... would be nice if Bioware let my Marauder torture him, but I'm not going to kill him even if there is an option. I need a healer. Hell, I didn't even Kill Anders in Dragon Age 2 because he's the only healer! (I did kill him in my second run, but really regret it in DLC).


    On the contrary, I don't like Dr. Lokin at all...LOL. So I guess it all boils down to personal taste here. I'd rather have Quinn instead of Lokin during my IA run.

  5. It will help you in the future to remember Quinn is not good. He may be light side (I'd say he's just not Dark enough to be physically corrupt yet), but he is not good. He is entirely pro-Empire. This is pro-Empire-that-enslaves-commits-genocide-is-ruled-by-a-sociopathic-meritocracy-yadda-yadda-yadda. He's a military man. He likes things done quickly, done well, and done with finality. He follows protocol, obey your superiors. Accept what they do and help it out. He'd support assassinating a child if it kept the military out of a nasty scandal.


    Indeed.... that's why I like Quinn. :D He's very strictly lawful evil. You don't get many of those anymore in RPGs.


    Question: Can you romance Quinn if you're darkside? I get to flirt with him on Balmorra a couple of times and didn't get any flirt yet since I got him on ship, Maybe I should raise his affection more and see? He's about 1.4K now.

  6. OK, I understand people are upset that they can't punish Quinn appropriately for his betrayal. I don't want to kill him, oh no... that'd be too easy. Torture, shock collar, all good options.


    But, if you actually read those posts, you'd know, a good portion of people are genuinely pissed that Quinn actually betrayed them, and add to that they can't vent their anger by killing the dude... thus the endless "why can't I kill quinn" rant.


    Like I said before in those posts (and often get ignored), You're a freaking Sith, betraying people and being schemed by people is an occupational hazard. That's what you sign up on when you first becoming a sith. I never for one second believe Baras will keep me around unless I'm useful to him. When I saw Baras is a level 50 boss when I first met him on Koroban, I thought "So I get to fight him at the end of the game".


    And if you actually pay attention to Quinn's conversation and what he likes, you'd know his loyalty lies with the Empire, never to you personally. If I have to put him into AD&D alignment, he's strictly Lawful Evil.


    But I am a bit disappointed that the game won't allow me to scheme against Baras... That'd be fun, and more inclined with the Sith tradition.

  7. Com'on people, this is like the third post I saw about killing Quinn. you're a freaking Sith, being betrayed is an occupational hazard. Besides, if you really take the time to know Quinn and his personality, you should know his loyalty lies with the Empire, don't be fooled by his "yes m'lord, I'm yours to command m'lord". He's like that with all the high ranking Sith, not just you.


    Although, I was expecting a some elaborated torture scene. choking him half to death is not nearly satisfying enough.

  8. I understand there're equipment that restricted to lightside/darkside alignments. How important is it to get these equipment? Are they significantly more powerful than normal equipment? is there other game story or feature related restrictions?


    I'm playing a Female Sith Warrior. Since I did light side with my Imperial Agent main, I want to play darkside this time. But I can't get myself to make some of the dark side choices (I know... I'm a wuss) ...So I kind of just followed my heart, end up with nearly 1K light side points. I'm now around level 20, and still dark I... So I was wondering if I keep on going like this, will there be some heavy penalty for staying relatively neutral?

  9. 5/10 - Well suited for Marauder, but not much else. Like the originality of the name though.


    Darth Angelus Comitatus is mine.


    7/10 Too long, too complicated, should be a 5, but I really like Roman/Latin names, so +2 on there.




    Most of my character names are short and boring, but this one time I decided to try something new, as a Chinese American, I pick a name has Meaning in Chinese and still sounds good in English, I come up with


    Feisha for Darkside Annihilation Marauder.


    In Chinese Pinyin, Fei Sha/绯刹, means Red Horror, pretty cool, right...


    But later I realize it pronounce same as 飞傻, which means flying moron.


    So..... If I was not already 7 lvl into the game, I'd re-roll another one.

  10. Is there more about Revan in KOTOR? I'm interested in his history and person, and the few quests about joining the Revanites didn't satisfy.


    Also, I picked Marauder because I like multiple lightsabers, I like Sith, and I like speed/agility/strength.


    The original Kotor is about Revan. It's a great game, one of my favorite! I played it 7 times doing every possible scenario. It has one of those star wars plot twist that will get you say "OMG", and I think it's as good as "Luke I'm your father" moment!


    I strongly suggest you play it! the graphic and play style is probably dated, but story is definitely worth playing.

  11. My main is an Imperial Agent Sniper, because I heard so many good reviews about its story arc, and so far (lvl 36), the story didn't disappoint! I love every minute of it. There're some plot twists I saw a mile away, but the actual confrontation is still fun (even the ridiculous bug makes the fight ridiculously hard). In both previous Kotor games, I get to do Jedi or Jedi turn darkside, I'm glad to have a change of pace and look at the Star Wars universe from a none-force perspective. And you get to be Star Wars' James Bond, and doing all the covert mission stuff. Really fun. Although, Sniper is probably not the best class to go with because of its low survivability (no healing companion until late 30s).


    My Alt is Sith Marauder, about late 20s. IA story got a bit slow on Taris and I got sick and tired of all the ratghules... So I start roll out a new character. It's a star war game, so I got to have a force user. And I heard SW has the best story among force users, and I'd say I really enjoy the quests and NPCs I met. Everyone hates Baras and Quinn, but I actually really like these 2. Especially Baras, LOL, he's every bit of evil scheming manipulative sith lord I imagine one should be. And the conversation is very well written for class quests. You really do feel like a powerful sith lord (like Darth Maul) doing your master's bidding. And the combat is so much easier than sniper, especially after you get your healer companion in early 20. Survivability is so much higher than IA.


    But yeah, overall, my pick my class mostly because storyline and quests.

  12. I agree with above, Quinn is a great healer, as long as you stay close and in his LOS. I often walk out of a fight with full health after I got him. He makes single boss fight a lot easier (compare to my IA sniper),and he can take on some minor enemies on his own.
  13. for all my RPGs, I play female character the way I want myself to be, which is mostly Chaotic Good, a bit playful and sarcastic if the dialog allows it. If I roll out a male PC, I'll play him as someone I want to date, which somehow end up between lawful evil and right out sociopath (I admit, secretly I never quite got over the teenage bad boy fantasy).


    Either way, it's not really playing who I am, but rather role playing who I would like to be, strong enough to do the right thing, but not too righteous and up tight, always cracking jokes and making fun of the situation. I'm somewhat like that in real life, but not nearly as I'd hope to be.


    oh, and... thank you for ruining my light saber fantasy for me.

  14. I actually find the game is well designed so that most major roads are empty, you actually have to go out of your way to kill monsters. There're rare incidence that monsters are on or close to the road, you end up fighting them again and again, but those incidence are rare and in between, and I personally don't find them annoying at all.


    And yes, you can loose enemies pretty easily if you don't want to fight them, especially after you get your speeder.

  15. I have played 3 classes so far, Imperial Agent - Engineering Sniper, Sith Annihilation Marauder (both into early/late 30s), and Sith Inquisitor Sorcerer (Teen)... I feel that there's a lack of good crowd control skill. Sure IA has grenade, SW has smash... but none of them can deal significant damage or stun enemies for more than 2 sec.


    I remember playing mage or ranger classes in Mass Effect or Dragon Age, you eventually have some really powerful AOE spell/skills which can either stun multiple targets (Sending them flying around), or deal massive damage...


    So which class has the best crowd control skills? I've seen SI doing some really cool, but don't know if it's AoE or single target. Or, is SW and AI has crowd control abilities that I didn't know (or use it wrong?)

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